Online Ambassadors List

Online Ambassadors

Talk page template

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(( WAP assignment | course = User:Wnewbold/Fall 2012 Project Schedule | university = Ball State University | term = 2012 Q3 | project = ))

Project Schedule

Week 6 (1): Sep 27–Oct 3

Week 7 (2): Oct 4–10

Week 8 (3): Oct 11–25

Week 10 (4): Oct 25–29

Week 11 (5): Oct 30–Nov 5

Week 12 (6): Nov 6–8

Weeks 13 on

Assignment Overview

Ball State University
Department of English
Fall 2012
ENG 213: Introduction to Digital Literacy
Webster Newbold, Instructor

213F12 Collaborative Research Project: Working with Wikipedia

Main assignment focus: Research through collaborative production on the Web (tie-in with Shirky's discussion of the social Web and Wikipedia) Points: 250 out of 1000


The Social Web is possibly the most significant development of the 21st century thus far. As a part of this movement, Wikipedia is unique in uniting people in a voluntary project for the improvement of human knowledge. This assignment encourages you to become an intentional and productive member of this global enterprise.

Since much 21st century work is collaborative, and digital literacy includes being able to leverage digital tools for “collaborative production,” this will be a group project.


Collaboratively identify a topic of your choosing for a group contribution to Wikipedia. It can be over any topic, but it must conform to Wikipedia guidelines and all members of the group need to agree to work on this topic. This is CRUCIAL to the success of your project! Please clear the topic with me before you start.

Using Web or print resources (including Bracken Library databases and card cat), identify and actively use at least 2 sources contributed by each member; these should ultimately appear in the References section of the article. (Or, if the group is dividing up jobs, there should be at least twice as many sources as there are people in the group.)


Project will be evaluated in three parts

The Article

The article itself will be judged on Wikipedia standards, normal research standards, and style. Especially important will be:

The Reflective Memo

Points will be earned according to how fully and thoughtfully, and with how much detail, you answer these questions:

Length: At least 500 words; normally, memos that receive highest credit are 600 words or more

Peer Evaluation: Each person will evaluate others in his/her group

Current Students

Section 1

Team Anti-teamname

Team Betty White

Team 3

Team 3,452 & 3/4

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Section 4

The Mighty Ducks


Team Chocolate

Feelin' Froggy