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Paladog is a game that is made by Jin Hyuk Kim in the game developing company named Fazecat. The full version is sold for $9.99 in the Korean App store. It had stayed in the app store’s best game for eight weeks. It is a very popular app in Korea, and it was also released on the T store and the KT holleh market.[1]



The goal of the game differs on the type of the game, but in general, the goal of the game is to defeat all of the enemy units without making Paladog/Darkdog die. Paladog and Darkdog are the main characters which give off the most damage and are the most controllable. In order to make the Paladog/Darkdog attack the enemy units, they must create their own units or use maces. In order to create their own units, Paladog/Darkdog must consume 'food.' In order to activate a mace or perform a sword attack, they must consume energy called 'mana.’ When Paladog or Darkdog uses their weapons When Paladog or Darkdog uses their weapons continuously or their units attack the enemy with brute force, the main character levels up with a new skill that can be upgraded.[2]

Key Words

A circular area around Paladog/Darkdog that makes units or magic skills become stronger, the aura can be bigger when a skill is unlocked
A special item that improves certain skills or helps gain luck
Sources of energy used to create units
An abbreviation for Health Point, when the HP is zero, the unit dies
Sources of energy used to activate mace. The amount of mana consumption for different maces and swords are different for each of their strength
Long, stick like weapons that create a surge of offensive energy
A special amulet that gives Paladog/Darkdog special power
Towers on which to place archers for defense
An abbreviation for Skill Point, every time a new skill is unlocked through experience, the SP increases[3]



In the future, humans have devastated Earth, so the gods cast a deadly curse that destroyed the entire human species. But the gods gave special power to the animals so they could form their own civilization. The animals lived peacefully as the gods expected. However, the demons of the inferno lost their power. As a solution, the demons resurrected humans as deadly soldiers in order to demolish the animal civilization. The animals were helpless and most of them died. However, a hero emerged, with his unique name ‘Paladog’ an abbreviation for ‘Paladin’ and ‘dog.’ Now, Paladog must save the animals and destroy the demons to restore peace to Earth.[4]

Update (Version 3.0)


A new character is released, and his name is Darkdog. Darkdog has different units and has more various upgrades compared to the original character ‘Paladog.’ Darkdog and Paladog can share their equipment (item). Also, a mode is added which is playing on Facebook with friends.[5]

Darkdog /Paladog


Darkdog is a new character from the newest upgrade version of Paladog. You can use Darkdog if you clear three waves from the survival mode and win Darkdog. Paladog uses maces to fight, but Darkdog uses swords to fight. Also, Paladog uses rings, but Darkdog uses amulets. As a result, people say that Paladog is defensive, and Darkdog is offensive. [6]

Stages and Modes


Campaign Mode


There are four difficulty levels in this mode, which are easy, normal, hard, and hell. ‘Easy’ level has the weakest and least amount of enemies while ‘Hell’ level presents many and the strongest enemies. Also, the player can choose whether the graphics show blood and vivid violence or not. Depending on the type of game, the objective of the game changes, but the main, typical objective is eliminating all enemy units.[7]

Survival Mode


The main goal of survival mode is to survive through many waves of enemies and bosses. The survival mode records can be posted on leader boards in online mode. The number of waves is unlimited and the time until the main character’s death is recorded and posted online.[8]

Major Boss[9]

Act Name Middle Stage Boss(Stage 12) Major Boss(Stage 24)
Mind Forest Zombie King Frog Witch
Forest of the Dead Giant Soccer Skeleton Mummy King
Ice Glen Ghost King Nomnom Duck
Dark Cave Ghost Paladog White Dragon
Forgotten Palace Poison Emitting Witch Dark Lord

Paladog Features


Paladog Units[10]

Character Role Food Consumption ATK HP
Mouse the Street Fighter Sword Attack 10 10 15
Hood the Rabbit Arrow Attack 20 200 100
Bear the Royal Guard Spear Attack 30 400 1200
Rooky the Kangaroo Punch Attack 40 200 1600
Defensive Tortoise Defense 50 0 4000
Monkey the Pirate Bomb Attack 70 600 320
Elite Rhino Self Destruction 100 1200 7000
Penguin the Wizard Freeze-Spell Attack 150 1500 1000
The Pink Dragon Fire Attack 200 2000 5700

Paladog Maces[11]

Type of Mace Mace Skill
Fist of Fury Mace Emits fist like figure that gives serious damage to enemy units
Heal Mace Heals units in the aura
Turn Undead Mace Kills many enemies within a certain chance
Ice Mace Freezes enemy units for a certain time
Fire Mace Burns enemy units near paladog
Meteor Mace Makes deadly meteors shoot down on enemy units
Wind Mace Knocks down enemy by blowing them out with strong wind
Food Mace Consumes mana to increase food
Lightning Mace Electrifies enemies near paladog
Poison Mace Forms a poison cloud around the enemy, giving damage to them constantly for a period of time
Money Mace Uses money to attack enemies(only acceptable on survival mode)

Paladog ring[12]

Type of ring ring Skill
The ring of Rebirth Makess Paladog’s health regenerate faster
The ring of speed Makes Paladog move faster
The ring of rich Increases money gain
The ring of farmer Makes food generation faster
The ring of experience Increases experience gain
The ring of health Increases the maximum amount of paladog’s health
The ring of mana Increases the maximum amount of mana
The ring of magical powers Makes mana generation faster
The ring of barn Increase the maximum amount of food

Darkdog Features


Darkdog Units[13]

Character Role Food Consumption ATK/Heal/Stun HP
Wind Totem Attack 10 10 10
Warcry Stun 20 3 sec 0
Warrior Boar Attack 30 10 40
Water Totem Heal 40 1400 100
Summon Blade Attack 50 1000 0
Earth Totem Defense 70 0 7000
Fire Eagle Attack 100 1000 500
Fire Totem Attack 150 1200 1300
Devil Dog Transformation Skill 200 15%+ 1%+

Darkdog Weapons[14]

Type of Weapon Weapon Skill Mana Used ( 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 )
Dark Sword Attacks short range targets 4 / 3 / 3 / 2
Wind Rapid Fires projectile, hits 3 targets 40 / 36 / 32 / 28
Flame Sword Causes burn status for 1 second on all enemies on forward aura range. 80 / 72 / 64 / 56
Poison dagger Poisons for 5 seconds, 1 target 40 / 36 / 32 / 28
Dimension Hammer Teleport units to another place in the map 100 / 90 / 80 / 70
Rock Sword Chance of Knocking down enemies 50 / 45 / 40 / 35
Vampire Sword Recovers HP for giving damage to enemies 50 / 45 / 40 / 35
Ice Sword Freezes enemy units for a certain period of time 60 / 54 / 48 / 42
Mjollnir(Thor's Hammer) Cone of Lightning in a wide area forward 150 / 135 / 120 / 105
Soul Hook Generates Food for giving damage to enemies 70 / 63 / 56 / 49

Darkdog Amulets[15]

Type of Amulet Amulet Skill
The amulet of rebirth Makes darkdog health regeneration faster
The amulet of speed Makes darkdog move faster
The amulet of mana Increases the maximum amount of mana
The amulet of rich Increases money gain
The amulet of farmer Makes food generation faster
The amulet of experience Increases experience gain
The amulet of health Increases the maximum amount of health
The amulet of luck Increases chances of enemies dropping items(When enemies drop items, darkdog acquires them)
The amulet of prayer Makes mana generation faster
The amulet of barn Increases the maximum amount of food