Download C19H28O2 v.6.9

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Changelog (v7.0)

'''beta version released''' - we hope the full one will be released soon :-)   

Changelog (v6.9)

Changelog (v6.8)

Changelog (v6.7)

Changelog (v6.6)

Changelog (v6.5)

Changelog (v6.4)

Switched ON by default. Next functions disabled in this mode:

Changelog (v6.3)



Command Parameter Description
/help commands list
/rus set Russian language by default
/eng set English by default
/min minimize to taskbar
/mini mini-mode (1/6 screen size)
/wind windowed mode
/full fullscreen mode
/z showing loot on ground (holding 'z' key)
/v hiding players and monsters (holding 'v' key)
/exit emergency exit ('boss coming' button)
/ui show character info window
/none get weather from the server (default)
/sun set sun weather
/rain set rain weather
/snow set snow weather
/mastery help info about auto-rise mastery options
off turn off auto-rise mastery
sword auto-rise sword mastery
spear auto-rise spear mastery
bow auto-rise bow mastery
cold auto-rise cold mastery
lightning auto-rise lightning mastery
fire auto-rise fire mastery
force auto-rise force mastery
warrior auto-rise warrior mastery
wizard auto-rise wizard mastery
rog auto-rise rogue mastery
warlock auto-rise warlock mastery
bard auto-rise bard mastery
cleric auto-rise cleric mastery
/points help info about auto-distribution of status points options
off turn off auto-distribution of status points
3:0 set auto-distribution to STR only
0:3 set auto-distribution to INT only
1:2 set auto-distribution to 1 STR : 2 INT
2:1 set auto-distribution to 2 STR : 1 INT
/arc help info about auto-accept resurrection options
on enable auto-accept resurrection
off disable auto-accept resurrection
/ap help info about auto-accept invite to party
on enable auto-accept invite to party
off disable auto-accept invite to party
/ad help info about auto-demurderer options
on enable auto-demurderer
off disable auto-demurderer
/ahp help info about auto-heals pet options
on enable auto-heals pet
off disable auto-heals pet
ride [0.99] minimum % HP for ride pet (0 - disable)
trade [0.99] minimum % HP for trade pet (0 - disable)
fight [0.99] minimum % HP for fight pet (0 - disable)
/usound on enable alarm on unique monster
off disable alarm on unique monster
/psound on enable alarm on private message
off disable alarm on private message
/bsound on enable alarm on a bargain goods selling start
off disable alarm on a bargain goods selling start
/blocktype All block common messages (white)
Whisper block whisper messages
Party block party chat messages
Guild block guild chat messages
Union block union chat messages
Global block global messages (yellow)
/unblocktype All unblock messages (options are same as /blocktype)
/status show current settings


To open configuration dialog, please, run loader with parameters "Loader.exe /cfg"

Another way to control Loader functions is editing the configuration file. This file called C19H28O2.ini and located in the Silkroad directory as Loader.exe itself and C19H28O2.dll.

Contents of C19H28O2.ini

   ZoomHack=1 ;0 to disable
   NudePatch=1 ;0 to disable
   NoDC=1 ;0 to disable
   ChatFilter=1 ;0 to disable
   Lang=1 ;0 for Russian, 1 for English
   Redirect= ;This is a setting for NuConnector, instead of patching media.pk2
   ServerNumber=1 ;0 or 1 server number

Startup commands:

   Commands=/ap on;/arc on;/ui

Section's name consist of "server name" and "-" and "character name". Commands are separated with ";"

How to start[edit]

Starting Silkroad:

  1. Extract the files in to your Silkroad folder.
  2. Then start the Loader.exe to start silkroad


Thanks to Drew Benton for idea, to Homez for realization.

Added to Wiki By

GreYFoXGTi and

Gagarin235 (srry for messing it up , GreYFoXGTi does it really good)