Peer review


This is where you will complete your peer review exercise. Please use the following template to fill out your review.

Very well-structured article. One of the links didn't work, but I'm not sure if that's a problem with the link or with my internet. I'd encourage you to remain neutral throughout the entirety of the article as some of the wording could potentially seem biased or as presenting a slant.

General info




Guiding questions:

Lead evaluation




Guiding questions:

Content evaluation


Tone and Balance


Guiding questions:

Tone and balance evaluation


Sources and References


Guiding questions:

Sources and references evaluation




Guiding questions:

Organization evaluation


Images and Media


Guiding questions: If your peer added images or media

Images and media evaluation


For New Articles Only


If the draft you're reviewing is a new article, consider the following in addition to the above.

New Article Evaluation


Overall impressions


Guiding questions:

Overall evaluation
