WPCleaner – 2.05 (August 26, 2022 (2022-08-26)) [±]

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Just as when you are working directly on Wikipedia, you can create and maintain your own watchlist in WPCleaner. For example, when you have finished repairing links to a disambiguation page, you can add this disambiguation page to your watch list and memorize the number of pages normally linking to it so that you will easily detect new links to it.

Local watch list
Local watch list

You reach the Local Watch list window by clicking on the Local Watch list button of the main window.

This window is also used for various lists of pages (search results, internal links in a given page, category members, pages embedding a given page, random pages, random redirect pages, ...). It looks like this:

This window contains the following parts:


  1. ^ This feature may not be available for every Wikipedia. Such features can be added by configuring WPCleaner for the desired Wikipedia
  2. ^ a b To use this feature, you need Java release 6 or more.