Add your request in the most appropriate place below.

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Also, when adding a request, please include as much information as possible (such as webpages, articles, or other reference material) so editors can find and distinguish your request from an already-created article.




Editorial cartoonists









  • Jane Okrasinski - original on-air reporter and producer for Court TV; invented animal-court-style reality show; award-winning former reporter, Fulton County Daily Report; now the executive director of the Georgia Association of Council for Children
  • April Oliver - CNN producer fired over Operation Tailwind controversy; [40]
  • Bruno Jacquet Ossébi - journalist and party to Transparency International's biens mal acquis lawsuit against the Republic of the Congo and other African dictatorships in French courts; died through a probable arson; TI lawsuit still in progress[8]
  • Rilla Page Palmborg - author of The Private Life of Greta Garbo (1931)
  • Jeff Passolt - anchor, KMSP-TV; former sporters anchor, WTCN (KARE-TV)
  • Kimberly Pauley - founder, Young Adult Books Central; author of Sucks to Be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton, Teen Vampire (maybe)
  • Nick Paumgarten - staff writer, The New Yorker ;
  • Arndt Peltner (born July 19, 1968) - awarded-winning journalist; host of Radio Goethe, an English language radio show about German-language music and culture; [41]
  • Charles Petit - tracks science, medical, and environmental news in the English-language press for MIT's Knight Science Journalism Fellowships (at; awards include the 1999 AAAS-Whitaker Prize for Science Writing, the 1995 C. Everett Koop Award from the American Heart Association, the 1991 American Institute of Physics Science Writing Award, and the 1990 Science in Society Award from the National Association of Science Writers; [42]
  • Giselle Portenier
  • John R. Quain
  • [Amy Remeikis (Australian journalist and commentator(]
  • Michael Reiss (journalist) - American sports beat writer, The Boston Globe; covers the New England Patriots
  • Simon Rockower - namesake of the annual Simon Rockower Memorial Award in Jewish Journalism
  • Tjeerd Royaards - editorial cartoonist and editor-in-chief, Cartoon Movement company
  • Eduardo Rubiano Moncada - Colombian-American photojournalist
  • Laura Ryan (journalist) - television journalist, TV3 (Ireland)



  • Bill Teegins - Oklahoma sports journalist and anchor; specialized in Oklahoma State Cowboys sports; died in the Oklahoma State Cowboys basketball team plane crash (2001)
  • Joda Thongnopnua - managing editor, BNO News; currently the youngest staff member of the news agency at age 17
  • Lucy Tobin - journalist for national newspapers in the UK; author of two books: A Guide to Uni Life (Trotman, 2009) and Pimp Your Vocab (Portico, 2009)
  • Lucy Toothpaste - British fanzine writer and journalist; wrote Jolt fanzine in the 1970s; wrote for Spare Rib in the 1980s; co-founder, Rock Against Sexism; lots about her online, including on Punk77 site (; request submitted by AquaYlang
  • Joseph Uranowski - Canadian blogger; founder and main contributor, Canadian political blog The Equivocator; has been a member of ( since 2008
  • Jonathan Van Meter - founding editor, Vibe magazine; longtime contributing editor, to Vogue; author of The Last Good Time; executive producer of documentary Let's Get Frank
  • Patricia Walker O'Connor
  • Luke Waltham - former DA Youth leader in Durban, writer for Huffington Post South Africa, The Daily Vox, Celeb Mix and the Mail & Guardian.
  • Fredrick Ward - writer and photographer
  • Klaus Werner - author of Schwarzbuch Markenfirmen, an anticorporativism book; de:Klaus Werner
  • Scot Whitlock - cycling adventure writer, author and speaker; from Leamington Spa, England; has edited two national cycling magazines, been published in several others; has talked at cycling festivals in the UK; has two published books; writing third book; webazine, Cadence, is being released in January 2017; [47]
  • Elizabeth Widel - columnist, reviewer; has written nearly 3,000 consecutive columns; author of Okanogan County...A Profile (1973) and Exploring the Okanogan (2015); [48]; [49]; [50]; [51]; [52]
  • Liza Williams - American journalist and cultural icon; author of Up the City of Angels
  • Michael Winerip - education correspondent, The New York Times
  • Kai Wong - Hollywood actor; producer in Merchant Ivory Productions; fr:Kai Wong
  • Qin Xie - journalist, author and editor. She is currently acting travel editor at The Independent [9] and runs a personal finance newsletter, Money Talk [10]. She was previously acting travel editor at The Sun Online [11] and has worked for CNN [12], [13] and other print and online publications in the past. In 2014, she co-authored a cookbook, Hunan: A Lifetime of Secrets from Mr Peng’s Chinese Kitchen [14], published by Preface, an imprint of Random House [15].
  • Dorthoy Langdon Yates - journalist; author of several books about the history of Midland, Michigan
  • Charles M. Young - American journalist and music critic
  • Phyllis Zatlin - author; received a Fulbright Fellowship
  • Leah Zeldes (also known as Leah A. Zeldes and Leah Zeldes Smith) - food writer, editor/journalist, and co-editor of a three-time Hugo Award-nominated fanzine
  • Glenn Zimmerman - news reporter, WNBC (New York City)



  • Al Shindagah Magazine -
  • 5 Star Durban Magazine -
  • A&U: America's AIDS Magazine (req. 2013-6-25) - monthly HIV/AIDS magazine; continuously published since 1991;
  • Adam Magazine
  • The Aeronautical Annual
  • Aeronautics (magazine) - British military, general-interest war-era aviation periodical
  • Affair Magazine
  • The Alien Invader - Asian-Australian political satire
  • Almost - Official website Almost is a magazine focused on pop culture and is aimed at younger audiences.
  • Amazons Watch Magazine (It's a publication under the African Leadership Organization dedicated to highlighting the achievements of women in Africa and other developing countries, their participation in Global institutions, Peace missions and businesses) ( )
  • American Aphrodite - [53]
  • American Drivel Review
  • American Woodworker Magazine - a New Track Media publication; has been the premier publication for woodworkers all across America for 25 years; [54]
  • The Analyst Magazine -
  • Anders And & Co. (English: Donald Duck & Co.) - Disney comics magazine in Denmark, see da:Anders And & Co., fr:Anders And & Co;
  • Architectural Glass Concepts (also known as AGC Magazine) (req. 2013-1-11) - right on the line between a high-end popular science/architecture magazine and an academic journal; scope much wider than the name suggests; contributors have included numerous Ph.Ds from NASA, Boeing, etc.; besides architecture, has run major articles on topics ranging from the cupola of the International Space Station to vitrification of nuclear waste; also scored an exclusive interview with the normally very close-mouthed founder of Rayotek Scientific
  • Art Basel Miami Beach (magazine) (req. 2013-1-7) - covers Art Basel Miami Beach; published by Niche Media; OCLC 213415750
  • Art Business News Magazine -
  • Art Galleries & Artists of the South (styled as ArtGalleries&ArtistsoftheSouth) -
  • Arterritory - art magazine; based in Riga, Latvia; covers the Baltic, Russian and Scandinavian art territory; published in English, Latvian and Russian; affiliated with the alternative travel guide series Another Travel Guide;
  • AsiAm - Asian-American magazine of late 1980s; later became Transpacific (magazine)
  • Asiana (magazine) - British fashion magazine for South Asians;
  • AutoVolt Magazine - initially begun in 2013 as a website; July 2014 saw the introduction of the UK's only consumer magazine focused on the subject of electric and hybrid vehicles; bimonthly; covers latest developments and trends in the market as well as feature reviews and articles about electric and hybrid vehicles and their associated technology; available as both a digital publication and with print-on-demand
  • Bailey's Magazine
  • Ballast Quarterly Review
  • Bay Area Parent
  • The Berlin Review of Books - online literary review; specializes in non-fiction;
  • Big Red & Shiny - online magazine of contemporary art criticism; est. 2004; based in Boston, MA; focuses on contemporary visual art in New England;; [55];
  • Blended Zine - American teen art and literature zine in San Juan County, New Mexico;
  • Bon International
  • Boston Parents Paper
  • Boudoir Magazine -
  • Brownbook (Brownbook Magazine) - (; bimonthly; fashion and lifestyle; "an urban guide to the Middle East"; established c. 2006; ISSN 1994-9642; published by Brownbook Publishing fz llc, a company registered in Dubai Media City
  • The Brutarian - fiction and culture magazine


  • Cambrian Visitor (established 1813) - predecessor to the Cambrian Magazine; literary and antiquarian publication with home and local news; Elijah Waring, founder and main editor; publication lasted some eight months before ultimately failing; it is said that Waring lost a great deal of money through this venture; David Jenkin, Swansea, printed the periodical
  • Canvas (magazine) (long name: Canvas – Art and Culture from the Mid East and Arab World (req. 2013-1-7) - English language bi-monthly; published by Mixed Media Publishing FZ LLC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; ISSN 1814-7062; OCLC 61459141;
  • Cape May Magazine - American lifestyle magazine for Cape May, New Jersey
  • Carbon Culture Review - arts, literary and technology journal
  • Career Ahead (magazine) (long name: Career Ahead – Learn from Experience Career Ahead offers a view into the real-life experiences of accomplished individuals from all arenas. - English language Quarterly; published by Indian Traditions Private Limited, New Delhi, India;
  • The Cat Collection Magazine - magazines to tell you about cats with a free soft toy
  • Cicada (magazine) - literary magazine for teens
  • City Life Magazine - fashion and lifestyle magazine for Vaughan, Woodbridge, Maple, Concord, Kleinburg, Richmond Hill;
  • City Arts Magazine - City Arts was a monthly free glossy magazine for arts and culture in the Seattle area. From 2006 to 2018, it produced a monthly print magazine, regular online content and a series of music and arts events featuring only local Seattle-area artists;
  • CleatBeat - India's first magazine and training resource dedicated to the sport of association football; established June 2010;
  • Click National Picture Monthly
  • Common Language Project - US-based multimedia magazine; covers international underreported stories; [56]
  • ConstructionPlus Asia - Asia-based architecture&construction magazine; covers all aspect of the construction industry, highlighting projects, key professionals, building technologies and important events, as well as contributions to the local construction ecosystem;[57]
  • Dangerous Ink - quarterly arts magazine; UK-based;[dead link]
  • Decision (magazine) - magazine of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association; [58]
  • Destination Magazine -; if you type in Destination Magazine Kenya or East Africa Destination Magazine, there are pages on Google for reference that are independent of the magazine
  • Digital Americana - first literary and culture magazine; made for iPad;[dead link]
  • Dimensions (magazine) (might be Dimensions Magazine)
  • Dissonance (magazine) - industrial and underground rock/culture magazine; founded by Leif Hunneman
  • Diverse: Issues In Higher Education (magazine) - Launched in 1984 as Black Issues In Higher Education, Diverse is the preeminent source of critical news, information and insightful commentary on the full range of issues concerning diversity in American higher education;


  • Edmond Outlook - American monthly magazine; mailed to residents of Edmond, Oklahoma:
  • Egg Magazine (American 1960s)
  • ek magazine - about: (Architecture and design)
  • Elephant Journal - guide to the mindful life
  • Elle Canada - Canadian version of Elle
  • Emurge Magazine (req. 2013-3-11) - monthly entertainment magazine; published in English and Spanish; established March 2013;
  • Experience Magazine - Award-winning magazine published by Northeastern University; focus is human-tech relationships.
  • Feathertale Review - Canadian literary journal; focuses on humor
  • Feeler Magazine - defunct, but newly re-published short-story magazine
  • Flagrant Magazine - An inclusive print publication created by women about the culture of basketball, including art, community, and fans [59] [60][61][62][63]
  • Flare - Leading Telecom Magazine - Pakistani telecom magazine
  • Focus/Midwest - U.S. magazine (founded 1962; closed 1980s; online 2010-2011) focused on the Mid-West. ; requested 2018.01.05
  • Frog and a Blender Magazine
  • F*@K! (F*@K! or ####!) - gay indie- alternative-music magazine;[dead link]
  • FYI Teen News - Magazine FYI Teen News is a free digital magazine with the goal of empowering, encouraging and entertaining teenagers and young adults. A magazine designed to reach the next generation, the YOUTH of America. And to help them make right choices and decisions in life. [20]
  • ####### Giddy Up - fad
  • Gambling Times Magazine - magazine on gambling strategy, news and culture
  • GKT Gazette - oldest hospital journal in the world (previously known as the Guy's Hospital Gazette); in publication since 1872; still independently published at the health schools' campuses of King's College London;
  • GP Newspaper
  • Guitar One Magazine
  • Gossip Lanka - Gossip Lanka News Sri Lanka:
  • Hardnews Magazine - Indian political monthly magazine founded in 2003;
  • Harrowsmith's Almanac (formerly Harrowsmith's Truly Canadian Almanac) - almanac written in Canada for Canadians; sister publication of Harrowsmith Country Life; [64]; [65]
  • Hat City Entertainment - magazine based in Danbury Connecticut; established 2005; takes very proactive approach to comprehensive coverage of the arts, leisure, nightlife; and
  • Heather Nova Online Magazine - free online magazine with world news, multimedia, web designer tips and tricks, etc.
  • Her Culture Magazine - free online magazine and blog; encourages women to share their languages, traditions, and cultures
  • Horrorcore Magazine - based around the music and culture of horrorcore music; features top acts in the genre including other metal, rock and rap acts; includes interviews with horror movie stars; [66]; [67]; [68]; [69]; [70]; [71]
  • The Hype Magazine - United States-based print and digital magazine; covers music, entertainment, fashion and culture; established in 2002 as a newsletter; features daily news and interviews from hip-hop to Hollywood via its web portal; quarterly print editions are available in select major retailers in North America, Europe, Asia; magazine also publishes special-edition Digital Cover issues available via its web portal;[21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26]


  • Idealog – New Zealand publication; does long-form journalism; Idealog links show up in hundreds of citations on Wikipedia, yet can find no article explicating the nature, ownership, founding, nor areas of interest for this publication;
  • The Illustrated Ape - creative writing and illustration magazine; aimed at young, clever, brand-aware, creative types; established 1997; sold across Europe and US;
  • InDallas Magazine - American premium city magazine of Dallas, Texas; 20k+ copies circulate bi-monthly; magazine can be found in various businesses' and hotels' lobbies in Dallas area; established 2011;
  • The Independent Copt Magazine - free monthly magazine; covers coptic and human rights;
  • InDigest - online literary and arts magazine; established 2007;
  • International Reveiw of African American Art
  • International Scientology News - OCLC 124001914
  • International Travel News - magazine; started 1976; covers travel outside the U.S., Mexico, the Caribbean and Canada;
  • Internet Video Magazine
  • Irish Arts Review - magazine; focuses on Irish art; circulation of 40,000
  • Islam Tribune - online magazine; features world news and Muslim views; established 2000;
  • It's Art Magazine - digital-art magazine; French and English
  • Jazziz - mentioned in numerous jazz-related articles
  • Jotta - network and online magazine; focuses on collaboration across and within contemporary art and design
  • Journal of Accountancy (req. 2013-1-10) - monthly magazine; published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; ISSN 0021-8448;; redirects to publisher (at January 2013)
  • Journal of Laryngology and Otology - UK Medical journal on otolaryngology founded in 1887. Currently published by Cambridge University Press ISSN 0022-2151;
  • Joystik - early-1980s magazine on arcade games
  • Just Imperfectly Perfect Magazine (also styled as JIP Magazine) - magazine for teens; "feel-good" kind of magazine; established 2012;
  • The Juvenilian - Newark-based literary magazine; established 2007
  • Kasma Science Fiction Magazine - quarterly science-fiction magazine
  • KC Business - bimonthly regional business magazine for the Kansas City area
  • KC Magazine - monthly regional magazine for the Kansas City area
  • Keep The Faith magazine - The UK's leading Black and multi-ethnic Christian magazine. In print since 2005; circulation of 10,000;
  • KIWI Magazine - bi-monthly; dedicated to raising families the natural and organic way;
  • KOOL Magazine -; UK-based youth culture magazine in the East Anglia region; founded in 1997
  • Kruger Magazine - quarterly; concept-driven, cutting-edge independent music magazine; produced in Cardiff; established 2003
  • Kulture Deluxe Magazine - U.S. alternative music, fashion, and pop-culture magazine


  • Leaders (magazine) (styled as LEADERS) - global leaders in business, politics, religion, science, entertainment, art;
  • Legendary Times
  • Little Brother Magazine - Canadian literary magazine; featured in The Globe and Mail and the National Post; also published a collection of Toronto mayor Rob Ford-inspired fiction, which was covered on the Atlantic Wire and the Toronto Star; ISSN 2291-3858;; redirects to publisher (at August 2013)
  • Living Abroad - magazine for people wishing to expatriate
  • The Lizard Magazine - British online humorous magazine; refreshes daily;
  • London Life Magazine - 1922–1960;
  • Lost Anarchy Magazine - creator Mojo El Diablo; features comics, pop culture, fashion, dreams, legal advice, music and models
  • The Lotus Reader - online literary magazine
  • Lumpen Magazine of Chicago
  • The Magazine of Modern Sex
  • Make-Up Artist (magazine) - U.S.-based; covers the profession in areas of film/television/stage/runway; sold at larger newsstands;
  • Manic Fervor - online literary magazine; specializes in the odd, bizarre, and just plain weird; accepts poetry, short fiction, photography, drawings, and paintings
  • MC Magazine - online fashion magazine; independent bimonthly fashion magazine with cutting-edge editorials;
  • Miami Golf Journal - first and unique South Florida golf magazine
  • MiniWorld - UK magazine for the classic Mini;
  • the modernist (published by The Modernist Society ) - Quarterly magazine about twentieth century architecture and design, based in Manchester UK; founded by Jack Hale, Maureen Ward and Eddy Rhead in 2011; ISSN 2639-9520;;
  • Moecco - Japanese junior idol magazine and DVD series
  • Moldova Turistica - magazine about the Republic of Moldova (village walks, holy places, wine road, capital, national master, culture, national interprets - CD included, national cuisine peculiarities, sights, map; director, editor in chief: Natalia Sineavscaia
  • Monsters Attack! - independent black-and-white magazine; deals with all things monstrous; by Cliff Mott and Mort Todd
  • Morbid Outlook - Gothic subculture magazine; founded by 'Mistress' Laura McCutchen
  • Motorcaravan Motorhome Monthly (popularly known as MMM (magazine)) - British motorcaravanning magazine
  • Mountain Gazette Magazine (commonly known as the Mountain Gazette) - owned by Summit Publications; has been printed for 40 years
  • Musical Mathematics - Leeds-based alternative-music zine/blog/collective; known for releasing monthly zines; created by Andrew Crowder
  • Mutineer Magazine - drink magazine; covers the culture of wine, beer, spirits, cocktail, coffee and tea; created by Alan Kropf


  • Neurology Now -; official publication of the American Academy of Neurology; publication is available free of charge to people with neurological conditions and their caregivers; established in 2005; delivers current, authoritative, and balanced information on the latest advances in neurology research and treatment to more than 1.5 million readers; written in concise and easy-to-understand language, the articles help people make informed decisions about treatment options and living with a wide range of neurologic disorders, including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, autism, stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), migraine, Huntington disease; past magazine covers have featured Michael J. Fox and Muhammad Ali (who have Parkinson's disease), Madeleine Stowe (whose father had MS), Valerie Harper (who has brain cancer), and US men's soccer goalie Tim Howard (who has Tourette syndrome); available at neurologists' offices and by subscription
  • Next Step Magazine - U.S. college-planning magazine;
  • Nine5Four The Magazine - U.S. magazine featuring unsigned models, musicians, and other talent;
  • Niteblade Magazine (Niteblade Magazine of Fantasy and Horror) -
  • No Cigar Magazine - London-based print and online women's lifestyle magazine; sells in 10+ countries;
  • No Thoughts Magazine -; contemporary photography magazine; first published around 2009; features both established and emerging photographers
  • The Nonconformists' Memorial - cited in Joshua Toulmin
  • Notion Magazine - bimonthly fashion and music magazine; founded in 2004;
  • Novoye Vremya (Ukrainian magazine) - fondend by the team in 2014 ; [72][73][74][75]
  • Nude Celebrity Hollywood - title tells all
  • Oakland Local - online news resource for Oakland, California, founded by Susan Mernit in 2009;
  • The Ocelot Magazine - music and entertainment magazine in Wiltshire;
  • Oh Comely Magazine - alternative women's lifestyle magazine; included on the list of women's magazines;
  • Old and New (magazine) - 19th-century American magazine; published between 1870 and 1874 by Roberts Brothers in Boston; [76]; published poetry, opinion, and literature


  • Paper Monument - American journal of contemporary art
  • Parts & People - American automotive-trade magazine; published since 1985
  • Pennsylvania Literary Journal -; full-text articles available on EBSCO ([77]) and ProQuest ([78], [79]); available in-print as single issues; [80]; published interviews with New York Times best-selling authors including Larry Niven and Cinda Williams Chima; established 2009
  • The Phat Phree -
  • Phoenix (London magazine) - London-based journal of pop culture and arts;
  • Phoenix Magazine - cited on the Death of Rebecca Zahau page
  • PLAIN Magazine - architecture and design.
  • PLAY Magazine -[dead link]
  • Podcast User Magazine -
  • Pop Smear (magazine)
  • Post (magazine) - trade magazine; published by Post LLC, a COP Communications company;; ISSN 0891-5628; [81]
  • Presbyterian Outlook -; independent biweekly of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
  • Project X Magazine -
  • ‘’ Provincetown Magazine ‘’ (art, culture and entertainment magazine published in Provincetown, Massachusetts since 1977) (Provincetown
  • Pulp Literature - quarterly non-profit magazine; cross genre; [82]; [83]; [84]
  • Q's 50 Heaviest Albums of All Time
  • Q's 100 Greatest Albums of All Time (2006)


  • Rave Magazine (Australia) - Brisbane-based entertainment magazine; put out over 1,000 issues over the course of about 21 years; ceased publication in 2012; page was deleted by a troll
  • Renewable Energy Magazine -
  • Revista de Revistas - Mexican cultural magazine
  • The Revival (magazine) - UK Muslim youth magazine
  • Revolve Magazine - UK-based and internationally available magazine; covers psytrance and counterculture;
  • The Rune - publication claimed to have been edited by BNP leader Nick Griffin in a Times article; [85]
  • Savage Henry Independent Times - A monthly printed and online Humor magazine with comedian interviews, games and comics;
  • Scotland Outdoors Magazine - bimonthly publication; only magazine about Scottish outdoors activities (walking, camping, swimming, running, cycling, wildlife, photography); produced in Scotland;
  • Science News for Kids - youth edition and companion to the Society for Science & the Public's Science News
  • Scifantastic
  • Seventeen Freshman 15 - fifteen freshman girls selected each year by Seventeen magazine to demystify the freshman experience
  • Short Story International - magazine in English with reprints of translations into English as well as originally-in-English stories from around the world; began around 1964 and continued until around 1987, with a twelve-year hiatus; [86] [87]
  • Singapore Art Gallery Guide - artists, events, organizations and art news from Singapore; since 2004;
  • Social Nerve Magazine
  • Spa Fon - comic-book fanzine from the EC era
  • Spain Magazine - lifestyle and property magazine on Spain; based in the UK
  • Spielbox - German game magazine
  • The South Delta Leader - news and local events happening in South Delta, British Columbia, Canada
  • The Spoke - humor publication at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia
  • Squa Tront - comic book fanzine from the EC era (this is not a dupe of above; both existed)
  • Stockyard. Magazine (STOCKYARD. Magazine) - Chicago-based cultural magazine; akin to The New Yorker;; [88]; [89]
  • subTerrain Magazine - Canadian literary magazine; based in Vancouver, British Columbia; founded in 1988;
  • Successful Farming


  • Topic Magazine
  • Transpacific (magazine) - Asian-American magazine; published until late 1990s?; originally known as AsiAm
  • Triptych Haiku
  • Two-Lane Livin' - free magazine; distributed to 15 counties of Central West Virginia; offers entertainment and healthy-living tips for rural life;
  • Upscale (magazine)
  • Upstreet (magazine) - annual literary journal; founded 2005;;
  • Urdu Magazine -
  • Vestal Review - launched March 2000; world's oldest magazine dedicated exclusively to flash fiction;
  • Vintage Caravan Magazine - international bi-monthly magazine; covers vintage, classic and retro-styled caravans and vintage travel trailers; founded 2011;
  • Virtue Magazine - homeschooling political magazine
  • WAG (magazine) -; lifestyle magazine; published by Westfair Communications Inc.
  • West Coast Midnight Run Volumes -;;; Would really like to see Wikipedia editors publish a page/tab on this publication, as a fan and subscriber I believe they are one of a kind in adapting popular lifestyles and pop culture magazine content to art gallery book format, they have exclusive content all their own and they are the only publisher online using a classic print format rather than a blog or block format which removes any of the visual gloss of real paper wide format art collection books. Plus they are completely free to the public and none of the main glamour publications offer anything close to what they are doing. Love to see a Wikipedia editor produce a page on them.
  • Weekly Humorist - Established in 2017, Weekly Humorist is a daily general humor publication featuring satire, cartoons, a podcast, and a monthly print magazine, with the tagline "The standard in American immaturity.".
  • West Coast Midnight Run -;; early web-based hybrid publication created before the development of Flash-based readers for publications such as e-flip, e-page and all the latest Flash-based technologies for browsing media; references to this media/publication all over the web and its date of initial publication predates the latest styles that imitate it mode of publishing media content; published in double-page open format as if it were a print magazine, content is a mix between an art-house coffee-table book and glamour magazines; content is international in scope; annual edition is published
  • Western Humanities Review - literary journal, western themes
  • Western Living Magazine -; lifestyle magazine; published by Transcontinental Media
  • Wing Chun Teahouse - quarterly publication; dedicated to the Chinese martial art of Wing Chun;
  • World Art Glass Quarterly - quarterly publication; dedicated to showcasing the world's finest architectural and art glass;
  • Ygorra - fundraising magazine for Glasgow Students CharitiesAppeal
  • Yuva Engineers -; monthly magazine; covers engineering, technology, management and research; published in Hyderabad, India
  • Zack (magazine) - German monthly; serializes comic books; publishes books devoted to graphic novels
  • ZG (magazine) - 1980 British culture and art magazine
  • Zillions/Consumer Reports for Kids (formerly Penny Power (magazine)); published by Consumers Union
  • Zipper (magazine) - Japanese fashion magazine

Manga, manhwa, and manhua[edit]

  • 50 Rules for Teenagers - eight-volume manhwa by Na Ye-ri; published by Daiwon C.I.; ANN; published in English by ADV Manga
  • Behind the Scenes!! - ongoing manga by Bisco Hatori; official English translation distributed by VIZ Media
  • Boy Princess (manhwa) - manhwa by Kim Seong; published by Net Comics; ANN; published in Germany; (need further probing to know if it meets WP:N)
  • Crazy Love Story - five-volume manhwa by Lee Vin; published by Daiwon C.I.; ANN; published in English and German by Tokyopop, in French by Asuka Comics
  • Croquis (manga) - written by Hinako Takanaga; licensed in English by Tokyopop; ANN
  • Dead Already (manga) (no ANN?)
    • OEM by Dwayne Smith — review(s): Newtype USA. October 2007. 6 (10) p. 109
  • Dear School Gang Leader - two-volume ongoing manga series by Fujikata Mayu; no licensor; no ANN
  • Double Arts - 23-chapter discontinued manga by Naoshi Komi; ANN; exceptionally original story with high-quality drawing that for some reason did not gather much reception
  • Energer Z
  • Galaxia The Stories of Illusion - new dōjinshi based on the world of Tenchi Muyou by Stanislaw Giers
  • Gekigasonjuku (jawiki page) - Japanese manga school established by Kazuo Koike in 1977; former student:Rumiko Takahashi, Yuji Horii, etc.
  • .hack//GnU
  • Hanami: International Love Story - by Plus and Sung-Jae Park; reviews: AA 3 ML; Mania 1; Mania 2; Mania 3; Mania 4; Newtype USA PCS 1 PCS 2. Links: AICN DHC 1.
  • Headlights Manga -
  • Hiromi Series - Khmer-based anime series; created by Curran Son; [90]
  • Jade of Bango - 15-volume ongoing manhwa series by Ae-Ju Yin and Jin-Ju Yin; licensed Tokyopop (one volume out); reviews: Mania, Popcultureshock; (pre-check neutral)
  • manga school
  • Masahiro Itosugi - manga written by Aki-Sora; published by Champion Red Ichigo; also wrote A Wish of My Sister
  • Max Gamer - written by Dr. Frank W. Gaskill from Southeast Psych; this manga-style comic book is about a boy named Max Gamer who uses the disorder he had, Asperger syndrome, to become a superhero and battle enemies; book speaks of Asperger's as an advancement or a special ability and it does, in many cases, increase the memory and intelligence of individuals; even Temple Grandin stated "This comic would have helped me when I was a teenager who was being teased."; links: 1, 2, 3
  • Monthly Comics @ Bunch - current revival of Weekly Comic Bunch; needs its own article as the current one only covers the defunct magazine
  • My Girl (manhwa) - five-volume series by Jeong Won Paek; no ANN; no licensor UK/US, France, Germany, Italy & Spain; (pre-check dubious)
  • Nabi (ko:Nabi) - reviews: CBB, IGN Newtype USA, October 2007, 6 (10) p. 104.
  • Naono Bohra - mangaka; biography and published works
  • One Fine Day (manhwa) - (no ANN?)
  • Safe Again Today - (no ANN?)
  • Saint Knights Tale - new spinoff from Tenchi Muyou by Masaki Kajishima
  • The Sexy Simpleton - eight-volume series by Hwang Mi-ri; no ANN; no licensor; (pre-check dubious)
  • Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume (ja:幸福喫茶3丁目) - ANN
  • Smash! (manga) - (no ANN?)
  • Witch Class - three on-going volumes in series by Lee Ru; ANN; published in US by Infinity Studios (Infinity Studios); Review RS?; Mania Review; no licensor France, Germany, Spain and Italy; (one more review and it is OK (pre-check neutral))



  • Adelaide East Herald - Newspaper (Print) A weekly newspaper based in Crafers, South Australia. Sister publication of the Adelaide Hills Herald[27].
  • Adelaide Hills Herald - Newspaper (Print) A weekly newspaper based in Crafers, South Australia. Sister publication of the Adelaide East Herald[28].
  • " - News, Sports and Entertainment from Detroit and Los Angeles"
  • Al Sahawat Times - Newspaper (Print and Digital) ISSN registered in multiple countries. First Printed as Al Sahawat in 1985, printed as Al Sahawat Times since 2007. Part owned by the Sultan of Oman, Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said. Involved with charity work according to Charity website Narconon. Has an active Apple News channel and registered offices in the UK, Oman, UAE, South Africa and Spain from what I can find. Seems to be focused mainly on ethical news/media, current affairs and fashion.
  • Avisa Oslo - Norwegian local digital newspaper with a coverage area of ​​Oslo; established on 30 November 2020
  • BBSNews (; who funds/produces/edits this online newspaper?
  • The Bulletin Index - see [92]
  • The Chicago Daily Observer ( - political editorials (referenced in other articles) – possibly online-only and possibly semi-defunct (the website says Tom Roeser is the publisher and editor-in-chief, but he has been dead for five years, and all recent articles appear to be syndicated or otherwise copied from elsewhere)
  • Chicago Phoenix ( - largest LGBT news and information site in the Midwest (as ranked by ComScore & Quantcast)
  • The City Paper Bogotá ( - online daily and print monthly English-language newspaper; based in Bogotá, Colombia; founded 2008
  • Coachella Valley Independent ( - alternative newspaper for the Palm Springs, Calif. and Coachella Valley area; updated online daily and printed monthly; founded in late 2012 by altweekly veteran Jimmy Boegle; [29] [30] member of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia[31] and the Local Independent Online News Publishers[32]
  • Daily Nine O'Clock - Karachi, Pakistan
  • The Devils Lake World
  • Doncaster Gazette - British local paper which appears to have been published continuously from 1794 to at least 1981, a run of almost 200 years; [93]
  • The Eagle - American University's student newspaper (
  • The Evening Bulletin - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Fanatik [ro]
  • The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican
  • G41 Community Newspaper - Glasgow, Scotland, UK
  • The Georgetown Independent - Georgetown University student newspaper
  • The Hoot Owl - kid-run newspaper based in Texas in the 1970s; circulation 426,000; listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for youngest managing editor-8 years old, and fastest growing newspaper. It was an insert in at least fifteen daily newspapers.
  • Islamic Times - United Kingdom
  • Island Ad-Vantages, The Weekly Packet, Castine Patriot - three weekly newspapers serving three towns and their surrounding areas on the midcoast of Maine; published out of Stonington, Maine, by Penobscot Bay Press (
  • Karnataka State Industrial Times (; exclusively for industrialist in Karnataka, India
  • Kent Live (; local news website covering the county of Kent, UK
  • Korea Times US ( -nationwide news source for the Korean-American community
  • La Crónica - Hispanic newspaper; published by the Idar family
  • The Louisville Record ( - newspaper of the archdiocese of Louisville; in continuous publication since 1879; (previous article deleted by a 'manning bartlett' no longer active on Wikipedia)
  • The Messenger (Georgian newspaper) ( - English-language daily in Tbilisi, Georgia


Street papers[edit]

These are the redlinked street papers from the navbox Template:Street newspapers, grouped by geographic area:


  • Wardheernews Somalia (
  • The Big Issue Ethiopia
  • The Big Issue Kenya
  • The Big Issue Namibia
  • The Big Issue South Africa - [96]
  • The Big Issue Zambia




Czech Republic

  • Novy Prostor

Eastern Europe

  • Eastern European Times (also known as EU Times) - online newspaper'


  • Macadam
  • L'Itinérant


  • Asphalt (street paper)
  • BISS (street paper)
  • Die Jerusalemmer
  • Die Stütze
  • Die strasse
  • Donaustrudl
  • Fiftyfifty (street paper)
  • Hempels strassenmagazin
  • Hinz und Kunzt
  • Parkbank
  • Soziale Welt
  • Strassenkreuzer
  • Tagessatz
  • Trott-war


  • Flaszter


  • Ireland's Issues Magazine


  • Terre Di Mezzo

FYR Macedonia

  • Ulica (street paper)


  • Haags Straatnieuws
  • Straat Magazine
  • Straatnieuws
  • Z Magazine (street paper)


  • = Oslo
  • Gatemagasinet Klar
  • Megafon (Norway street paper)
  • Sorgenfri (street paper)
  • Virkelig


  • Gazeta Uliczna


Russian Federation

  • Put Domoi Siberia


  • Lice Ulice


  • Nota Bene (street paper)


  • Milhistorias (y la tuya)


  • Surprise (street paper)


  • Vilni Visiti

United Kingdom

  • The Big Issue Cymru
  • Tamworth Informed

Latin America[edit]

  • Al Margen
  • Boca de Rua
  • Diagonal (street newspaper)
  • La Callejera
  • Hecho en Buenos Aires
  • La Calle (street newspaper)
  • La Luciernaga
  • Ocas (street newspaper)

North America[edit]


  • L'Itinéraire
  • Long Haul (street newspaper)
  • Megaphone Magazine - [100]
  • Our Voice - [101]
  • Street Corner (newspaper) - [102]; [103]
  • Street Feat
  • Victoria Street Newz

United States

Unclear location[edit]

  • Catapult (street newspaper)
  • Homeless Talk - Sinead & Hanks
  • Journal Clin d'œil
  • Mango News

Newspaper comic strips[edit]

  • Alex's Restaurant
  • Cosper believed from Denmark; see an example here
  • Grammarman published previously in Brunei, China, Malaysia, Argentina, Russia; currently in print in Thailand and Canada
  • Hälge the comic strip by the Swedish Lars Mortimer
  • Jenny, The Military Spouse - published weekly in the Stars & Stripes, this is the only newspaper comic strip in history about life as a military spouse. It is created/drawn by Julie L. Negron the wife of an Air Force pilot. [108]
  • Randolf Itch 2 A.M.
  • Guy & Rodd - creators of Brevity, plus a page each for Guy Endore-Kaiser and Rodd Perry
  • "B. Kilban" artist, cartoonist, author. [33]
  • "Lee Holley" artist, cartoonist, creator of strip "Ponytail".


Publishers (people)[edit]

  • David Benaym - French journalist and publisher; based in the US; co-founder (with Danny Tidwell) and editor-in-chief, movmnt magazine (; international political correspondent (; author (
  • J. Henry Harper
  • Andrea Juno - publisher, editor, graphic designer, chief interviewer, Re/Search and Juno Books; featured in magazine and newspaper profiles
  • Daniel Francis McGrath - founder, McGrath Publishing; editor, Bookman's Price Index
  • Alf B. Meier - photographer and writer; publisher of the first travel zine Kafenio (zine) (1999)
  • Bryan Patton - founder, EvanEileen Publishing
  • Beatriz Scaglia - author; republisher of Wikipedia articles for profit based on creative commons content
  • Joshua Townsend
  • Glenyse Ward

Publishing companies[edit]


  • 215ink - comic publisher
  • 519 Magazine ( - publishes music, arts, entertainment and theatre stories, interviews and reviews in Ontario, Canada.
  • 8th House Publishing ( - publishes fiction, philosophy, esoterica and other earnest works


  • Airmont Books - New York-based paperback publisher; reprints and low-pay originals
  • Amphetamine Sulphate (Publisher) (low-cost publisher run by Philip & Sarah Best, frequently publishes books by noise musicians including [Gabrielle Losoncy], [Jason Williamson], [Philip Best] and [Simon Morris]) (
  • Anaphora Literary Press ( - publishes academic and creative books; established 2009; member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses and the Independent Book Publishers Association; its books have been reviewed by Midwest Book Review and others ([115]; [116]; [117]; [118]; [119]); many of the 60+ authors it has published have their own Wikipedia pages; has links to articles; one of its authors received an honorable mention for the Literacy Now Latino First Fiction Book Award ([120])
  • Anvil Press Publishers Inc. ( - Vancouver (Canada); founded in 1988 by Brian Kaufman; publishes literary titles in all genres from new and established Canadian authors
  • Apollo Publishers (Publisher of timely and topical adult nonfiction on subjects such as the opioid epidemic, racial issues, environmental issues, memoir, music, cooking, and more. New York City-based publishing house created by Julia Abramoff and Alex Merrill with distribution by Ingram Publisher Services. (
  • The Ariel Press (Ariel Press) - London print house
  • Avery Hill Publishing ( - London (England); Independent publisher of literary graphic novels, primarily from new and up-and-coming creators who have yet to be noticed by the mainstream, including Tillie Walden who was discovered as a teenager by Avery Hill [121]. Their main goal is to help such creators move toward wider recognition [122]. The publisher has a focus on ‘narratives with an experimental edge and a quiet presentation’ [123]. Their titles have won or been nominated for many major awards, with two Ignatz Awards wins for Tillie Walden's I Love This Part [124]. Avery Hill won 'Best Publisher' in the Broken Frontier Awards in 2018 [125] and in 2017 [126]
  • Balcony Media - American publishing company; based in Glendale, California; publishes FORM Pioneering Design magazine
  • Balivernes éditions ( - French publishing house of children books
    - A été créée en 2004, 130 titres au catalogue, récompensée par les prix Chronos pour "Les baisers de Cornélius", par le prix Imaginales 2016 du meilleur roman jeunesse pour "La fille qui navigua autour de Féérie dans un bateau construit de ses propres mains" de Catherynne M. Valente, finaliste du prix des Incorruptibles pour "Les baisers de Cornélius", éditeur de la série des Petits Chats) (Prix : Incorruptibles pour 'Les baisers de Cornelius' [127], Prix Chronos pour 'Les baisers de Cornelius' [128], Imaginales meilleur roman jeunesse 2016 pour 'La fille qui navigua autour de Féérie dans un bateau construit de ses propres mains' [129], prix Gayant 2011 pour 'Saperlipopette mène l'enquête' [130]...
    - books with French Wikipedia articles: La fille qui navigua autour de Féérie dans un bateau construit de ses propres mains;; (fr:La Fille qui navigua autour de Fééri dans un bateau construit de ses propres mains), Série 'Les Petits Chats' (fr:Les Petits Chats (série littéraire))
    - authors with French Wikipedia articles: Cathy Delanssay (fr:Cathy Delanssay), Éric Sanvoisin (fr:Éric Sanvoisin), Catherine Leblanc (fr:Catherine Leblanc), Jack Chaboud (Jack Chaboud), Lenia Major (fr:Lenia Major), Catherynne M. Valente (fr:Catherynne M. Valente), Marie-Jeanne Barbier (fr:Marie-Jeanne Barbier), Sophie Turrel (fr:Sophie Turrel), Roxane Marie Gallier (fr:Roxane Marie Galliez)
    - commentaires: Sur le site Ricochet [131]
  • Barbour Publishing (
  • BareBones Publishing (
  • Baywood Publishing Company - publishes scholarly and scientific journals and other media


  • Cacoethes Publishing ( - founded 2006 by Denise Mosley; publishes all types of literature
  • Casino Vacations - publisher of the American Casino Guide ( since 1992
  • ChiZine Publications ( - Canadian publishing company; founded in 2008 by Brett Alexander Savory and Sandra Kasturi, building on the long success of ChiZine, an online zine devoted to dark fantasy, horror, and speculative fiction; its homepage message is "Embrace the Odd."; [132]
  • Clark-Nova Books (
  • CompareShares - Australian publisher of free, independent finance websites,, and the upcoming site; a group of finance journalists produce the sites which are run by Toni Case, a former senior journalist at The Australian Financial Review, financial planner and investment banker
  • Corbett & Kish Publishing - global business periodicals
  • Dagan Books ( - publishers of Cthulhurotica (Cthulhu) and others (print and ebook)
  • Emerald Star Comics ( - independent comic book publisher; for up-and-coming comic book creatros; unique blend of corporate-owned and creator-owned comics has them poised to be the next Image Comics; of its comics is being written by Gary Phillips (comics), author of the comic book Angeltown; recently announced 'Supernova', its digital-only imprint
  • Enter Into Peace - publishing entity of Canadian artist, poet and musician Dawud Wharnsby-Ali
  • Folio: (trade magazine) ( - A 45-year-old New York-based trade publication covering the magazine publishing industry.
  • Free Spirit Publishing ( independent educational publisher of nonfiction children's books in Minneapolis; founded 1983; [133]; [134]; [135]; [136]; [137]; published authors include Annie Fox, Ned Vizzini, Jonathan Chesner and Philippe Cousteau Jr.
  • GamingG
  • Heath Cranton - active publisher before WW2, now defunct
  • Helsinki University Press ( - academic open access publishing house of University of Helsinki
  • Hispanic Link News Service ( - nationally syndicated news service; specializes in Hispanic issues; founded 1980 by Charles Ericksonin Washington, D.C.
  • Ice Cube Press ( - Midwest publisher; since 1993; on how one can best live and experience life in America's Heartland
  • Illumination Arts Publishing
  • Kobalt Publishing (
  • Mediaplanet Publishing House ( - Swedish Company of the Year (2008); produces educational, focused, un-biased editorial reports to educate readers of partner papers; offices in 18 countries, including Hong Kong and New York as well as 16 European offices;


  • Neverland Publishing ( - small-press publisher; slowly expanding its title list; [138]
  • New York Tyrant/Tyrant Books ( - independent publishing house; based in New York City; authors include Atticus Lish, Scott McClanahan, Marie Calloway, and Annie DeWitt; founded and edited by Giancarlo DiTrapano; Lish's novel Preparation for the Next Life won the 2015 PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction; [139]; [140]
  • Open Doors Media ( - education publisher; produces Regional Training Prospectus, a careers magazine
  • Penobscot Bay Press ( - based on the coast of Maine; publishes books by local authors, as well as three weekly newspapers
  • PistolPress Publishing House - Canadian press, based out of Toronto and Montreal; publishes new poetry, prose, and art from around North America
  • Professional Sports Publications (
  • Radiant Comics ( - Indian Comic Book Publisher, based out of Ghaziabad; publishes new Comic Books based on original characters rooted in Indian Culture
  • Samhain Publishing ( - first publisher to ever have a book hit the New York Times Best Seller list while only available in ebook; Digital First publisher has multiple books on New York Times Best Seller list; puts all books over 50,000 words long into trade paper back 10 months to a year after release in digital format; [141]
  • Scopemed ( - independent online publisher of scientific journals
  • Search Press Limited - award winning independent art & craft publishing house based in Tunbridge Wells, est. 1970 (
  • Spooky Nightmares, a book published by Notion Press.
  • The Third Word Press ( - publishes anthologies of works from flash fiction contests for homeless people to sell
  • The Sports Xchange – distributor of NFL Draft Scout ([142]), the main source of information on NFL draft prospects for as well as CBS Sports, USA Today, Fox Sports, MSN, others
  • University Magazine (University Magazine is created for students by students to provide tips and advice, how-to, student life, majors, ranking and important news that will impact current and future university students.) (
  • Unpiano Books ( - independent publishing of photo and art books; based in San Francisco, California
  • Windstorm Creative (; US-based publishing company; its chief executive officer, Jennifer DiMarco, is author of The Seattle Times best seller Escape to the Wind
  • Ugo Guanda Editore (also known simply as Guanda) - Italian literary publisher; strong on translations
  • Vachakam ( - independent publishing of Vachakam Newspaper (Malayalam) covering global events, celebrities, sports, along with local interests;its chief executive officer, Cyril Chennikkara based in Chicago, Illinois
  • Yunomi Magazine ( - Yunomi magazine is a publication on art and lifestyle. Yunomi magazine features renowned experts in the fields of design, architecture, photography, art.
  • Vine of David ( - publishing arm of the First Fruits of Zion (; specializes in early Messianic Judaism and the development of Messianic liturgical resources



  1. ^ moebes, Anne (February 2010). "Courage at the Greensboro Lunch Counter". Smithsonian Magazine.
  2. ^ "John G. Moebes, 1911-2002". University of Georgia System.
  3. ^ Moebes, Anne. "List of Photographers of the Civil Rights Movement". Wikipedia.
  4. ^ Moebes, Anne. "The Sit-in Students captured on film".
  5. ^ Anne, Moebes. "The Man on the other Side of the Counter". The New Yorker.
  7. ^ moebes, anne (January 30, 2020). "The Story behind the iconic sit-ins photo the world almost didn't see". Greensboro News and Record.
  8. ^ Committee to Protect Journalists. "Republic of Congo Special Report: From a Fatal Fire, Many Questions". Committee to Protect Journalists.
  9. ^
  10. ^
  11. ^
  12. ^
  13. ^
  14. ^
  15. ^
  16. ^
  17. ^
  18. ^
  19. ^
  20. ^
  21. ^ "The Hype Magazine Issue Archives". The Hype Magazine. The Hype Magazine. Retrieved 11 April 2016.
  22. ^ Cannon, Nick. "Nick Cannon Covers The Hype Magazine". Nick Cannon Archives. Nick Cannon. Retrieved 11 April 2016.
  24. ^ Source, The. "Watch Detroil Favorite Jonezen's 'Dedications' Video from His 'Beautiful Disaster' Album". The Source Magazine. Retrieved 11 April 2016.
  25. ^ Source, The. "Nay Nillz Reps Hist Brooklyn Borough in 'My City'". The Source Magazine. Retrieved 11 April 2016.
  26. ^ Ward, Mat. "Rapper Awkword tackles Hip-Hop's awkward issues". Green Left Weekly. Green Left Weekly. Retrieved 11 April 2016.
  27. ^
  28. ^
  29. ^
  30. ^
  31. ^
  32. ^
  33. ^