

This project has the objective of enhancing the Wikipedia coverage of two important areas: 1) population genetics topics in Arabic and 2) Islamic culture in English.

1) Population Genetics: Although a wide range of topics in population/quantitative genetics are well documented in English Wikipedia, there is a need for more representation when it comes to population/quantitative genetics in Arabic Wikipedia.

2) Islamic Culture: Many important figures, events, and stories from Islamic history are absent in Wikipedia.


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Articles to Create


1) Al-Ḥayy checkY

2) Al-Aḥad checkY

3) Al-Khaliq checkY

4) Al-Bari' checkY

5) Al-Muṣawwir checkY

6) Al-Qahhar checkY

1) Rebi’i bin Aamer Al-Tamimi checkY

2) Abdur-Rahman al-Mu'allimee al-Yamani checkY

3) Hamad Al-Ansari checkY

4) Aghawat checkY

Articles to Improve


1) Names of God in Islam checkY

Articles to Translate


1) Genetic variance to Arabic checkY

2) Epistasis to Arabic checkY



Arabic Sources:




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