WPCleaner – 2.05 (August 26, 2022 (2022-08-26)) [±]

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Check Wikipedia project
Check Wikipedia project

The Check Wikipedia window is used to fix errors detected by the Check Wikipedia project[1]. You can reach this window by clicking on the Project Check Wikipedia button of the main window[2]. This window looks like this:

This window contains the following parts:


To use WPCleaner at its full capacity for Check Wiki, it's necessary to correctly configure WPCleaner.


  1. ^ The list of errors on frwiki shows which errors can be detected and fixed with WPCleaner
  2. ^ a b This feature may not be available for every Wikipedia. Such features can be added by configuring WPCleaner for the desired Wikipedia
  3. ^ The text of the button depends on the selected types of error
  4. ^ a b c d To use this feature, you need Java release 6 or more.