1. Abbotsford Period
  2. Nikolai Abraham Abildgaard
  3. Abtsbessingen pottery
  4. Acajou moucheté
  5. Michel-Victor Acier
  6. Acorn cup
  7. Adams & Company
  8. Adlerhumpen / Reichsadlerhumpen Adlerglas
  9. Admiral carpets
  10. Aegricanes
  11. Aemilia Ars
  12. Affenkappelle / Monkey orchestra
  13. Agate glass
  14. Airtwist decoration
  15. Albany slip
  16. Alcarez carpets
  17. Alchimia
  18. Alcora pottery
  19. Aldine bindings
  20. Ale glass
  21. Alentours
  22. Alicatados
  23. Alkaline glaze
  24. Lawrence Allwine
  25. Valentim de Almeida
  26. Almorrata / Almorratxa
  27. Altare glass
  28. Altenburg potteries
  29. Alzata
  30. Amastini
  31. Amberg pottery
  32. Adolf Amberg
  33. Johann Friedrich Amelung
  34. Amen glass
  35. American Pottery Manufacturing Co.
  36. Amol ware
  37. Amstel porcelain factory
  38. An Hua decorations
  39. Guido Andries
  40. Angarano potteries
  41. Joseph III Angell
  42. Christoph Angermair
  43. Apocalypse tapestries
  44. Angoulême pottery
  45. Angster
  46. Animal carpet
  47. Annaberg potteries
  48. Anton Anreiter von Zirnfeld
  49. Ansbach pottery and porcelain factory
  50. Anse de panier
  51. Antefixes
  52. Bartolomeu Antunes
  53. Antwerp-Louvre school
  54. Aogai
  55. Aoki Mokubei
  56. Hans Apengeter von Sassenlant
  57. Aprey pottery factory
  58. Apron piece
  59. Apt pottery factory
  60. Aqua Fresca
  61. Arabia pottery
  62. Arcanist
  63. Peter Archambo
  64. Archizoom / Associati
  65. Ardus pottery
  66. Enrique de Arfe / Enrique de Arphe
  67. Armada chests
  68. Armadio
  69. European armour
  70. Arms / European edged weapons
  71. Arnhem pottery
  72. Arnoult
  73. Arrasene
  74. José Llorenz / Joseph-Llorenz Artigas
  75. Arzberg Porcelain Factory
  76. Egid Quirinus Asam
  77. Gilbert Ash
  78. Ashbury metal
  79. Richard Askew
  80. Assay groove
  81. Assisi work
  82. Assyrian Revival
  83. Athénienne
  84. Atterbury Glass Company
  85. Johann Auffenwerth
  86. Cristóbal de Augusta
  87. Auguste family
  88. Dominicus Auliczek
  89. Ault pottery
  90. Aurene glass
  91. Gottfried Aust
  92. Charles-Jean Avisseau
  93. Axminster carpets
  94. Azzimina / All'Aggiamina
  95. Bacini
  96. Back stool
  97. Florimond Badier
  98. Stephen Badlam
  99. Badorfer ware
  100. Claes Fransen Baerdt
  101. Benjamin Bagnall
  102. Melchior Baier
  103. E. & Söhne Bakalowits
  104. Bakewell & Co.
  105. Paul Balin
  106. Ball foot
  107. Tompkins & Black Ball
  108. Claude I Ballin
  109. Baltic chests
  110. Edmé-Pierre Balzac
  111. Richard Bampi
  112. Hieronymus Bang
  113. Bantam work
  114. Baranovka porcelain factory
  115. Barberini tapestry factory
  116. Barber's basin
  117. Barbizet
  118. Gabriel del Barco y Minusca
  119. Bargello work / Flame stitch / Hungarian stitch
  120. Antonio Barili
  121. Ernest Arthur and Sidney Barnsley
  122. Joseph B. Barry
  123. Basaltes ware / Black basaltes
  124. Ernesto Basilie
  125. Basketwork
  126. African basketwork
  127. Native North American basketwork
  128. Nicholas Bataille
  129. Batavian ware
  130. Battersea enamel factory
  131. Gudrun Baudisch
  132. Charles A. Baudouine
  133. François Baudry
  134. Adam Bauer
  135. Bauernmöbel
  136. William Baumgarten
  137. Bern t Baumgartner
  138. Ulrich Baumgartner
  139. Bay State Glass Company
  140. Bayeux porcelain factory
  141. Bear jug
  142. Alexander J. Beatty & Sons
  143. Francisco Becerril
  144. Francesco Bedeschini
  145. Beefeater flagon
  146. Jan Bontjes van Beek
  147. Beiby
  148. Beinglas
  149. Samuel Belden
  150. Belfast glasshouses
  151. Belkein / Belkin / Bellekin / Belkyn / Bellequin
  152. Bell and baluster turning / Bell turning / Baluster turning
  153. Bellangé
  154. Belleek Porcelain Factory
  155. Bellevue potteries
  156. Bellini carpets
  157. Eugenio Bellosio
  158. Belper pottery
  159. Giovanni Beltrami
  160. Belvedere factory
  161. Bencharong ware
  162. Bendigo pottery
  163. Bénitier
  164. Bennett pottery
  165. Bennington pottery and porcelain factory
  166. Berettino / Berrettino / Bertino
  167. Berlin iron jewellry
  168. Berlin porcelain
  169. Berlin tapestry factory
  170. Berlin woolwork
  171. Bernardes
  172. Giovanni Desiderio Bernardi
  173. Bernburg pottery
  174. St Bernward of Hildesheim
  175. Leonardo di Ascanio Bettisi
  176. Louis-Auguste-Alfred Beurdeley
  177. Charles Bevan
  178. Christian Wilhelm Beyer
  179. Bianchi / Biancho di Faenza
  180. Bianco sopra bianco
  181. Paul Amadeus Biarelle
  182. Biemann Dominik
  183. Martin-Guillaume Biennais
  184. Sigmund Bierfreund
  185. Alexandre Biggot
  186. Biliverti / Jacopo Bilivert / Jacques Bylivelt
  187. Biller family
  188. Wiliiam Billingsley
  189. Bilston enamel factories
  190. Bing & Grøndahl's Porcelain Factory
  191. Bird-beaked jug / Sparrow-beaked jug
  192. Bishop's bowl
  193. Bizarre silks
  194. Bleeding bowl
  195. Blind Earl pattern
  196. Blind tooling
  197. Blockfront / Swell'd front
  198. Blue-and-white ceramic
  199. Blue-dash chargers
  200. Boarded chest
  201. Bobbin net
  202. Boccaro ware
  203. Jacob Boelen
  204. August Böhm
  205. Bois durci
  206. Bokhara rugs / Bukhara rugs
  207. Bombé
  208. Bonbonnière
  209. Bonnet top
  210. Bonnin & Morris
  211. Giuseppe Maria Bonzanigo
  212. European bookbinding
  213. Islamic bookbinding
  214. Jewish bookbinding
  215. T. & R. Boote
  216. Zachariah Boreman
  217. La Borne
  218. Giocomo Boselle
  219. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co.
  220. Ignaz Bottengruber
  221. Bottle vase
  222. Léonard Boudin
  223. Bouffioulx
  224. Bouge
  225. Bouillotte lamp
  226. Jean Baptiste Boulard
  227. Boulle marquetry
  228. Bouquetière
  229. Bourdalou / Bourdaloue
  230. Marin Le Bourgeoys
  231. Bourne & Son
  232. Bow Porcelain Factory
  233. Bow-front
  234. Bracket clocks
  235. Bracket foot
  236. Joseph-Auguste Bracquemond / Félix Bracquemond
  237. George Smith Bradshaw
  238. Brampton potteries
  239. Louis-Léon-Félicité, Duc de Brancas
  240. Brandenburg glassworks
  241. Brandewijnskom
  242. Reynier Brandt
  243. Bras de lumière
  244. Break-front / Broken front
  245. Hans Coenraadt Breghtel
  246. Abraham Louis Breuguet
  247. Giuseppe Briati
  248. Brickard Servatius
  249. Bride-lace
  250. Bright-cut
  251. François Briot
  252. Nicolas Briot
  253. Broad glass
  254. Philippe Joseph Brocard
  255. Brocatelle
  256. Brocatello
  257. Broché work
  258. Broncit decoration
  259. Hervey Brooks
  260. Isaac Broome
  261. Bruges tapestry factory
  262. Brûle parfum
  263. Brunetto T
  264. Brunswick potteries
  265. Brussels carpet
  266. Brustolon Andrea
  267. Michiel de Bruyn
  268. Iver Winfeldt Buch
  269. Buchan pottery
  270. Bucrane / Bucranium
  271. Buen Retiro mosaic workshop
  272. Buen Retiro porcelain factory
  273. Bukhara rugs
  274. Bullet teapot
  275. Bun foot
  276. Bunzlau potteries
  277. Burgau porcelain factory
  278. Burmantoft pottery
  279. Butler's tray
  280. Buttenmann
  281. Abraham Buzaglo
  282. Cachemire
  283. Cache-pot
  284. Caddinet
  285. Cadinen pottery
  286. Cadogan teapot
  287. Cafaggiolo Ceramic Factory
  288. Caffiéri family
  289. Jean-Charles Cahier
  290. Caillouté
  291. Cake basket
  292. Calamelli
  293. J. E. & Co. Caldwell
  294. en Camaïeu
  295. Cameo bindings
  296. Joseph Gegenbach Canabas
  297. Canadella
  298. Cane-coloured stoneware / Caneware
  299. Cantir
  300. Canton enamel
  301. Cape Cod Glass Company
  302. Capitonné
  303. Capodimonte Porcelain Factory
  304. Gaspare Capparoni
  305. Caqueteuse
  306. Cristofo Foppa Caradosso
  307. Carouge potteries
  308. Charles Cartlidge & Co.
  309. Cartonnier / Serre papier
  310. Carver chair
  311. Caserta Royal Maiolica Factory
  312. Pio Fortunato Castellani
  313. Castleford pottery
  314. Cathedral bindings
  315. Caudle cup
  316. Caughley pottery and porcelain factory
  317. Causeuse
  318. Cerbara
  319. Cerreto Sannita potteries
  320. Chamber candlestick
  321. Robert Chamberlain
  322. John Channon
  323. Chantilly Porcelain
  324. Eliphelet Chapin
  325. Checker / Chequerwork
  326. Segei Chekhonin
  327. Gustave Joseph Chéret
  328. Chertsey tiles
  329. Chest-of-drawers
  330. Cheveret
  331. Chimney furniture
  332. Chimney-piece
  333. Robert Chipchase
  334. Thomas Chippendale the elder
  335. G. L. Chrétien
  336. Chribsk
  337. Charles Christofle
  338. Jacopo Ciacchi
  339. Cimarre
  340. Ciselure
  341. Cistercian ware
  342. Clamp kiln ware
  343. Claw-and-ball foot
  344. Lambert Cleffius
  345. Clérissy
  346. James and Ralph Clews
  347. Franz and Francis Cleyn
  348. Clichy glasshouse
  349. Clobbered wares
  350. Clocks & watches
  351. Vincenzo Coaci
  352. Coalbrookdale Company
  353. Coalport Porcelain Factory
  354. Coal-scuttle
  355. Cockbead / Cock beading
  356. Cockpit Hill pottery
  357. Codnor Park pottery
  358. William John Coffee
  359. Coggeshall lace
  360. Coin glass
  361. Cold-working
  362. Theodorus Colenbrander
  363. Eugène-Victor Collinot
  364. Collinson & Lock
  365. Cologne potteries
  366. Combed ware
  367. Giacomo Cometti
  368. Cominazzo family
  369. Compendiario
  370. Comport
  371. Compound twist stem
  372. Confident / Canapé à confident
  373. Cong / Ts'ung
  374. Conneticut chest
  375. Copenhagen porcelain factory
  376. Andries Dirk Copier
  377. Coquillage
  378. Cordial glass
  379. Cornelius & Co.
  380. Antonio Cortelazzo
  381. Costrel
  382. Cotswold school
  383. Cottage bindings
  384. Couched work
  385. Counterchange pattern
  386. Suzanne Court
  387. Augustus and Samuel Courtauld
  388. Courting mirror
  389. Cousinet
  390. Cow milk-jug
  391. Coxe-DeWilde Pottery
  392. Cozzi Porcelain Factory
  393. Dirick Crabeth
  394. Crabstock
  395. Crailsheim pottery
  396. Cream-coloured earthenware / cream ware
  397. Creil pottery
  398. Paul Crespin
  399. Mathieu Criard
  400. Criblé
  401. Crich pottery
  402. Crieff pottery
  403. Crisselling
  404. Crolius and Remmey
  405. Henri Cros / César-Isidore-Henri Cros
  406. Cross-banding
  407. Crouch ware
  408. Crutched Friars glasshouse
  409. Crystalline glaze
  410. Crystallo-ceramie
  411. Domenico Filippo Cucci
  412. Cuir ciselé
  413. Antoni Cumella
  414. Cup and cover column
  415. Cut card work
  416. Cut glass
  417. François Cuvilliés
  418. Paul-Louis Cyfflé
  419. Gerhard Dagly
  420. Nils Dahlin
  421. Ewald Albin Filip Dahlskog
  422. Adrien-Pierre Dalpayrat
  423. D'Alva bottle
  424. Albert-Louis Dammouse
  425. Josef Ulrich Danhauser
  426. Mathias Darly
  427. Darned netting
  428. Dassier
  429. Henri Dasson
  430. Daubenkrug
  431. Davenport pottery and porcelain factories
  432. Deckel
  433. Paul Decker
  434. Décor bois
  435. François-Émile Décorchemont
  436. Jules Degoullons / De Goulon
  437. Dehua porcelain factories / Tê-hua porcelain factories
  438. Domenico di Francesco Del Tasso
  439. Jean-Charles Delafosse
  440. Auguste Delaherche
  441. Delftfield pottery
  442. Adrien Faizelot Delorme
  443. J B B Demays
  444. Denby pottery
  445. Denière Bronze Factory
  446. Dentelle bindings
  447. Derome
  448. Desco de parta
  449. Desfossé & Karth
  450. Deutsche Blumen
  451. Deutsche Werkstätten
  452. Diamond-point engraving
  453. Diasprum
  454. Johann Melchoir Dinglinger
  455. Nicholas Disbrowe
  456. Discharge printing
  457. Dish cross
  458. James Dixon & Sons Ltd
  459. Doccia
  460. Dohachi
  461. Domenico di Niccolo de' Cori
  462. Don pottery
  463. Door-knocker
  464. Dopskal
  465. Dorotheenthal pottery
  466. Jacob Dortu
  467. Double cup
  468. Double-cloth carpets
  469. Doulton Pottery and Porcelain Company
  470. Drawn work / Drawn thread work
  471. Dreihausen pottery
  472. Drentwett family
  473. Dresden faience factory
  474. Dresden work
  475. Dressoir
  476. Drop-in seat
  477. Dry-edge figures
  478. Jacques Androuet Du Cerceau the elder / Jacques Androuet Du Cerceau
  479. Abraham Dubois
  480. Jacques Androuet Ducerceau
  481. Andrew Duché
  482. Duchesse
  483. Maurice Dufrène
  484. Jean-Démosthène Dugourc
  485. Dummy board figures
  486. Augustin Duseuil
  487. Dyottville Glass Works
  488. Ebena
  489. Johann Fredrich Eberlein
  490. Ebonized
  491. Eckernförde pottery
  492. Edinburgh Weavers
  493. Michael Edkins
  494. Augustin Amant Constant Fidèle Edouart
  495. Eenhorn
  496. Karl von Egeri
  497. Friedrich Egermann
  498. Egg and dart / Egg and tongue
  499. Eggshell porcelain
  500. Ehrenfeld glasshouse
  501. Eibertus of Cologne
  502. Eiraku Hozen
  503. David and John Philip Elers
  504. Thomas Elphe
  505. Elsinore tapestries
  506. Émail
  507. Enamel twist decoration
  508. Encaustic brick / tile
  509. Caspar Enderlein
  510. Enghalskrug
  511. Enghien tapestry factory
  512. Engine-turned decorations
  513. Engrêlure
  514. Entre-fenetre
  515. Hans Epischofer
  516. Erfurt pottery
  517. Estampille
  518. Este pottery and porcelain factories
  519. Étoilles porcelain factory
  520. Etruscan style
  521. Eulenkrug
  522. Johann Ludwig Faber
  523. Façon de venise
  524. Gentili Faenza
  525. Faience blanc
  526. Faience fine
  527. Faïence japonnée
  528. Faïence parlante
  529. Faïence patriotique
  530. Faldistorium / Faldistory
  531. Falknov
  532. Fall-front
  533. famillle rose Famille verte
  534. Fanfare binding
  535. François-Auguste and François-Joseph-Louis Fannière
  536. Ödön Faragó
  537. William Faris
  538. Jacques-Henri Fauconnier
  539. Feldspathic glaze
  540. Isaac Fell
  541. Felletin tapestries
  542. F. J. Ferner
  543. Ferronnerie
  544. Fettling
  545. Feuchère Pierre-François
  546. Eugène Feuillâtre
  547. Georges Feure
  548. Fiddle pattern
  549. Johann G. Fiedler
  550. Fielded panel
  551. Filigree glass
  552. Fireplace furnishings
  553. Firing-glasses
  554. George Fishley
  555. Flambé glaze
  556. Flat chasing
  557. Flat-back figures
  558. Flemish scroll
  559. Fletcher & Gardiner
  560. Florentine mosaic
  561. Flörsheim pottery
  562. Flügelglas
  563. Andrew Fogelberg# Folded foot
  564. Nicolas-Quinibert Foliot
  565. Fondporzellan
  566. Antoine Foullet / Foulet
  567. Alexandre-Georges Fourdinois
  568. Louis-Antoine Fournier
  569. Frailero
  570. Francesco Durantino
  571. Francesco I Raibolini Francia
  572. Frankfurt-am-Main pottery
  573. Paul Theodore Frankl
  574. Fratina
  575. Freiberg pottery
  576. Frederik van Frijtom
  577. Elisabeth Fritsch
  578. Jean-Baptiste Fromageau
  579. Alex Fromery
  580. Benjamin Frothingham
  581. Luigi Frullini
  582. Fuddling-cup
  583. Fulda pottery and porcelain factory
  584. Fulham carpet and tapestry factory
  585. Fulper pottery
  586. Hans Funk
  587. Christopher Fürlohg / Fuhrlohg
  588. Fürstenberg porcelain factory
  589. Gabel pottery
  590. Claude Galle
  591. Nicola Gallucci
  592. Galvanoplastic copy
  593. Games table
  594. Pierre Garnier
  595. Garniture de cheminée
  596. Francis Garthorne
  597. Antoine-Robert Gaudreaus
  598. Gaudy Dutch
  599. Gauffering
  600. Nicolas-François Gauron
  601. Gauzfredus
  602. Gem-engraving
  603. Genoa potteries
  604. Genoa silk factories
  605. Antonio Gentili
  606. Gera pottery and porcelain factory
  607. Louis-Victor Gerverot
  608. Francesco Ghinghi
  609. Ghiordes knot / Turkish knot
  610. Giovanni Giardini
  611. Gien pottery
  612. Paolo Gili
  613. James Gillinder & Sons
  614. Ginger jar
  615. Giovanni Maria di Mariano
  616. Girl in a Swing' porcelain
  617. Giuseppe Girometti
  618. Giustiniani pottery and porcelain factory
  619. Glasgow potteries
  620. Glinitz pottery
  621. Gobelins tapestry factory
  622. Gödöllo colony.
  623. Göggingen pottery
  624. Gold tooling
  625. Pierre Gole / Golle
  626. Gombron ware / Gombroon ware
  627. Franz Gondelach
  628. Gorbunovo porcelain factory
  629. Gotha porcelain factory
  630. Gotzkowsky
  631. Gouda ceramic factory
  632. Gout stool
  633. Grammont tapestry factory
  634. Grand Rapids furniture
  635. Granite ware
  636. Daniel Greatbach
  637. William Greatbach
  638. Frans Greenwood
  639. Gaspard Grégoire
  640. Greyhound jug
  641. Hubert Griemert
  642. Griffen, Smith and Hill pottery / Griffen, Smith and Hill
  643. Andries Grill
  644. Anthony Grill
  645. Johannes Grill
  646. Wilhelm de Groff / Giullielmus de Groff
  647. Guillaume Grohé
  648. Grosso Niccolò
  649. Groszbreitenbach porcelain factory
  650. Jacques Gruber
  651. Francesco Antonio Grue
  652. William Henry Grueby
  653. Guadameci
  654. Guido Durantino
  655. Guipure lace
  656. Gustavian style
  657. Gustavsberg Ceramics
  658. Haban pottery
  659. Franz Xaver Habermann
  660. Hadley chest
  661. Hafner ware
  662. Niels Tove Edward Hald
  663. Half-silk
  664. Halifax carpets
  665. William Hallet
  666. Hall-in-the-Tyrol glasshouse
  667. Hanau Faience Factory
  668. Handel Company glasshouse
  669. Handsteine / Hand stones
  670. Hannong
  671. Hanoverian pattern
  672. John Hardman
  673. Hare's fur glaze
  674. Harleian bindings
  675. Harrachov glasshouse
  676. Bonaventura Gottlieb Hauer / Bonaventura Gottlieb Hoyer]
  677. Jean Hauré
  678. T. G. Hawkes
  679. Hawthorn china
  680. Head-rests
  681. Head-shrinking
  682. Butler etc Heaton
  683. Clement J. Heaton
  684. Christian Friedrich Hecker
  685. Hedebo
  686. Hedwig glasses
  687. William Jacobsz van Heemskerk
  688. Thomas Heidelberger
  689. Johann Martin Heinrici
  690. Johann Georg Heintze
  691. Jacobus Helchis
  692. Helmet ewer
  693. Abraham Helmhack
  694. Helmschmied family
  695. Thomas Heming
  696. Peter Hemmel von Andlau
  697. Hemming-bird
  698. Henri Deux ware
  699. Herend Ceramics Factory
  700. Christian Friedrich Herold / Christian Friedrich Heroldt
  701. Herrebøe pottery
  702. Herrengrund cup]
  703. Hess family
  704. Heubach porcelain factory
  705. Johann Erhard II Heuglin
  706. Nicholas Heurtaut
  707. Hewelke porcelain factory
  708. High-warp tapestry
  709. Hirado wares
  710. Hirschvogel family
  711. Brockunier & Company Hobbs
  712. Hochschnitt
  713. Hochst pottery and porcelain factory
  714. Georges Hoentschel
  715. F. G. Hoffman
  716. Holics Ceramics Factory
  717. Holitsch pottery
  718. Hollie point
  719. Samuel Hollins
  720. Hollow ware
  721. Galyon Hone
  722. Honey-gilding
  723. Hoof foot
  724. G. H. Hoolaart
  725. Johann Michael and Johann Christian Hoppenhaupt
  726. Rochus Jacobsz Hoppesteyn
  727. Horn and antler
  728. Erasmus Hornick
  729. Johann Gregor Höroldt / Herold
  730. Heinrich Christian Friedrich Hosenfeller
  731. Hot-water plate
  732. Housse
  733. Pierre Huaud
  734. Hubertusburg pottery
  735. Ferdinand Hund / Ferdinand Hundt
  736. Christoph Conrad Hunger
  737. George Hunzinger
  738. Hurdals Werk
  739. Jacques and Jacques-Dennis-Ferdinand Hustin
  740. Hyalith
  741. Ice glass
  742. Iittala glassworks
  743. Ilmenau porcelain factory
  744. Imola potteries
  745. Imperial yellow
  746. Indianische Blumen
  747. Indiscret
  748. Metal inlay
  749. Innsbruck glasshouse
  750. Isabelina style
  751. Iserlohn boxes
  752. Isleworth pottery
  753. Istoriato
  754. Iznik potteries
  755. George Washington Jack
  756. Jackfield pottery
  757. Jacobite glass
  758. Jacquemart & Bénard
  759. Jamnitzer
  760. Jeanselme
  761. Thomas Jeckyll
  762. Jeffrey & Co.
  763. Stephan Jegg
  764. John Jelliff
  765. Jelly glass
  766. Jena Glaswerk
  767. Gerreit Jensen
  768. Jesuit porcelain
  769. Jever pottery
  770. Ji'an ware / Chi-an ware / Kian ware
  771. Joanine
  772. Joined stool / Joint stool
  773. François Joubert
  774. Ju ware
  775. Jungfrauenbecher
  776. Hermann August Kähler
  777. Kakiemon ware
  778. Kaliningrad potteries
  779. Kaltemail
  780. Kalthoff
  781. Toyo Kanashige
  782. Johann Friedrich Kändler
  783. Kantha embroideries
  784. Mariska and Ilonka Karasz
  785. Nicholaus Karcher
  786. Karlsruhe Majolika factory
  787. Kellerthaler family
  788. Kellinghusen potteries
  789. Hans Kels
  790. Kelsterbach pottery and porcelain factories
  791. Kendi
  792. Kettle stand
  793. Kidderminster carpet factories
  794. Kiel pottery
  795. Kievo-Mezhgorskaya pottery
  796. Kincob
  797. King's pattern
  798. Kinuta glaze
  799. Johann Gottlob Kirchner
  800. Kirk & Son Inc.
  801. Kitaioji
  802. August Kitschelt
  803. Johann Gottfried Klinger
  804. Klösterle pottery and porcelain factory
  805. Kloster-Veilsdorf porcelain factory
  806. Knee-hole desk / dressing table
  807. Knife box
  808. Knole sette
  809. Taylor & Knowles Knowles
  810. Knulling
  811. Knutgen
  812. Adriaen Kocx / Adriaen Kocks
  813. J. Juriaan Kok
  814. Königsberg potteries
  815. Karl Köpping
  816. Kosta glasbruk
  817. Anton Kothgasser
  818. Krautstrunk
  819. Ludwig Krug
  820. Johann F. Kunckel
  821. Kungsholm glasbruk
  822. Kunstschrank
  823. Kütahya pottery
  824. Kuttrolf
  825. Kwaart
  826. Kyoto potteries
  827. La Granja glasshouse
  828. La Moncloa / Florida pottery and porcelain factory
  829. La Rochelle potteries
  830. Labhardt
  831. Lac burgauté
  832. Lacca contrafatta