Include this page on your talk page, if you want it automatically archived by WeggeBot. Simply add ((User:WeggeBot/Archive)) to your talk page. WeggeBot will recognize a number of options:

The default values are:

To archive discussions older than 3 weeks, limit archive page size to 24kb, and create a archive pages named "Talk page archive 1", "Talk page archive 2", ... add the following to the talk page:

| archiveage = 3 : weeks
| archivesize = bysize : 24
| archiveprefix = Talk page archive))

Users wanting to have exactly 20 discussion thread on each archive page, wanting discussion threads to be archived after 2 months, and wanting talk page archives named "Old talk 1", "Old talk 2", .. should add the following to their talk page:

| archiveage = 2 : months
| archivesize = bynum : 20
| archiveprefix = Old talk))

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WeggeBot will archive all H2-sections (headline starting with ==) until the the next H2-section or the end of the page if the newest recognizable timestamp within that section is older than the maximum age specified by archiveage. In sections where no timestamps is recognized, an invisible comment (<!-- «timestamp» -->) is added to the section. On subsequent visits to the talk page, this timestamp will be used to determine if the section should be archived.