"Vexation and Venture" is a conference format designed so problems and dilemmas are presented within small groups in an interactive format. Key components of this conference format include:

Variations of this process have been used in other settings (e.g., Great Books). Within educational environments, especially among professionals, the format of speaking of the unknown and establishing a forum for new ideas and prospects is unique, since most academic conferences are places at which information and ideas are disseminated, rather than generated.

Other Features


Science Education at the Crossroads
Design Based Research Conference 2013


  1. ^ [1] Settlage, J., Johnston, A., Meadows, L., Harkins, H., Kittleson, J. (2007, January). Professional Development at a Crossroads. Using Vexations as the Focal Point. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Clearwater, FL.
  2. ^ Johnston, A. & Settlage, J. (2008). [2] Framing the professional development of members of the science teacher education community. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 19, 513-521.

[3] Johnston, A. & Settlage, J. (2008). Framing the professional development of members of the science teacher education community. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 19, 513-521.
[4] Settlage, J., Johnston, A., Meadows, L., Harkins, H., Kittleson, J. (2007, January). Professional Development at a Crossroads. Using Vexations as the Focal Point. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Clearwater, FL.