Place name formation Age
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Vancouver Island Parson Bay Formation Late Triassic [1]
  1. Ctenacanthus
  2. Spirifer
  3. Worthenia
  1. Archimedes (Bryozoan)
  2. Composita
  3. Coscinium
  4. Dictyoclostus
  5. Eumetria
  6. Euphemites
  7. Fenestella (genus)
  8. Girtyella
  9. Hustedia
  10. Leptaena
  11. Lingula (brachiopod)
  12. Linoproductus
  13. Neozaphrentis
  14. Orthotetes
  15. Paladin (trilobite)
  16. Palaeocapulus
  17. Paraparchites
  18. Platyceras
  19. Productella
  20. Productus
  21. Puntospirifer
  22. Rhipidomella
  23. Schizophoria
  24. Spirifer
  25. Triplophyllum
  • St. Joe Member
  1. Cyrtina
  2. Evactinopora
  3. Liorhynchus
  4. Platyceras
  5. Spirifer
  1. Schizopea?
  2. Ophileta?
  3. Raphistoma?
  1. Archaeocalamites
  2. Emstites
  3. Lingula
  4. Petrodus
  1. Lioplacodes
  1. Orthotetes
  2. Cyathaxonia
  1. Archimedes (bryozoan)
  2. Delocrinus
  3. Koninckophyllum
  4. Tabulipora




dromaeosauridae User:Ravedave/Sandbox/ user: lawldawl

Ryan shell/sandbox
Sub groupingCarnivore
Other name(s)Ringdocus
CountryUnited States
RegionGreat Plains, especially Montana
HabitatPlains and Forest

user: ryan shell

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Almasti Alovot Altamaha-Ha Alula Whale Amali Amaypathenya AmhUluk Amikuk Andaman Wood Owl Anfish Angeoa Angont Anka Anomalous Jaguar Antarctic Killer Whale Antarctic Long-Finned Whale Antipodes Apris Arabian Flying Snake Archie Arizona Jaguar Artrellia Ashuaps Atahsaia Abnauayu Abonesi ABSM Abyssal Rainbow Gar Acorn Worm (Giant) Adam-Ayu Adam-Dzhapais Adjule Adlekhe- Titin afa afonya Agatch-Kishi Agogwe Agrios Anthropos Ah-Een-Meelow Aidakhar Akephalos Aiakwis Algerian Hairy Viper Alien Big Cat Alien Big Dog

Queen Angelfish 21 Holacanthus ciliaris Blue Angelfish 21 Holacanthus bermudensis Townsend Angelfish 23 Hybrid French Angelfish 23 Pomacanthus paru Gray Angelfish 25 Pomacanthus arcuatus Rock Beauty 25 Holacanthus tricolor Cherubfish 27 Centropyge argi Flameback Angelfish 27 Centropyge aurantonotus Banded Butterflyfish 29 Chaetodon striatus Foureye Butterflyfish 29 Chaetodon capistratus Spotfin Butterflyfish 31 Chaetodon ocellatus Reef Butterflyfish 31 Chaetodon sedentarius Bank Butterflyfish 33 Chaetodon aya Longsnout Butterflyfish 33 Chaetodon aculeatus Blue Tang 33 Acanthurus coeruleus Ocean Surgeonfish 35 Acanthurus bahianus Doctorfish 37 Acanthurus chirurgus

Dolphinfish 43 Coryphaena hippurus Rainbow Runner 43 Elagatis bipinnulata Bar Jack 45 Caranx rubber Blue Runner 45 Caranx crysos Yellow Jack 45

No. Name Page Date Location Horse-eye Jack 47 Caranx latus Crevalle Jack 47 Caranx hippos Black Jack 47 Caranx lugubris Almaco Jack 49 Seriola rivoliana Greater Amberjack 49 Seriola dumerili Cottonmouth Jack 49 Uraspis secunda Mrican Pompano 51 Alectis ciliaris Permit 51 Trachinotus falcatus Palometa 53 Trachinotus goodei Lookdown 53 Selene vomer Atlantic Bumper 53 Chloroscombrus chrysurus Bigeye Scad 55 Selar crumenophthalmus Mackerel Scad 55 Decapterus macarellus Round Scad 55 Decapterus punctatus I Cero 57 Scomberomorus regalis Spanish Mackerel 57 Scomberomorus maculatus King Mackerel 57 Scomberomorus cavalla Wahoo 59 Acanthocybium solandri Little Tunny 59 Euthynnus alletteratus Keeltail Needlefish 59 Playbelone argalus Flat Needlefish 61 Ablennes hians Houndfish 61 Tylosurus crocodilus Atlantic Flyingfish 61 Cheilopogon melanurus Mirrorwing Flyingfish 63 Hirundichthys speculiger Ballyhoo 63 Hemiramphus brasiliensis Balao 63 Hemiramphus balao

Great Barracuda Sphyraena barracuda Southern Sennet Sphyraena picudilla Guaguanche Sphyraena guachancho Boga Inermia vittata Bonnetmouth 67 Emmelichthyops atlanticus Bonefish 67 Albula vulpes Common Snook 69 Centropomus undecimalis Striped Mullet 69 Mugil cephalus White Mullet 69 Mugil curema Silver porgy 71 Diplodus argenteus Spottail Pinfish 71 Diplodus holbrooki Sea Bream 71 Archosargus rhomboidalis Pinfish 73 Lagodon rhomboides Red porgy 73 Pagrus pagrus Sheepshead ., 73 Archosargus probatocephalus Sheepshead Porgy 75 Calamus penna Saucereye Porgy 75 Calamus calamus [Jolthead Porgy] 77 Calamus bajonado Pluma 77 Calamus pennatula Littlehead Porgy 77 Calamus proridens Knobbed Porgy 79 Calamus nodosus Longspine Porgy 79 Stenotomus caprinus Scup 79 Stenotomus chrysops Yellowfin Mojarra 81 Gerres cinereus Flagfin Mojarra 81 Eucinostomus melanopterus Irish pompano 81 Diapterus auratus

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	Acanthobrama telavivensis  	 	EW    ver 3.1 (2001)  	

2 Ameca splendens GOODEID (Eng) EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 3 Aspideretes nigricans BLACK SOFT-SHELL TURTLE (Eng) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 4 Aylacostoma chloroticum EW ver 2.3 (1994) 5 Aylacostoma guaraniticum EW ver 2.3 (1994) 6 Aylacostoma stigmaticum EW ver 2.3 (1994) 7 Betula szaferi EW ver 2.3 (1994) 8 Bufo baxteri WYOMING TOAD (Eng) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 9 Clermontia peleana PELE CLERMONTIA (Eng) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 10 Commidendrum rotundifolium BASTARD GUMWOOD (Eng) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 11 Corvus hawaiiensis HAWAIIAN CROW (Eng) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 12 Corypha taliera EW ver 2.3 (1994) 13 Cryosophila williamsii LAGO YOJOA PALM (Eng) ROOT-SPINE PALM (Eng) EW ver 2.3 (1994) 14 Cyanea pinnatifida EW ver 3.1 (2001) 15 Cyanea superba EW ver 3.1 (2001) 16 Cyanea truncata PUNALUU CYANEA (Eng) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 17 Cyprinodon alvarezi PERRITO DE POTOSI (Spa) EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 18 Cyprinodon longidorsalis CACHORRITO DE CHARCO PALMAL (Eng) EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 19 Cyrtandra waiolani FUZZYFLOWER CYRTANDRA (Eng) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 20 Encephalartos brevifoliolatus EW ver 3.1 (2001) 21 Encephalartos nubimontanus EW ver 3.1 (2001) 22 Encephalartos relictus EW ver 3.1 (2001) 23 Encephalartos woodii EW ver 3.1 (2001) 24 Epalzeorhynchos bicolor RED TAILED SHARK (Eng) RED-TAILED LABEO (Eng) REDTAIL SHARKMINNOW (Eng) REDTAIL SHARK (Eng) REDTAILED BLACK SHARK (Eng) EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 25 Equus ferus HORSE (Eng) WILD HORSE (Eng) CHEVAL SAUVAGE (Fre) CABALLO SALVAJE (Spa) EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 26 Erythroxylum echinodendron EW ver 2.3 (1994) 27 Euphorbia mayurnathanii EW ver 2.3 (1994) 28 Firmiana major EW ver 2.3 (1994) 29 Franklinia alatamaha FRANKLIN TREE (Eng) EW ver 2.3 (1994) 30 Gallirallus owstoni GUAM RAIL (Eng) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 31 Gazella saudiya SAUDI GAZELLE (Eng) GACELA SAUDI (Spa) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 32 Haplochromis ishmaeli EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 33 Haplochromis lividus EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 34 Haplochromis perrieri EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 35 Kokia cookei COOKE'S KOKIO (Eng) MOLOKAI KOKI`O (Eng) EW ver 2.3 (1994) 36 Leptogryllus deceptor OAHU DECEPTOR BUSH CRICKET (Eng) EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 37 Lysimachia minoricensis EW ver 3.1 (2001) 38 Mammillaria glochidiata BIZNAGUITA (Spa) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 39 Mammillaria guillauminiana BIZNAGUITA (Spa) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 40 Mangifera casturi KALIMANTAN MANGO (Eng) KASTURI (Eng) EW ver 2.3 (1994) 41 Mangifera rubropetala EW ver 2.3 (1994) 42 Megupsilon aporus CACHORRITO ENANO DE POTOSI (Eng) EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 43 Mitu mitu ALAGOAS CURASSOW (Eng) GRAND HOCCO À BEC RASOIR (Fre) HOCCO MITOU (Fre) PAUJÍ DE ALAGOAS (Spa) PAUJÍ MENOR (Spa) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 44 Mustela nigripes BLACK-FOOTED FERRET (Eng) PUTOIS À PIEDS NOIRS (Fre) TURÓN PATINEGRO AMERICANO (Spa) EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 45 Oryx dammah SCIMITAR-HORNED ORYX (Eng) ORYX ALGAZELLE (Fre) ORYX DE LIBYE (Fre) ORIX DE CIMITARRA (Spa) EW ver 3.1 (2001) 46 Paretroplus menarambo EW ver 3.1 (2001) 47 Partula dentifera EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 48 Partula faba EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 49 Partula garretti EW ver 2.3 (1994) (out of date) 50 Partula hebe EW ver 2.3 (1994


{Unicode cyrillique}

Situation de la municipalité de Lapovo en Serbie

Lapovo (selo), en serbe cyrillique Лапово (село), est un village de Serbie situé dans la municipalité de Lapovo, district de Šumadija. En 2002, il comptait 806 habitants[2], dont 795 Serbes (98,63%)[3].

Lapovo (selo) est également connu sous le nom de Gornja Stanica.

En 1948, le village comptait 650 habitants, en 1981 794 et, en 1991, 825[4].


Notes et références de l'article

  1. ^ Ludvigsen, Rolf & Beard, Graham. 1997. West Coast Fossils: A Guide to the Ancient Life of Vancouver Island. pg. 67
  2. ^ Bureau des statistiques de la République de Serbie
  3. ^ Књига 1, Становништво, национална или етничка припадност, подаци по насељима, Републички завод за статистику, Београд, фебруар 2003, ISBN 86-84433-00-9
  4. ^ Књига 9, Становништво, упоредни преглед броја становника 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002, подаци по насељима, Републички завод за статистику, Београд, мај 2004, ISBN 86-84433-14-9

Voir aussi

Articles connexes

Catégorie:Village de Serbie a Exodus 19:3 Then Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him from the mountain and said, "This is what you are to say to the house of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel: 4 'You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself. 5 Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, 6 you [a] will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites."

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