Wubblu was a common name for a certain blue-eyed kid in the early 90's around the lakewood area due to the fact that there are a number of these individuals in the world. To be certain I am not actually sure how many of myself there actually are but my friends at Devinny elementary assured me there were enough to warrant a nickname. Wubblu is derived from the sound of the letter "W" and is pronounced Wub (rhymes with bub) bull (rhymes with...bull) u (rhymes with moo). I am a fan of cars meaning that anything that roars and looks fast will get my attention whether or not the vehicle actually warrants it. I am also a lover of reading and horror movies even though I don't know why I like getting scared. I guess it follows that I am wierd but thats ok because I enjoy strategy games (i.e. chess, checkers, AOE II, III, among others) and saving peoples lives (I am a lifeguard). I have several friends who also like writing articles for wikipedia and I know one of their user names is Vontafeijos (as soon as I remember the others I'll put them on) so check him out or don't, whatever works for you. I am from Las Cruces, New Mexico, which, by the way, is NOT the same as Mexico.

Some of My Favorite books

Favorite Movies

One of my Favorite Genes

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