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Course name
Science Writing
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Stephanie Turner
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Science Communication
Course dates
2024-01-30 00:00:00 UTC – 2024-05-10 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This Science Writing course emphasizes communicating scientific and technical information to a variety of non-scientist audiences. The goal of all assignments is to create clear, accurate, and useful information about scientific topics.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Nickww6 Mineral water Funga
Turuneam8321 Allergies in dogs Mineral water, Domestication of the cat
Williamspeech11 Mount Simon Sandstone Devil's Lake (Wisconsin)
Alexandra.rylander Metadiscourse Rage room
Alea m12 Fibromyalgia Dietary management of Parkinson's disease
K.1luck Devil's Lake (Wisconsin) Mount Simon Sandstone
Yellowsunshine14 Microdosing Medical cannabis
Ejohnson08 Dementia
Piper5625 Genetic variability Hydrogen breath test
JessicaLiska Rage room Metadiscourse
DerGeister Video game developer Personal computer
Tanessawiki Dentures Scratching post
Ebbenw Fox River (Green Bay tributary) Genetic variability
Smcc24 Dietary management of Parkinson's disease Fibromyalgia
EllaR1989 Scratching post Dentures
Maia.soderlund Congenital Hypertrophy of the Retinal Pigmented Epithelium F* (programming language)
Harrincm9637 Domestication of the cat Allergies in dogs
Skylerkv Personal computer Video game developer
JCLuthier1993 Sulfur assimilation
MagnusY F* (programming language) Congenital Hypertrophy of the Retinal Pigmented Epithelium
GiftOfSpiff Alacepril
Magattab Euphorbia tanaensis Dietary management of Parkinson's disease
Devonwinquist Medical cannabis Microdosing
Whybarsb2333 Funga Mineral water