Aloha! I'm Matt! Congratulations! By clicking on my username, your computer has automatically accessed your online bank accounts and transferred everything you have to my offshore accounts! This is something you can't fix or fight because your bank will disavow any knowledge of you ever having money. Just let it happen. :)

Oh, but I kid!


I have been coming to Wikipedia since 2002 but haven't been "nerdy", "stubborn" or "anal" enough to start my own Userpage. :)

Minor Contributions to Wikipedia

Major Contributions to Wikipedia

The "Satisfied Customer"

This is an idea I ripped off--um, I mean, an idea which was inspired by Bignole and Erik. It's a list of those oh-so-special users of Wikipedia who love to say sweet, loving things to me that make me feel so tingly inside.

The Editing Ecko Saga

It's a conspiracy!

"ErikBigNolePedia" - In a fit of frustration over having my edits erased by Wikipedia users, "Erik" and "Bignole", I referred to Wikipedia as "ErikBigNolePedia". Since then, the comment has been listed on both of their Userpages as a source of humor and levity. I think we've all come to laugh about the comment since it's pretty harmless. I have nothing but respect for those guys. They take themselves and their editing seriously and Wikipedia is a better place for it. Heck, I'm game for self-deprication. :)