WPCleaner – 2.05 (August 26, 2022 (2022-08-26)) [±]

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Customizing WPCleaner can be done at two different levels:

The Options window is used to customize Wikipedia Cleaner to better suit your needs. You reach this window by clicking on the Options button of the main window. This window contains the following parts:

Options tabs
Options tabs
Buttons available
Buttons available

General options

General options
General options

This window contains the following parts:



This window contains the following parts:

Full analysis options

Analysis options
Analysis options

This window contains the following parts:

Sorting options

Sorting options
Sorting options

This window contains the following parts:

The sort orders are available in the Sort menu of the Analysis window or the Disambiguation window.

Formatting options

Formatting options
Formatting options

This window lets you specify the formatting used (bold, italic, colors, ...) to highlight some elements based on their types.

For each type of content, the following elements can be configured :

Translation options

Translation options
Translation options

This window lets you configure the behavior of WPCleaner for translations.

This window contains the following parts :

Debug options

Debug options
Debug options

This window contains the following parts :