Dr Wolfgang Scheffler (22 July 1929, in Leipzig – 18 November 2008, in Berlin) was a graduate and later, Professor of Political Science and History at the Free University of Berlin.[1] In the 1960s, he was engaged in massive research of the Third Reich National Socialist policy toward the Jews in unpublished archival material, on behalf of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). He was a member of the German delegation at the Eichmann trial.[2] In 1969, at the second Treblinka trial Scheffler submitted his expert opinion based on new evidence, estimating the total number of persons killed at the Treblinka extermination camp to be around 900,000 victims.[3]


Notes and references

  1. ^ Inauthor:"Wolfgang Scheffler" Google Books. Retrieved September 15, 2013.
  2. ^ Norman Cohn (1980), Wolfgang Scheffler Book (3). Columbus Centre, p.4 and 6. Retrieved September 16, 2013.
  3. ^ Henry Friedlander, The Demjanjuk Case. Simon Wiesenthal Center-Museum of Tolerance Library & Archives. Retrieved September 16, 2013.