Transmountain railroads are railroads that need to cross dauntingly high mountain ranges to cross between countries on one side to the other. The Himalayan Mountains, Andes and the Alps would be cases in point. Because of construction difficulties, such railways are yet to be built. With globalisation and trade liberalisation, construction of these railways is becoming desirable, practical and affordable.


Myanmar to China

In 2009, a railway is proposed to link Lashio, Myanmar and Jiegao, China. and which also crosses the Himalaya Mountains. [1]

There is a break-of-gauge from 1676 / 1435.

Pakistan to China

The proposed trans-Himalayan railway from Pakistan to China via the Khunjerab Pass could count as a transcontinental railroad due to the size of the mountains in the way.[2]

There is a break-of-gauge from 1000 / 1435.

This line is approximately 1100km long.

See also
