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Kickoff event


Goals for kickoff event


Our immediate task (mainly at an in-person event Sept. 25 to 27) is to produce about seven screencasts on "how to produce a screencast about Wikipedia." We should also assemble them on a wiki page that ties them all together; ideally, time permitting, we should produce several examples of the sort of screencasts people could produce, as well.

Here's one way we could approach it:

Explain and visualize the different steps required to make a screencast:

Participants physically present for the kickoff



Saturday, September 25

  • 9am–noon: Session I
    • Introductions
    • Discussion of project, goals
    • 10:30am coffee break
    • Timelines
    • Outputs
    • Show sample screencasts, discuss what they do well
  • 1pm–5pm: Session II
    • Work assignments
    • Group assignments
    • Workspaces
    • Review/assess and plan for Sunday

Sunday, September 26

  • 9am–noon: Session I
    • Review of Saturday
    • Work
  • Session II
    • Identification of obstacles, sharing of success stories
    • Work
    • Review/assess and plan for Monday

Monday, September 27

  • 9am–11am: Session I
    • Review of work
    • Determine which screencasts are presentation-ready
    • Quick review of personnel
  • 11am staff social time
  • Session II (ends at 2pm)
    • Feedback from staff
    • Work
    • Announce and recruit, next steps
    • Goodbye

Notes from Kickoff






#wikimedia-outreach (http://webchat.freenode.net)




Screencast project Create a framework of resources for creating public outreach materials on the English language Wikipedia for volunteers and to serve as a model for other language versions. Online tutorial and resources webpages
Step-by-step screencasting “how-to” series Explain and visualize the different steps required to make a screencast. 7 Videos, 2–3 min./each
2-3 example videos Explain some features of Wikipedia: how to create user account, etc. 2-3 videos

Possible topics

Note: These are further developed at Wikipedia:WikiProject Screencast/Scripts
0. Planning - Preproduction - Upload - Extras
  1. Introduction
    Script 1: What is a screencast? What are the ideals of the project?
  2. Planning a screencast
    Script 2: Establishing a purpose / audience, Writing a script
    Script 3: Assembling material
  3. Tools needed (Tied to page about different platforms)
    Script 4: Possible hardware and software
  4. Pre-production
    Script 5: Physical environment, testing equipment, simplifying
  5. Production
    Script 6: Overview
    Script 7: Sort-of-advanced
  6. Post-production
    Script 8: Encoding and testing
    Script 9: Uploading and placement
  7. Advanced
    Script 10: Know-it-all uber expert super fancy fun time has


  1. New users (more likely to be interested in screencasts about using Wikipedia)
  2. Experienced users (more likely to be interested in screencasts about making screencasts)



One basic issue is whether to do different versions for learning styles/audiences or different topics.

A proposed solution create a matrix of the two axes (audiences and topics) and find the points on that matrix we want to hit.

Dimensions of audience matrix


Feedback from Samples


From Yahoo! Pipes tutorial demo'ed:

Video on WP about Sandboxes




Team Breakouts, Day 1


Notes from production


Notes from Viewing


Team Mobile

Why mobile?

mobile screencasts...

Notes on 1st day execution
Team Mobile: Examples

The following are some example videos made by this team on September 25, 2010:

These videos need to be edited to say that they have a creative commons license. They also need to be copied from YouTube to ogg format and uploaded on Commons.

Team Robert


Team 1


Team CamStudio

CamStudio tutorial

Did several videos; one for how to perform a simple task. and one for how to use a screencasting software. and so on

Used CamStudio, FireFogg, and Pixetell

The main issue right now is how to guarantee than .ogv and .ogg file uploaded to commons actually play correctly.

Team Sequencer


Team Aude/Nihiltres/John


Software used:


Learning From Demos


Four subject domains

  1. Technical
    • Presentation tools
    • Video/screencast capturing tools
    • Recording
  2. Subject Matter Expertise for Wiki stuff
  3. Educational/Instructional part of it
  4. polish in terms of film skills (meaning video, voice, etc.)

We need to consider both open source tools and open source content as being preferred.

We need to tell folks that OGG is problematic and how to get the video there.

Infrastructure for the WikiProject


Put ideas in here that aren't necessarily relevant in the short term but that would be helpful for the long-term success of the WikiProject. Yes, dump it here and we can sort it out later after getting the main project out of the way. :)

Brainstorming notes

Following content imported from Wikipedia:WikiProject Screencast/Brainstorming

Target audience


Screencasts, of course, can be oriented at any number of target audiences. For this initial event, we will aim to produce a cohesive series.

The series we're producing in the Kickoff event is targeted at experienced Wikipedians who want to use screencasts to make instructional materials for new content contributors.

Other screencasts will have different audiences, but of particular interest are Wikipedians during their first 100 edits.

Who are we talking to in this screencast?


What assumptions do we have about our audience's:

How can we best reach them?


Establish conventions for this screencast series (to reach this target audience):

Each video should have some common elements. Here's a sample of how we could approach this:



Some useful instructional screencasts -- need not be from the Wikimedia world.

Brainstorming notes


WikiProject Screencast guidelines


General suggestions for how to approach your screencast:


  1. Introduction of speaker
  2. Introduction of core concept and its greater meaning to Wikipedia/editors
  3. What you'll need to/before you get started (if applicable)
  4. Description of core concept
  5. Explanation of common mistakes (and how to correct them)
  6. Display of completed task
  7. Sign off and link to next task or URL



These are important for ease of later translation, ease of video annotating, ease of initial proofreading, and provide the option of closed-captioning or giving the transcript beside the video (e.g. See this Howcast video).

Agree on the template or model


Discuss Script + Film vs. Shoot + Edit

Thinking about to make videos that have the ability to be edited (in keeping with the Wikipedia concept), it might make sense to have the steps elucidated as First, Next, Next, Then and Last, rather than the use of primary, secondary, or some counting mechanism that could look awkward should a step be edited out.

Another thing the template should include are (very) brief moments of black or space. This will be helpful if the video needs to have a step added in or edited out in the future.

Get into groups and start working


Reviewing each other's work, publishing


If we are in separate groups, each group upon finishing a rough cut should show it to the other team for feedback.


We will encounter several areas relating to intellectual property law (copyright, trademark). I (Pete) will try to get some guidance on this before the event, and maybe write up some guidelines. Here are some questions:

Technical wish list
