Author: Himself

Hmmm.... Writing about yourself is a tough thing. I think its because you dwindle between what you think you are and what other thinks you are, both of which are usually very different. Another perspective adds what you think you ought to be. So Here I am trying to write about myself and trying to honour all the three opinions.

So…. I am Mohd Shahanshah Ansari (Ok you can call me Shahanshah). aka Sweet, Batty, it_waaznt_me and a few other nicks which I dont feel like mentioning here .. Born in a middle class family at Usia on July 3, 1981 ..And coming from a humble background, I grew up watching my father and my grandpa working hard for our good.. I guess my respect for hard workers has roots in it.

Most of my childhood was spent in Usia. In school, for the most of my primary classes I was just a normal student. I was short tampered too but soon I learned to control myself. (Now most of the people will agree here I don’t get angry soon). As I grew older a certain feeling of competition with others started developing in me. I started taking interest in studies and soon I began to be noticed. I soon found that I am a very quick learner and it helped me very much in my studies. So after 4th class I was the regular topper of my class. I still remember my school days. Those were the golden days of my life. Usually I was the leader of boys in my class.

So with my interests in computers made me choose my career in IT. I earned earlier my Bachelors and recently my Master’s in Computer Applications. I learned to use the Internet and made many friends on it. Now these days I am sharpening my skills in web development. Currently I am working as a team lead for a Multi National Company on Dot Net Platform. I am also trying my writing skills with these pages. Tell me if you liked it.

Umm.. Now if you still haven’t got bored of reading my history and geography, I can blah blah about my hobbies and tastes. I love reading books and surfing the Internet. I love music. slow rock mostly. I love making friends and for the most of time I don’t get any difficulties in making new friends.

Like everyone else I too have had my share of success and failures. For me these failures are more stimulating. These failures give me motivation to improve. Life is a learning experience for me .. I love learning new things.

Argh .. I think I can write 10 more pages about myself like this .. I should stop somewhere. So why not here. So here was a small introduction to your’s truly. Hope you liked it.

Btw... I have intentionally not mentioned my personal relationships which I feel should be of nobody else’s concern. Those knowing me closely know all about it already. I will keep this page updated so do keep checking it. Sign it when it comes up.