University of Edinburgh edit-a-thon

About the project

An introduction to Wikipedia

Have you ever wondered why the information in Wikipedia is extensive for some topics and scarce for others? Particularly in different language Wikipedias? Commencing on 10th February 2021 and concluding on Friday 14th May 2021, the University's Information Services team will run a Wikipedia translate-a-thon.

We will provide training on how to edit and participate in an open knowledge community. Participants will be supported to translate articles.

(Video) Introduction to the Content Translation tool (1 minute).

We Can Edit

Assignment scope and dates


How do I prepare?


Best practice advice

  1. Use of the Content Translation tool is optional. If using this tool, publish to your Personal Draft space early so any template problems (citations, infoboxes, tables) can be addressed early. NB: I advise copying the article text of the source article from Edit Source mode into the Edit Source mode of your Sandbox/Personal draft in the target Wikipedia.
  2. Wednesday afternoons I will be available for support with Office Hours this semester 5-6pm on Wednesdays for face-to-face video chats. I want you to be able to focus on the translation of the words more than formatting/programming issues so will be available for MS Teams calls to address issues face-to-face to help do this quickly.
  3. Please add your username to the Dashboard by clicking this link so I can keep track of edits on the project.
  4. Please also make sure you have added that you are a Translation student at University of Edinburgh to your user page on the source Wikipedia and the target Wikipedia. e.g. Jingwen's user page on English Wikipedia and Chinese Wikipedia.
  5. If translating into Chinese Wikipedia then please check these common translation problemsand avoid using the Content Translation tool as its machine translation has been deemed problematic. Instead copy and paste into a Sandbox on Chinese Wikipedia e.g. My sandbox here. NB: I have consulted with Chinese Wikipedia editors and administrators about issues from last semester and we have agreed to work more collaboratively and supportively this semester. We all want your work published!

Further reading


The main policies and guidelines can be found at the following pages:





Ewan McAndrew, Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh

Class List


Please put your Wikipedia username in the space below:

The assignment


15 steps to translation success

  1. The first step is to Create an account.
  2. In the first session we will introduce you to Wikipedia, how to format a page and provide advice on articles to select for your assignment.
  3. If not already done so the Content Translation tool must be enabled. This can be done in the Beta menu (top right corner of your screen). Once in the Beta menu, make sure the Content Translation option is ticked and then click Save (bottom left corner of your screen).
  4. Now you need to select an article or articles to translate. The tools below (categories, portals, Gapfinder, Not in the other language) will help you decide. Importantly, it should be a high quality article (check the references being used) of suitable importance & subject matter.
  5. Select your chosen article(s) by 5pm on Monday 22nd February 2021. The article you select must be approved by BOTH your course tutor AND Ewan McAndrew (email: before you begin. Once you have approval from both then email the approved article title along with the languages being translated from and to
  6. The assignment must be in excess of 1500 words this semester (& by that we include only the main prose text - not the notes, references & bibliography etc. at the end of the article). Copy the main prose text from the source article onto a new Microsoft Word document. Add the Word count at the end of the article (e.g. Word count = 1554 words). Save the Word document as YOUR NAME - Source Article - Source Article Title and make sure you have recorded the word count at the bottom of this new document.
  7. Go to the Content Translation tool in the Contributions menu.
  8. Click Start a new translation.
  9. Input the languages you are translating from and to.
  10. Input the source article title.
  11. Click Start translation.
  12. The article will then be translated by you paragraph by paragraph. Check and double-check the paragraphs being translated that they make sense in the target language and that the formatting copies across correctly. Important: Save your work as you go by copying completed paragraphs into a second Word document entitled: 'YOUR NAME - New translated article - New article title'.
  13. Consult the Content Translation Guide, FAQ and screencast to help you with any issues. Your article is to be peer reviewed by another student and peer reviews are to be emailed to by Friday 7th May 2021.
  14. Aim to publish on the target language Wikipedia w/c Monday 10th May 2021 and no later than 5pm on Friday 14th May 2021 so that the project is finally concluded on Friday 14th May 2021. Once you are satisfied with your translation email to advise this and then click Publish translation to complete your translation. Make sure the newly published article has enough categories and links to other pages (and that other pages link to it). If your article was not over 1500 words (this word count has to be recorded at the bottom of your 2nd Word document for the new translated article you have just created) then you will need to repeat this process with a second article.
  15. If your newly translated article(s) are now in excess of 1500 words, congratulations you have created your first page(s) and the assignment. Copy the text of the source article (with word count) to an MS Word document. Copy the text of the new translated article (with word count) to another MS Word document. Upload both to Learn by 5pm on Friday 23rd April 2021.

One final step


Finally, Wikipedia articles each have a sidebar listing its counterparts in other languages, so the last thing you should do is to make sure this includes links to and from the new translated material. A guide on this can be found at Help:Interlanguage links.

Choosing an article

  1. The word limit is 1500-2000 words but please make sure the chosen article is sufficiently challenging. The article in question will need to be run past both your portfolio tutor and myself to avoid issues where the original source articles do not have enough citations or references so consequently the target article did not either.
  2. Please challenge yourself - work in a different language direction/pairing if possible this semester or with a different student or on a completely different topic from last time.
  3. Make sure the topic you work on is of interest to you and maybe of interest/importance to readers of the target Wikipedia. Use these two weeks until the end of February to assess Wikipedia's current content and see where you would like to contribute and do the most good. I will finalise the last remaining articles from Semester One to make sure all work from last semester is published and peer reviewed by 1st March.
  4. Consider the under-representation of topics related to postcolonial theory and the Black Lives Movement as topic areas to work on. Students on the University History Society have also worked on articles related to Scotland's links with slavery here. Email Dr. Hephzibah Israel if you are require suggestions or advice on this theme.
  5. WikiProjects on English Wikipedia have Assessment tables which list the best quality articles related to their project area. e.g. Wikiproject Sociology, WikiProject Human Rights, WikiProject Black Lives Matter, WikiProject African diaspora
  6. Please aim to select an article from the Featured Articles quality criteria (the highest quality standard on Wikipedia) or the Good Article quality criteria (the 2nd highest). There is a wider pool to choose from on English Wikipedia because it is the largest Wikipedia but you’ll notice that if you click on the Featured article link, there are links on the left hand side of pages to the ‘Featured Articles’ page in each of the other language Wikipedias. You will find the same if you click on the ‘Good Article’ links. There will be a lot less featured and good articles in other language Wikipedias but as long as the article has achieved good article status or featured article status, regardless of the language then it should be of the required standard to translate for our purposes. Therefore please take extra time to choose your source article(s) so that they are the right length, right level of linguistic challenge and have enough citations so that they will have no such problems in the target Wikipedia.
  7. If neither of these high quality articles meets your interest then next try A class articles then B class articles then C class articles. The subject matter, structuring, and coherence of the article may be less good but it is the referencing that is the most important factor when considering these articles.
  8. You can view Pages needing translation into English and do category searches for articles in a subject you are interested in e.g. Category:Articles needing translation from foreign-language Wikipedias. You can also view the Portal directory to search portals in the same way.
  9. Tool: Gapfinder - This tool has been developed to help editors find missing content in any language for which there is a Wikipedia edition. GapFinder helps you discover articles that exist in one language but are missing in another. Start by selecting a source language and a target language. GapFinder will find trending articles in the source that are missing in the target. If you are interested in a particular topic area, provide a seed article in the source language, and GapFinder will find related articles missing in the target. Click on a card to take a closer look at a missing article to see if you would like to create it from scratch or translate it.
  10. Tool: "Not in the other language" - This tool looks for Wikidata items that have a page in one language but not in the other (using Wikipedia categories to filter the results).
  11. Check the word count of the source article. You can use this tool Search tool to look up the article & its word count but this includes references in its count so is not accurate enough for our purposes. Hence you should copy the article's main text (not including notes, references, bibliographies etc.) into a Word document so you can get a more accurate indication of the main body of the article's wordcount.

Assignment details


Articles to be settled on by no later than 5pm on Friday 26th February 2021.

Class list
# Wiki Username Chosen article(s) Language translating from Language Translating to Newly translated article Peer feedback received (Y/N)
1. Example user
Example source article
Barack Obama
English Arabic باراك أوباما n/a
2. Zhang Yitong - - - - - - - - - - - - Yes
3. Yutian Chen The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher English Chinese Published :) Yes
4. Wang Shu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5. Tian Yang Isle of Skye English Chinese Reviewed - awaiting amendments Yes
6. Lan Yushang - - - - - - - - - - - - Yes
7. Luyao Wang - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8. DONG Nan - - - - - - - - - - - - Yes
9. Sam Ho 張伯苓 Chinese English Chang Po-ling
10. Xue Zhou - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
11. Zhenya Li La Malinche English Chinese 馬林切 Yes
12. Huichao Wang In Our Time (short story collection) English Chinese 在我们的时代 Yes
13. Qi Zhang - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
14. Jingwen Li La Malinche English Chinese 馬林切 Yes
15 Kaile Liu Invasion of Tulagi (May 1942) English Chinese 入侵图拉吉岛(1942年5月) Yes
16 Nan Gu Ceilings of the Natural History Museum, London English Chinese 自然历史博物馆的天花板 Yes
17 Jinxuan Lei She Has a Name English Chinese 她有名字 Yes
18 Fuqiang ZHAO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
19 Dan Zhang Eastern green mamba English Chinese 东部绿曼巴蛇 Approved as AFC submission Yes
20 Yang Ming - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
21 Jie Li Stones Brewery English Chinese 斯通啤酒厂 Yes
22 Wenxin Cheng Big_Two-Hearted_River English Chinese 大双心河 Yes
23 Yujie Liu Women's poll tax repeal movement English Chinese 废除妇女投票税运动 Yes
24 Binjie Xiang In Our Time (short story collection) English Chinese 在我们的时代 Yes
25 Tong Cragside English Chinese Not yet published - awaited Yes
26 Zhao Kexin
  1. Alexander Hamilton (book)
  2. Thraliana
English Chinese
  1. 亚历山大·汉密尔顿_(传记)
  2. 瑟赫杂谈
27 Emily Owen 神饌 Japanese English Shinsen Yes
28 Larissa Webster - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
29 Shan Nie Cherry Springs State Park English Chinese 樱桃泉州立公园 Yes
30 Yiting Dai
  1. The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection
  2. Sober (Selena Gomez song)
English Chinese
  1. 泰勒·斯威夫特圣诞特辑
  2. 醉后清醒 (赛琳娜·戈麦斯歌曲)
31 NoraAlbawardi Scottish Renaissance English Arabic النهضة_الأسكتلندية Yes
32 Kangqian Dai Trout Creek Mountains English Chinese Drafted here - awaiting AFC review 5th July 2021 Yes
33 Muzhi Feng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
34 Katherine Laidlaw Colonial history of the city of Cologne German English Colonial history of the city of Cologne Yes
35 Marie Boyum The Norwegianisation of Sami Norwegian Bokmal English Norwegianization Yes
36 Ailin Li Me and Juliet English Chinese 我与茱丽叶 - Published! Yes
37 Li Li - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
38 Danyang Gao Pearl Cleage English Chinese 珀尔·克利奇 Yes
39 Siwan Wu
40 Sixian Qi
  1. Narration
English Chinese Reviewed - to be resubmitted - updated 5 July 2021 Yes
41 Riqueza H Los empeños de una casa Spanish English House_of_Desires Yes
42 Evelina Mihailescu Sayuri Yoko Japanese English Sayuri Yōko Yes
43 Ed Jefferson Horse-drawn railway Budweis – Linz – Gmunden German English Budweis–Linz–Gmunden Horse-Drawn Railway Yes
44 Yanyu Liu The Coral Island by R.M.Ballantyne English Chinese Drafted - Submitted 5th July for AFC review Yes
45 Huang Mengxiao - - - - - - - - - - - - Yes
46 Bowen He SayHerName English Chinese 说出她的名字 Yes
47 Luyao Xu Scotland in the High Middle Ages English Chinese 中世纪盛期的苏格兰 Yes
48 Yue Li Cogan House Covered Bridge English Chinese To be resubmitted once corrections are made - 5th July 2021 Yes
49 Alex Li - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
50 Ruolin Wu
51 Gao Xingjian

Content Translation

Screencast video tutorial to using the Content Translation tool

Once you've learned the basics of editing using Wikipedia’s Visual Editor, I hope that you'll stay logged in and edit or create more articles. I've added some booklets and some links below that you may find useful. As a first step you may like to check out what What Wikipedia is not along with its 5 guiding principles: The 5 pillars.



Suggested sources:

News sources
Theses databases

Outcomes - New pages created



Join us for the event!

Video guides to editing Wikipedia


Tutorials on Wikipedia editing


One page handouts


Participants - Sign Up Here!


Prior to the event:

  1. RSVP:
  2. Do you have a Wikipedia User Name?
    No? Create a Wikipedia account
    Yes? Go to Step #2
  3. Sign up! Add your Wikipedia User Name to this section by clicking the blue button below (follow instructions). Your name will be added to the bottom of this page
Don't worry! If you haven't edited Wikipedia before and don't have a Wikipedia User Name yet, we will help you on the day of the event! And remember to have fun!
To sign up for this event: Log in or create an account.