Welcome to wikipedia! It is excellent that you are writing an article on the Alagaddupama Sutta. Two other sources refer to it. You may be interested in used Gombrich's work, referenced in this article. Further Sue Hamilton's book also refers to it (the footnote is on page 141), to clarify Gombrich's point that in the sutta, the Buddha rejects only the concept of permanent Self of the brahmanical tradition, and the statement does not constitute a categorical denial of Self. Such a statement is absent from the Canon, neither is Self stated to exist; this is because the Buddha said that dealing in the dichotomy of existence or non-existence is misleading.

Regarding the statement from the Theravada article, it is accurate as to what Harvey says. Harvey mentions in particular the question of an "intermediate state" between rebirths. The official Theravada position is that there is no such state, and Harvey says that in the Canon, it is stated that it does exist. Other scholars have said that there is no firm position in the Canon. We can leave the "at odds" statement out if you wish. Mitsube (talk) 05:06, 26 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Invitation to an in-person meetup in Mohua / Golden Bay[edit]

Golden Bay Air are holding some seats for us until 21 November

Thinking about your summer break? Think about joining other Wikipedians and Wikimedians in Golden Bay / Mohua! Details are on the meetup page. There's heaps of interesting stuff to work on e.g. the oldest extant waka or New Zealand's oldest ongoing legal case. Or you may spend your time taking photos and then upload them.

Golden Bay is hard to get to and the airline flying into Tākaka uses small planes, so we are holding some seats from and to Wellington and we are offering attendees a $200 travel subsidy to help with costs.

Be in touch with Schwede66 if this event interests you and you'd like to discuss logistics. Schwede66 09:14, 13 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]