Bay Area WikiSalon series
Bay Area WikiSalon
November 2017
We meet the last Wednesday of every other month!
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Vital info
dateWednesday, November 29, 2017
time6 to 8:30 p.m.
venueWikimedia Foundation HQ's new offices: 120 Kearny Street., Suite 1600, San Francisco
directions & parkingGoogle Map view Footsteps away from Montgomery BART/Muni station (Post. St. Exit), plentiful bike parking, limited automobile parking
registerRSVP here
More info!
sponsorWMF Rapid Grant
Connect online
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IRC channel#bayarea-wikisalon

The November Bay Area WikiSalon will take place on Wednesday November 29th. Please note change of venue: see infobox for details.

Following a productive strategy brainstorming discussion at the September WikiSalon, we will be trying out a new structure that we developed which includes a presentation/performance followed by small group, interactive activities. We will start off open time for socializing, followed by a brief recap of the new strategy, and then dive into the programming. Throughout the event, we will have a separate room or space for folks to edit, hack, and do your own thing if you prefer that over the programming.

The theme for this WikiSalon is Talk Pages and RfCs, and we will explore and discuss these in creative ways via Talk Page Theatre, an experimental, interactive performance activity where we play out discussions on talk pages with dramatic fervor, exploring what happens when we translate written online discussion to verbal exchange, and sparking a discussion around Wiki discourse, truth, empathy, neutrality, and assumptions of good faith. Hosted by artist and Wikipedian Nikikana, this iteration of Talk Page Theater will begin with a brief overview of what talk pages are and what their purpose is in the Wiki World.

Talk Page Theatre

Theatre logo

Here is the plan for this interactive, world premiere of Talk Page Theatre! We are seeking additional volunteers to perform the two scripts for the big group, please contact Nikikana if you are interested


FIX: Linkedin, BAWS Facebook page, etc.

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downtown San Francisco skyline at night
Looking for other ways to connect with wiki folk in the Bay Area? See: WP:Meetup/San Francisco