Stress12 is a retired RuneScape veteran.
B This user's favourite colour is Blue.
BkThis user's favourite colour is black.
Steak This user is a carnivore.
This user strongly believes pigs die for a cause.
This user has reduced their
body mass.
They're delicious...
This user is a chocoholic.
This user prefers pepperoni pizza.
BarbecueThis user enjoys Barbecuing
but ONLY on Charcoal or Wood
This user eats cheese.
This user loves to eat fries, or chips.
This user likes
   TABASCO pepper sauce   .
This user eats apples.
This user eats bananas.
This user enjoys a little red pepper with their meals.
This user eats watermelon.
This user loves bacon!
This user eats chicken.
This user eats fish.
This user eats ham.
This user likes deer meat.
This user loves brownies.
This user loves cake.
This user believes 42 cookies is the answer to life.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy ice cream. To this user, there is no difference.
This user eats at Burger King.
This user eats at McDonald's.
This user eats at SUBWAY and eats fresh.
This user loves
Chinese cuisine.
This user loves
Japanese cuisine.
This user likes Mexican food
This user drinks hot chocolate.
This user drinks milk.
This user drinks chocolate milk.
This user drinks water regularly.
This user drinks coffee.
This user would rather drink tea than coffee.
This user drinks tea.
This user loves Dr Pepper.
Stress12 drinks Mountain Dew.
zero sugar
This user drinks COKE Zero Sugar religiously.
This user drinks Coca-Cola
This user enjoys playing Sudoku.
GAME This user won "the Game".
This user doesn't know how to solve a Rubik's Cube.
 Monopoly This user enjoys playing Monopoly.
This user enjoys playing blackjack.
CardsThis user enjoys playing Uno.
This user plays Angry Birds games.