Assignment 10: Final Contribution

Due Date: 9 pm Tuesday, November 26

The last step for your Wikipedia contribution is to make any final revisions to your article in response to feedback from classmates and Wikipedia users.

1. Review advice

Begin by carefully considering the suggestions you have received from your peer reviewers and any comments posted to your Project and Talk pages by other Wikipedia editors.

2. Respond to Talk and Project page feedback

As before, be sure to continually check the article’s Talk page and any WikiProject Talk pages for user feedback and suggestions, and respond as appropriate.

3. Revise your contribution

Revise your contribution according to the advice you have received, following the same technical details as provided for previous assignments. If your page has been changed or moved by other Wikipedia editors, include a description of those changes and your response in your final narrative.

4. Create a complete narrative reflection

Create a complete narrative reflection of what you have contributed to Wikipedia over the course of the semester, including a description of the changes you made, how you responded to feedback, and any other comments you would like to make on the process and on your experiences. If your page has been changed or moved by other Wikipedia editors, include a description of those changes and your responses in your narrative. Your final narrative should also include information provided in the narratives submitted with Assignments 6 and 8. If your page has been changed or moved by other Wikipedia editors, include a description of those changes and your response in your final narrative.

5. Revise your outline

Provide a final version of the outline of your article, showing with the track changes feature of Word all sections you have edited, deleted, or added.
Submission Instructions

Submit the following documents to the relevant assignment tabs on OWL-Space by 9 pm Tuesday, November 26. Be sure your name is included on each document.

a. A PDF (or PDFs) of the sections of the article you have contributed to, with the changes you have made highlighted, entitled <LastName>FinalContribution.pdf

Do not include large amounts of extraneous text created by others.
Follow the instructions given in Assignment 6 for labeling multiple attachments, creating PDFs and screenshots, etc.
If you rewrote the entire article, you can submit two documents: one PDF with your final article and one PDF of the original article. Label these documents as follows: <LastName>Final Contribution.pdf and <LastName>Original.pdf
If you created an entirely new article and you are the only person who has edited your article, take a screenshot or make a PDF of the entire article to submit. Please indicate on your summary document that this is the case so it is clear that all the work you’re submitting is your own.

b. Your complete narrative reflection, entitled <LastName>FinalContributionReflection.pdf (or .doc/.docx)

c. Your final outline, as described above, entitle <LastName>FinalOutline.pdf (or .doc/.docx)

d. Optional: If relevant (see assignment 8), your good article nomination banner, entitled <LastName> GoodArticleNomination.pdf.

As before, be sure to include page numbers (in Word documents) and to proofread and double-space all text, except the outline, which may be single-spaced. For PDF entries, be sure the font size is legible. Points will be deducted for items that do not follow these instructions.