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Articles, Edits & Larger Than Normal Contributions to Discussion

Antonin Gadal; The Angel Of The West Window; The Ascent Of Mount Carmel; Basil Valentine; Brethren of the Free Spirit; Catharose de Petri; Cathars/Catharism; Cathar Perfect; Conversations on a Homecoming; Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz; Credentes; Daniel Deronda; David Bohm; An Experiment with Time; Fama Fraternitatis; Four Quartets; The Gigli Concert; Gnosticism; Herbert Silberer; Heresy of the Free Spirit; Hermeticism; Homo Noeticus; Implicate and Explicate Order according to David Bohm; Indigo Children; Jan van Rijckenborgh; J. B. Priestley's Time Plays; Jane Leade; J. W. Dunne; Lectorium Rosicrucianum; Ma Rainey's Black Bottom; Marguerite Porete; The Mirror Of Simple Souls; Monad Hieroglyphic; Montsegur; Parabola Allegory; Pilgermann; Psychology and Alchemy; Rosicrucian Manifestos; The Sanctuary Lamp; Sister Catherine Treatise; Sophia (Gnosticism); T. S. Eliot; Time and the Conways; Tom Murphy (playwright); Unio Mystica; A Whistle In The Dark


Art, architecture, culture, esotericism, history, literature, movies, poetry, quantum physics, religion, spirituality, theatre, travel... in short, just about anything interesting the human race has come up with...