Adoption Lesson Book
This is the lesson book I used to give to my adoptees. I expect every Wikipedian experienced enough to run for adminship to have a working knowledge of the stuff in there, especially those marked in green. Feel free to have a read if you think it'd help you.
Importance Lesson names
Introduction to Wikipedia
Basics of Wikiquette
Copyright on a Free Wiki
Dispute Resolution
Deletion Policies
Policies and Consensus
Working the encyclopedia

So you're thinking of become an admin? Good for you! We need more admins. First off, check how you shape up on my Magic Formula - if you are absolutely sure you want to be an admin, that's what you need to do (in my opinion).

However, if you are not absolutely sure - well, that's what this page is for. I'm going to try to define what you need to know - something between "new admin school" and "admin coaching". Both are great resources and depending on how much you like reading, feel free to click on them.



The admin toolset is large, and the vast majority you are unlikely to use. Many rights, when created, are automatically given to administrators. Below are the functions associated with administrators, with a basic description of each. You don't need to know what they all are, but if you're of that mind, it might be interesting - click show for more details.


Deletion & merging functions

Delete and undelete specific log entries (deletelogentry)
Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages (deleterevision)
Delete pages (delete)
Undelete a page (undelete)
View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
Mass delete pages (nuke)
Search deleted pages (browsearchive)
Delete Flow topics and posts (flow-delete)
Merge the history of pages (mergehistory)

Deletion is (in my opinion) the most important role that an administrator has. The foundation has made it clear that the deletion button is the reason that we can't just give out the user-right to all and sundry, there needs to be some sort of trust from the community. Deletion removes items from view, so that normal users cannot access them - but administrators do have the ability to restore those items. As an administrator, you may end up dealing with a number of different sorts of deletion

Page deletion


An administrator has the technical ability to delete most pages on Wikipedia. As with everything an administrator does, they should only use that ability with community consensus. That might be because it meets one of the speedy deletion criteria or there is consensus for deletion at a deletion discussion. There are other reasons outlined at the deletion policy. If you hope to work in this area, the community would expect you to have some experience in deletion discussions or successful nominating of items for speedy deletion.

Revision deletion


Alongside deletion of entire pages, administrators have the ability to "delete" selected revisions from history. This might mean hiding the revision text, the edit summary or the username. The ability allows admins to delicately hide problematic revisions and is one of the most useful abilities available to administrators. There are certain criteria which must be met to delete a revision, and these should be well understood before venturing into that area.

History merging


Mixing two histories is a technical task that sometimes falls to administrators - when two histories should be read together for attribution purposes. In other words, it's the only real way to "fix" cut and past moves.


Blocking & unblocking

Block a user from sending email (blockemail)
Block other users from editing (block)
Unblock oneself (unblockself)
Disable global blocks locally (globalblock-whitelist)

Blocking is considered the most harmful tool an administrator has. Almost everything an administrator does can be "undone" and blocking is no exception. What makes it different is the effect it has on users, whether or not they are unblocked. A "clean" block log is a matter of pride for many and the block log often taken into account when assessing a user (for example, at a request for adminship). The Blocking policy explains more.


Page protection & pending changes

Change protection levels and edit cascade-protected pages (protect)
Edit pages protected as "Allow only administrators" (editprotected)
Edit protected templates (templateeditor)
Edit the user interface (editinterface)
Edit other users' CSS files (editusercss)
Edit other users' JavaScript files (edituserjs)
Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed (stablesettings)
Lock Flow topics (flow-lock)

Protection is an often requested activity for admins to perform, most obviously at Requests for page protection and ANI. There are a variety of protection options, but the common theme is they restrict the ability of some or most people to edit a page. Admins need to be able to balance the trade-off between preventing vandalism and disruption, and allowing as many people as possible to edit and improve the page. For a particularly heated dispute, protection can be an alternative to blocking, and a more welcome action as well, as unlike a block, editors can still edit pages elsewhere, including talk pages. There are a large number of protection levels that can be set by administrators. Administrators who focus on content would do well to understand the different levels of protection, which ones can be used and which ones should be used at any given point.

Administrators are able to edit through all protection levels - see the comparison table. This means that they hold the ability to edit fully protected pages, along with other pages protected by default, such as other users CSS or JS files.

Add/Remove User Rights

User group management

Add groups: Abuse filter editors, Account creators, Autopatrolled, Confirmed users, File movers, Reviewers, Rollbackers, Template editors, Mass message senders, IP block exemptions, Autochecked users, Course online volunteers, Course campus volunteers, Course instructors and Course coordinators
Remove groups: Rollbackers, Account creators, Abuse filter editors, Autopatrolled, Confirmed users, Reviewers, File movers, Template editors, Mass message senders, IP block exemptions, Autochecked users, Course online volunteers, Course campus volunteers, Course instructors and Course coordinators

The ability to add and remove userrights is something that's often forgotten about administrators. It's a relatively uncontroversial role. Generally each user-right has its own criteria for whether or not it can be granted (often a little bit wooly, to allow for admin discretion).



Move category pages (move-categorypages)
Move files (movefile)
Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)

Administrators have the ability to move pages without leaving a redirect (effectively deleting the redirect as they go), which can be useful in a number of situations. They also have the ability to move categories, files and pages with subpages - all making life a bit easier.


Increased access based on additional trust

Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
Bypass automatic blocks of proxies (proxyunbannable)
Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)

Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
Override the spoofing checks (override-antispoof)

Extra access
Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
View a list of unwatched pages (unwatchedpages)
View abuse filters marked as private (abusefilter-view-private)
View the spam blacklist log (spamblacklistlog)
View title blacklist log (titleblacklistlog)

Import pages from other wikis (import)
Mark revisions as being "checked" (review)
Send a message to multiple users at once (massmessage)
Create new user accounts (createaccount)
Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
Override the title or username blacklist (tboverride)
Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
Revert all changes by a given abuse filter (abusefilter-revert)

Things you'll probably never use
View information about the current transcode activity (transcode-status)
Create and delete tags from the database (managechangetags)
Force a public user list to become hidden (gather-hidelist)
Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
jsonconfig-flush (jsonconfig-flush)

Education program

Add or remove campus volunteers to courses (ep-campus)
Add or remove instructors to courses (ep-instructor)
Add or remove online volunteers to courses (ep-online)
Add or remove yourself as campus volunteer from terms (ep-becampus)
Add or remove yourself as instructor from courses (ep-beinstructor)
Add or remove yourself as online volunteer from terms (ep-beonline)
Add or remove yourself as reviewer from articles (ep-bereviewer)
Bulk delete courses (ep-bulkdelcourses)
Bulk delete institutions (ep-bulkdelorgs)
Disassociate articles from students (ep-remarticle)
Enroll users as student (ep-addstudent)
Manage Education Program courses (ep-course)
Manage Education Program institutions (ep-org)
Remove reviewers from articles (ep-remreviewer)
Remove students from courses (ep-remstudent)
See Education Program enrollment tokens (ep-token)

There's a number of "benefits" that come with being an administrator. Generally, they're not things to worry about, if you needed them, you could probably get them through user-right requests. But they are benefits to being an admin - so if you want to know about them, feel free to ask.

Being an admin
