
This subpage is created to facilitate self-evaluation by members of WikiProject Gastropods. The purpose is to identify what works and does not work for community groups on Wikimedia Foundation projects, to help promote good practices across projects. It is also intended to help brainstorm ways for community groups to reach out to new users interested in their areas, to help encourage growth for Wikipedia. I will be presenting information gathered from this conversation to the Wikimedia Foundation, both to help provide guidelines to other projects and to see if there is anything the Foundation can do to better facilitate your work. Your contribution here is very much appreciated. There is certainly overlap in some of the questions and some of your responses may seem redundant; please don't worry about this. Brainstorming is very welcome here, as it may help other responders to consider different aspects. Conversation can be helpful to generate a kind of consensus view of the issues as well as to note individual opinions. Please feel free to add your answers below and to discuss the answers others have left. Thanks! --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 12:44, 7 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

When it will be presented to to the Wikimedia Foundation? --Snek01 (talk) 01:33, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
It depends on how many projects respond to the invitation. At this point, I anticipate around April, although staff do have access to current and previously completed assessments of individual projects. --Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 15:53, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

There is urgent need to at least stabilize the situation. I beg for help for WikiProject Gastropods. Thank you very much for your attention. --Snek01 (talk) 05:29, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

How "healthy" is your project?[edit]

Would you say that your project is thriving, declining, effectual, struggling, etc.? Do the members of the project interact well with one another? Do members typically feel welcome and included? This space is to share your opinion of the overall current status of your project.

Basically I would say yes, our project is really thriving, even though it does not have a very large membership and only a core group is really active (perhaps this is true of most projects?). In general I would say that the most active members interact very well with one another, although one or two are not good at close collaboration. It would help the project if the less active members would check the project talk page every week and try to get involved in commenting on the more important questions there, even if they feel a bit out of their depth (be bold!). New members are usually invited and welcomed by me, and sometimes mentored by me. I find new members by using the NewArtBot/TedderBot results. It would be good if more members tried to welcome and encourage new members as they appear one by one, since these are almost always brand new Wp editors who don't really know their way around and who sometimes need a exceptionally kind and encouraging environment for the first few months or so.

Later this year I will attempt to ask all the stated members how active they have really been in 2011 and after that I will prune down the membership list, because it looks as if a number of people are completely inactive and may remain that way. By the way, the person who is our most active contributor (far more active than I am; he has been a very active Wp editor for over 4 years and primarily on gastropods) is currently not listed at all as a member (by his own preference), which I would think is quite unusual. Invertzoo (talk) 14:48, 7 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I think this project has done remarkably well in the last 4 years for such a very small group of editors and only a few of them being very active at any given time. And as User:Snek01 says further down the page, we have been doing extremely well when you consider how few gastropod specialists there are worldwide. Invertzoo (talk) 20:06, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

What works:

I agree with all these points that Snek has listed. Invertzoo (talk) 01:22, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

what does not work:

During the last year or two User:Snek01 has indeed left a number of messages on the project talk page mentioning various standards or guidelines that he wishes to see implemented in our project. But because English is his second language, despite his best efforts it can sometimes be difficult to understand exactly what he means. Also quite often the technical side of what he is suggesting is outlined in such a condensed way that this, combined with the somewhat opaque English, can make it even more difficult to follow what he is saying. He also has a history of not taking any kind of disagreement well, so I think it is not surprising that very few people have responded to his proposals. This is regrettable, but under the circumstances it is not surprising. Invertzoo (talk) 01:50, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I feel very strongly that any Wikipedia problem needs to be discussed openly, on Wikipedia talk pages, and not via private email, which needs to be used only for private communications. It is a Wikipedia guideline that communications about Wikipedia must be transparent and be "on the record", not done "under the table". Private email communications cannot be checked for appropriateness. Invertzoo (talk) 01:50, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
It certainly would be nice if there was more communication between the various zoology projects, especially between those projects that are working on invertebrate groups (animals without backbones). It certainly may not be possible, or even appropriate, to standardize article layout and headings etc, within such different phyla as the arthropods and the mollusks, so that may not be a worthy goal, However, some sort of "hello, how are you? We are here doing this..." non-threatening communication seems like it would in theory be a good idea. However most people are just so busy when they are on Wikipedia that they don't want to spare a chunk of time on some "meeting" that might turn out to be a more or less a waste of time. I for one have sometimes left messages on other project's talk pages and received no reply at all. For example on 15th November 2010 I offered to work with Project Gems and Jewelry on a Shell jewelry article, but have had no reply at all. Invertzoo (talk) 17:21, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
My assessment of our overall communication level would be more positive than that, but perhaps my experiences in communication have generally been more positive, and that is perhaps why I feel that way. Invertzoo (talk) 17:21, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

(My) conclusion:

I'm an occasional contributor to the project -- I am uploading the marine fauna of an entire region so I move across phyla and to me ythe Project Gastropoda editors in general are easy to work with, the guidelines on article format are clear and in general per family there is an easy-to-find template for classification. I do find sometimes the corrections made to articles are assuming too low a level of understanding of the subject by the reader, but that is perhaps my own bias.

Seascapeza (talk) 15:20, 16 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

What does this project do well?[edit]

What are some of the best examples of this project's successes? This space is for exploring what your project does well--whether those successes are innovative (coming up with new ideas or approaches) or simply examples of successfully following through on established practices.

We are currently pioneers in the use of bot-generated species stubs, a method about which there are some existing prejudices, to our mind, unreasonable prejudices. We are determined to show that this method is very appropriate to Wikipedia and can be handled productively. We have I think also been pioneers in our development of a suitable organizational structure for species articles. I have noticed that editors in other areas of biology have copied some of our choices. Invertzoo (talk) 15:00, 7 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

That can be a good finding! Did they "copied some of our choices" to their Wikiproject(s) or to small number of articles or to greater number of articles? It would be useful to discover why they copied only SOME of our choices. Maybe they improved something, that we can also use. Examples would be very welcomed. --Snek01 (talk) 10:59, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I find it necessary to mention the fact that the project members had manually created articles for each and every gastropod family (611 of them) in the Taxonomy of the Gastropoda (Bouchet & Rocroi, 2005), long before the aforementioned bot existed. There are specialists among our current members (myself included), who have open access to scientific literature, and have the potential to make very high quality contributions. Some of the best example are our GA and A-class articles. Daniel Cavallari (talk) 02:28, 11 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

See my comment in the expansion section below. --99of9 (talk) 01:02, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

See the caption "what works:" in the section above. --Snek01 (talk) 01:33, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

What challenges face your project?[edit]

In your opinion, what are the greatest challenges that your project faces or has faced in succeeding on Wikipedia? These challenges can be issues that you have overcome or issues that you are still facing.

1. I think the greatest challenge is simply the fact that our project is a very small group of people, whereas the topic Gastropoda is very large indeed, gastropods being second only to insects in terms of how many species there are, and having an even greater diversity than insects. (The biodiversity of gastropods is truly staggering.) What our project has already achieved is really amazingly considering how small the project is both in terms of overall number of members, and in terms of the number of really active members. Our membership is likely to continue to grow steadily over time, but as Snek says, the membership probably will never be really large, due to the fact that most people are just not that interested in slugs and snails, no matter where they are found. (Although three scuba divers who enjoy underwater photography have joined us in recent years, and have contributed a very great deal to the project; many sea slugs are exceedingly beautiful and fascinating to look at.)

The fact that gastropods is such a vast subject is one more reason why we have to be pioneers in the use of robotic software to help create and maintain and add to our articles. As Snek01 mentions, manpower alone will never be sufficient for this project. Even if we recruited to Wikipedia every individual working professional malacologist on the planet (perhaps about 200-300 academics), that would still not be enough manpower without significant ongoing assistance from bots.

2. Another absolute limitation is that the gastropods are mostly not very well known to science, especially the thousands of smaller marine species, the majority of which of are not even mentioned in the popular secondary literature.

3. A frustrating problem is that (for most of us) a paywall separates us from access to the great majority of the current online professional literature.

4. As all our articles become more and more fleshed out over time, the level of competence necessary to be able to contribute (other than with images, copyediting, bot design and so on) will eventually rise so high that the amateurs will be out of our depth and we will really need more of the professionals, the academics, to contribute.

Invertzoo (talk) 15:48, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

One serious challenge that we overcame a couple of years ago (thanks in large part to WikiProject Copyright) was that one person (now blocked) had gradually created by hand over a thousand gastropod stubs, all of which contained copyright violations. Our current challenges include getting more complete coverage in terms of species articles, hopefully using our bot. I believe we also need to try to significantly improve the quality of our top 30 "most popular" articles, since they are so very frequently consulted by the general public. Another challenge may perhaps be trying to keep the project active, growing and flourishing into the future and to plan the best ways of trying to ensure this. Invertzoo (talk) 15:21, 7 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I agree. The official DYK policy on this should indeed be clarified by community consensus. It should not be left ambiguous. Invertzoo (talk) 15:54, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
You yourself can nominate each of those A-class articles Snek01, or request that one of us nominate them. Or better yet, ask us to try to fix one up as necessary, and then submit it to GA review. Invertzoo (talk) 15:54, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I do agree rather strongly with this point. Invertzoo (talk) 15:48, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I also agree with this point. I must also say that recent detailed anatomical studies on gastropods are so very, very rare. Daniel Cavallari (talk) 04:11, 18 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
This is absolutely true but I guess you can't expect a non-specialist to know that. Our submissions have been reviewed by people who are not gastropod experts. We will have to state this up front the next time we submit something for FA, or even for GA.Invertzoo (talk) 23:01, 28 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
More than once we have suffered from the fact that one very strongly worded opposing viewpoint has been enough to scuttle our concerted efforts. This was true in the bot proposal a year ago when an anonymous editor (who refused point blank to reveal his supposed long prior history as a registered user) criticized us so severely (and unfairly) that he was able to persuade some others he was correct, based solely on the power of his rhetoric. Invertzoo (talk) 16:07, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

What could make this project fail?[edit]

In a "worst case" scenario, what circumstances could make this project fail?

It's hard to say what could make the project fail; maybe if all the most active members retired at more or less the same time? Invertzoo (talk) 15:25, 7 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I don't see vandalism as much of a threat to our gastropod articles, especially to the thousands of very short stubs we have. I have gone through several thousand old bot-generated stubs and have never found any vandalism in them. In the most popular articles, yes, I have found a few little bits here and there, but basically very little indeed. Invertzoo (talk) 01:53, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, the ACTUAL situation is approximately as Invertzoo described. I was answering to the question "What COULD make this project fail?". Maybe vandals are only small part of anonymous edits. But I think, that anonymous editors provide more informations incorrect than correct. Number of incorrect informations may arise on wikipedia this way and very limited human resources will not be able to check them/remove them. (This is unrelated example about barriers, but: "Editing barriers may be useful" in other ways as claimed at Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2011-09-05/In the news.) --Snek01 (talk) 12:39, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Yes Snek01, you are right that this could in theory become a problem in the future, not only for our project but also for the whole of Wikipedia, but even though subtle (not easy to spot) vandalism would be very damaging to our overall credibility, I would think it would not be enough to make the project fail altogether. Invertzoo (talk) 16:24, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

This project has already failed. It does not fulfill its function. It does not provide framework for wikipedians. Chaotic expansion of anything can be done without projects. --Snek01 (talk) 05:29, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

On the contrary, I believe the project is succeeding quite well, against the odds. Wikipedia is by its very nature a chaotic enterprise; it's a miracle it works at all. Trying to organize a bunch of Wikipedians is like "trying to herd cats", everyone knows that. We are all volunteers, this is not a paid job, we have no boss, and one person can't just tell people "do this", even if that person believes strongly he is right. People come to Wikipedia to do what they like to do. You cannot force people to adhere to standards or guidelines that you have just invented, and that you feel should be implemented by just telling people "this is the best way to do this, so everyone must do it this way". That doesn't work, as you have found out. Consensus is the only way to proceed. And consensus is a delicate magic created over time in an atmosphere of fellowship, friendly discussion, compromise, patience and kindness. Consensus cannot be achieved by issuing orders and brow-beating those who might disagree with you. Four years ago, when we could all work more or less independently, then collaboration was a theory. Now the encyclopedia is entering its mature phase, we all have to work together much more closely, collaboration is now a necessity, but it is a skill that has to be learned. Invertzoo (talk) 17:28, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Where could this project improve?[edit]

In your opinion, what steps could the members of this WikiProject take to help reach its goals (however your project's goals are defined)?

I think that basically everyone who is active in the project is already working as hard as they possibly can, and currently we are fortunate in that the skills that the different members possess are complementary to one another. One part of me thinks that we might need tighter collaboration and more synchronized teamwork over the next few years, but the history of Wikipedia is full of surprises, so who knows what could happen? I believe it's also important to stay loose and not become too overdetermined, because that can destroy valuable spontaneity. Invertzoo (talk) 15:43, 7 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Any examples for "stay loose" vs. "overdetermined"? --Snek01 (talk) 21:17, 10 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I meant that as long as people follow the guidelines established by Wp and by the gastropods project, it is not really necessary (in fact is likely to be counter-productive) for members to be forced to do things such as for example have a task assigned to them, or be forced to be work hand in hand with others all of the time, things like that. However, it would be very helpful if members would use the project talk page more frequently and try to stay "in the loop" as to what is going on, give their opinion on important matters, and also let other people know if they are working on a major initiative, rather than working more or less in isolation. In general as Wikipedia matures it seems clear that it will probably require a more integrated approach. Invertzoo (talk) 00:30, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Is there an easy and fast way to send a message to all of the project members at once? If there is, I should use it more often. If not, then there should be such a feature. Invertzoo (talk) 01:13, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

It is a brainstorming so I have many hints:

An interesting idea that has some merit. Invertzoo (talk) 01:15, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
This is also not a bad idea except for the fact that some users have strong ideas about how exactly they want their user page to look. Invertzoo (talk) 01:17, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Random example:

This section needs expansion with: add public domain description from Pilsbry (1889). page 163. You can help by adding to it. (September 2011)

Look, that it works with ref tags also:

This section needs expansion with: add public domain description from [1]. You can help by adding to it. (September 2011)
  1. ^ Pilsbry (1889). page 163

How can this project expand?[edit]

How can this project reach out to and nurture newcomers to Wikipedia who share an interest in the project's goals?

It would be wonderful if we could approach shell clubs directly, and likewise approach museums, marine life institutes, and other nature conservancy centers on the land, as well as the American Malacological Society and Conchologists Of America, etc. If I lived in San Diego (where there is still a good shell club), I would certainly ask to be able to demonstrate the project to them at one of their meetings and show them how easy it is to contribute and then maybe we could get one or two of them interested.

Only a small percentage of people worldwide are willing and able to create content about snails and slugs (from the sea, from land or from freshwater), but we would love to recruit those who are! Currently I use the NewArtBot results to find out who is making new articles relating to gastropods, and a number of those people are indeed brand new Wp users. I would also like our Project to have one or two "commercials"; I drafted the wording for four Wikipedia banner ads here on one of my user subpages, but I need lots of help to actually create those ads. I would also be very interested to hear any other ideas as to how to attract new users. Invertzoo (talk) 17:28, 7 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Do you need web banner-style advertisements? I think, that no. We should use all features of Wikipedia: using of wikilinks, easy modification. We should focus on personalization for example like this:
Maggie, gastropods live everywhere.
Improve your knowledge with WikiProject Gastropods.
Maggie, recover hidden beauty with WikiProject Gastropods
Jimbo, gastropods are all around you! Help us to keep them in their Wikipedia articles.
Recover hidden beauty with WikiProject Gastropods

Do you see how extremely easy it is to personalize the (advertisement) message? You can for example incorporate images of gastropods, that the user have previously created or uploaded. Immense number of possibilities! You are good in communication with newbies. Each newbie can have his/her own combination that will address him/her. That works. --Snek01 (talk) 13:56, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes these are very pretty and cute too. I wanted to say (in partial reply to this) that I think it's really great that User:Snek01 manages to get an impressive number of gastropod DYKs onto the Wikipedia Main Page every year, because that does help to get people looking at gastropod articles, and it could in theory help attract new editors who are interested in gastropods (I say in theory, because as far as I know no-one new has signed up yet because of a DYK.)
The advantage of the standard non-customized Wikipedia banner ads however, is that once they have been created, (and I hope they will be!) they can be out there helping draw attention to our project with no further work at all being necessary on our part.
What I do is that when I discover (using NewArtBot) that a new editor has created a gastropod-related article, I use a standard "invitation to join WikiProject Gastropods", but I personalize the welcome message that goes with it (of course). Most often the new User is completely new to editing Wikipedia, and so I welcome them to the encyclopedia and then thank them and give the invite on the gastropod theme. It takes quite a bit of time and thought to do that for each new user, especially as you then need to watch for and reply to any messages that result from the first contact. Most of the editors in our project (except for GaneshK) don't make the effort to find and welcome newbies from scratch; I do it because I feel it is really essential, despite the fact that the process is quite time-consuming, and that is without taking the time to create an individualized graphic gastropod welcome for each person. I use words instead and our standard invite template.Invertzoo (talk) 22:38, 16 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Following Invertzoo's line of thought, I believe shell collectors would be the most easily attracted contributors. Malacology harbors a small number of specialists worldwide. Not all of these few scientists are gastropod specialists, and an even lesser number would have enough time to contribute in WP. Performing a wide propaganda, drawing attention to our best articles would be undoubtedly an important first step. Daniel Cavallari (talk) 16:17, 11 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with Daniel that shell collectors are our greatest untapped resource in terms of who could be attracted to contribute to the gastropod project, and in terms of how many of them are out there. There are plenty of them! For example, I know from my own experience (as does Daniel) that there are numerous retired baby boomers and others who have large well-labelled shell collections and who could at least supply images of shells, and who maybe could find info (with citations) from popular shell books. We need all the help we can get. Even shell collectors who are not very scientific could still be very helpful here. Invertzoo (talk) 16:45, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Following Daniel's line of thought, drawing attention to our best articles is important:

How much attention we need to draw? According to the number of articles in the whole Wikipedia (currently 3.7 millions articles) and the number of gastropod species (or number of our gastropod articles), there should THEORETICALLY appear some certain number of gastropod articles each year on the main page in the "Today's featured article" section. They should appear there, because Wikipedia does not want to show bias. There should appear approximately from three to eight articles about gastropods each year. That is our goal to get at least three featured articles to the Wikipedia main page per year. --Snek01 (talk) 21:51, 11 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes we really do need to start getting what would be our first one or two articles up to FA and a fair number more up to GA too. However FA is really hard to achieve. The first one or two FAs will require not only a great deal of time and work, but also more importantly, a great deal of patience and a great deal of willingness to compromise. Invertzoo (talk) 16:45, 17 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

As an occasional editor of Gastropod articles, and photographer of Gastropods, who is not a member of WP:Gastropods, I am very impressed by this WP's outreach. I was contacted by Invertzoo, and invited to join, within days of starting an article about an Australian species of abalone. I consider myself a generalist, so chose not to join, but the opportunity was certainly served up to me on a platter. Because of this positive experience, I later came back for identification help on a photo I took. That itself was a positive and successful interaction (connecting me with a local editor who had professional contacts). So all up, they're doing the right things! --99of9 (talk) 01:01, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]