
This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':


22 Short Films About Springfield

A Fish Called Selma

Bart Sells His Soul

Bart on the Road

Bart the Fink

Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily

Homer the Smithers


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Much Apu About Nothing

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Who Shot Mr. Burns?




This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

The Day the Violence Died

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':


22 Short Films About Springfield

A Fish Called Selma

Bart Sells His Soul

Bart on the Road

Bart the Fink

Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily

Homer the Smithers


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Much Apu About Nothing

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Who Shot Mr. Burns?




This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':


22 Short Films About Springfield

A Fish Called Selma

Bart Sells His Soul

Bart on the Road

Bart the Fink

Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily

Homer the Smithers


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Much Apu About Nothing

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Who Shot Mr. Burns?





This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

22 Short Films About Springfield

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

22 Short Films About Springfield

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsBlackboardS07':

Team Homer

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsBlackboardS07':

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Team Homer

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':


Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

King-Size Homer

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsBlackboardS07':

King-Size Homer

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':


Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':


Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

King-Size Homer

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsBlackboardS07':

King-Size Homer

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':


Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':


King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsBlackboardS07':

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Team Homer

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

King-Size Homer

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsBlackboardS07':

King-Size Homer

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':

King-Size Homer

Lisa the Iconoclast

Lisa the Vegetarian

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsBlackboardS07':

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Team Homer

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Marge Be Not Proud

Mother Simpson

Much Apu About Nothing

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Marge Be Not Proud

Mother Simpson

Much Apu About Nothing

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Marge Be Not Proud

Mother Simpson

Much Apu About Nothing

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Marge Be Not Proud

Mother Simpson

Much Apu About Nothing

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsBlackboardS07':

Marge Be Not Proud

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Team Homer

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Much Apu About Nothing

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Marge Be Not Proud

Mother Simpson

Mother Simpson

Much Apu About Nothing

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Mother Simpson

Much Apu About Nothing

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Two Bad Neighbors

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':

Marge Be Not Proud

Mother Simpson

Much Apu About Nothing

Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Team Homer

The Day the Violence Died

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular

Treehouse of Horror VI

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsRunnersS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':


Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':

Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsQuotesS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':


This is an automated note from ListGenBot. This bot manages the text on a list on this page, the source data for which comes from other pages.

However, it appears that someone's made an edit to the list on this page which has been overwritten by ListGenBot. The lines of overwritten text appear below. This may be misinterpretation by ListGenBot (it's not very clever) so needs evaluating - it can be caused by a line being changed on a source page.

Delete this talk page section when the issue's been addressed.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS07':