Basic things about me.

I am very tall. About 6 and a half feet.

I am left Handed.

My Chinese zodiac sign is the Dragon (pretty cool, eh?)

I am a die hard Yankees fan.

I believe what I believe and I know what I know.

I once loved a woman over a piece of poetry. I think cherry wine is divine. I believe in always doing the right thing.

I love my hometown city.

I am a history buff. I read Wikipedia through a non-linear chain of events.

I am often slow to start something...

I could not live without multi-tasking.

The best book I've read in the past 4 months is Life_of_Pi

I believe that good people will be rewarded (for being good), regardless of religion or creed. I believe that the more you love, the easier you are to disappoint... but the more you forgive.

I believe this list is getting too long.

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