Welcome to my humble home, I consider it an honor that you stopped by. I don't get visitors very often, so really I'm flattered. I'm relatively new to the Wikipedia community, but I'm quickly falling in love. Since you entered my home, allow me to first bore you with a story that I feel illustrates why I have chosen to stay.

If you would, could I get you read this not yet complete article on Reinhard Sebastian Zimmermann.

This article changed me. Not because it is a particularly compelling article. Not because I'm particularly interested in the subject matter. Prior to this article, I neither knew who this man was, nor had any interest in learning who he was. Then I read the article. I made a couple of text changes (Which is what originally brought me to the article. I was texting out an offline tool that I built for identifying changes to help articles conform to the style guide. Then I noticed the article didn't have any sources. A couple of them seemed pretty easy to find, and sure enough, within a couple minutes, I had a couple of sources to add. But that led to a question, the article said that the author's paintings are on display, but the source that I found said that they are in storage. Does storage count as being on display? Plus, when seeing if my source validated any other info on the article I picked up a little history on the author and what he was trying to convey in his painting. Suddenly, grabbing one little source had opened my mind to a dozen different questions that I wanted to answer.

To me, this illustrates the beauty of contributing to Wikipedia. The pursuit of sources, for me, opens the door to and encourages true scholarship.



Thoughts on Conflicts of Interest

I think that it is very difficult to avoid writing without having a conflict of interest. Inherently, every person acts in their own self-interest in some way or another. Though some topics are easier to maintain a NPOV than others. For instance, I think that the easiest articles to maintain a neutral point of view in, are those dealing with subjects you know very little about. I find it far simpler to discuss art history with a neutral point of view, for instance, than I do, economics, religion or business, as they are subjects that I am actively engaged in daily and have strong opinions already formed on those subjects.

However, does having conflicts of interest mean that someone should not contribute? No! Those with expertise or an intimate knowledge of a topic should be encouraged to participate in the community. Their active participation, in fact, is essential to ensure that all viewpoints are given fair treatment. Conflict of interest becomes an issue in Wikipedia primarily when those with a conflict of interest refuse to accept the viewpoints that are commonly held by others. I think that those with a conflict of interest (whether of the paid variant or due to personal bias) should still be welcomed to participate in Wikipedia, though they need to do so in a way that will continue to preserve the integrity of Wikipedia as a fair source of information.

It is my personal belief that Talk boards prove an invaluable resource to those with a conflict of interest. Before proclaiming their viewpoints as the truth, there is a medium provided to get input from others and ensure that the majority can come to a consensus about what is fair.

Conflicts of Interest

I greatly appreciate the feedback of other community members in helping me to ensure that contributions are not weighted too heavily toward viewpoints that I hold or conflicts of interest that I may have. For this purpose, I commit to striving to keep this conflict of interest list up-to-date. I further commit on topics that I feel or know that I have a conflict of interest or especially strong bias, that I will discuss any proposed changes on Talk boards. If commentary on talk boards doesn't garner any attention then and only then will I move content that I feel is reasonable and fair to the Wikipedia page, but will still make sure that a note is left on the talk page that I made that specific change in case down the road anyone thinks that my edits on topics of which I have a conflict of interest require revisiting, revising, or removing.


Below is a list of topics that I expect to frequently experience a conflict of interest. This is both a declaration for others and to ensure that I am self-aware of subjects or topics I expect to have a conflict of interest or have a difficult time maintaining a fair/unbiased viewpoint.

Current Working Pages

/Cotopaxi /Laurel & Wolf

Draft:IRhythm Technologies


Here is a list of WikiTools I'm working on to make editing easier. Anyone is welcome to use them!

/Date Grammar Checker — A tool that identifies articles that don't have a comma after the year when using Month Day, Year.