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Sameer Goswami is partner of Computer Care & Ware, Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA. Born on 11th July 1971 at Chhatarpur. Having qualification Diploma in Civil Engg. as well as B.A.


Born on 11th July 1971 at Chhatarpur, He is a Civil Engineer by qualification. But soon after his engineering, he found his interests are in computers. Sameer has a strong beliefs that internet will change the scenerio in rural areas of India, specially in the backward regions like Bundelkhand.He is also an announcer in All India Radio people loves his presentation and selection of songs.


This user is an Indian ...and proud to be an Indian.
This user is an Indian Wikipedian.

This user comes from India.

This user is a citizen of India

This user lives in India