Pretty much, nobody. I've been surreptitiously correcting punctuation errs since 6th grade. But now I have my very own user page! I'm gonna make a really informative one.


Syntax and grammar

I'm mainly here to correct all the grammar errors that deface my sacred Wikipedia. Strangely, I never see any speling misteaks. Maybe those errors are caught by a Wikipedia spell-checker during posting.

However, we observe that WP doesn't care about spelling; the system let me post "speling misteaks." So the lack of them in Wikipedia is now one of the 1067,632,611 things I don't understand. I was hoping college would reduce that, but instead, the number of things I don't understand has exploded.

I don't know why, so increment the count again.


I don't have any, but Wikipedia articles should. Many don't because few nerds write well (as with sooo many other attributes, I'm a lonely statistical outlier). WP looks very unprofessional when it appears to have been written by really smart sixth-graders. It makes people say "Mmmm... I dunno. Maybe I better look it up in a real encyclopedia."

KISS (keep it simple, smartass)

I'm also here to simplify science and math explanations (particularly in ledes) by replacing technical jargon ☞ without removing any of the meaning.

In this effort, physicist Richard Feynman is my Jesus. Unless his words were intended for academics, he never said "object with mass;" he said "stuff." This made him tremendously understandable. I kneel before Feynman. If he was still alive, I'd bend over in front of him, too.

Why I'm not here

I'm not here to edit the content of any article even remotely controversial. Quantified logic and hypergeometry; maybe. But when I was a little kid, I gazed in horror at what happens to people who attract the attention of the goon squads that own articles here: they get beat up and "disappeared."

I saw it happen to a liberal, prominent university researcher in the field of race and intelligence. He got into the field specifically to help little black children, But he got banned for quoting volumetric brain scans taken by other researchers.

I already knew that truth is not beauty, but then I saw that knowledge is not power.

Jimbo ought to be ashamed of himself for not putting a stop to it, but he's too busy making five grand per speech at colleges like mine and fu cking groupies.

Or maybe I'm just mad because three other girls were in front of me at his motel door and he said he didn't need a fourth.

I dunno. I'm autistic, bewildered, and never know what the hell is going on around me.


Third Wave (Pro-sex) Feminism


It's the only interesting kind of math (...well, predicate calculus is pretty cool). Math that involves numbers is boring, though (i.e., too hard). I like:


The 3D shadow of a 4D cube:

Only get into hyperspatial topology if all of that is exciting!


I can't do real physics because I'm stupid, but these are actually about geometry, so they're okay:

I'm just a beginner in those (and pretty much everything else in life). My main interest is their intersection, which is the shape and connectivity of the universe in four dimensions.

My favourite books

My bible. Metaphorical treatise on how free we actually are (more than you can ever imagine).
Penrose's mathematical explanation of what physical reality actually is. The last third of it is waaay over my head.
Essays commemorating the 60th birthday of Penrose's comedy sidekick, Hawking. For everything you're curious about, the answers are here!
...Well, if you're curious about what space and time really are.
The last third of it is waaay over my head!
He wrote hundreds of books, and before I die, I'm going to read every damn one of them. Then I'll die, making it all for naught.
A masterpiece nobody knows about because it's deSade. It ought to be taught in high school, the lesson being that you sure as hell better do what makes you happy, or else you're a gullible rube headed for an unendurably sad, internally-contradictory life.
For example, pious teenage Justine seeks refuge from the crude, carnal world in a monastery. But she is forced to become a sex slave for the supposedly-chaste Men of God, who can finally stop buggering each other and subject her to countless perversions as she is raped three ways at the same time: brutally, gleefully, and repeatedly.
Lucky girl.


There isn't very much since I haven't existed very long.

Too smart for my own good

College! OBOY!!

College is like drinking icewater when you're thirsty, or switching from a 7" black & white TV to 120" 8K color. It's like bursting to the surface when you're suffocating underwater. College is like the end of THX-1138, where the guy emerges into the nonsterile, colorful, dirty, free world that he didn't know existed. And to think they almost didn't let me live in the dorm!

Just one dee-convenience: No one will instantiate the pointless, crude, dirty, vulgar primate animal mating instinct with me, even though it's beautiful and wonderful and magical and sacred. I know I'm autistic, but how can sex be both embarrassingly unimportant and the most important thing in the world? If it isn't dirty, why do they keep the dirty magazines under the counter? It's the primary contradiction of being an intelligent animal.

Autism is the inability to perceive social context, and this is a great example. At the next nude run, I'm going to run around naked. I've never been naked in front of a boy, But soon, I'm going to show it to them.

Oh well, at least I get high with them now. Sex WILL happen many times on my birthday. A any freshman-age guy who wants me on the 4th floor lounge sofa, in pubic public. I'll put a sign up the day before. We can have a big dorm countdown to a celebration of being alive before we die. Ooo, I better get on the pill now!

People who have never lived on campus have NO IDEA how different and wonderful and free and good and happy it is—and how grievously, tragically temporary.


====[ 2014: 
====[ 2015:
====[ 2016:
====[ 2017:
====[ 2018: 
====[ 2024: 1,000 edits. Time flies when you're not having fun.