I am a semi attractive 16/17 year old male caucasian... i enjoy outdoor pursuits, ie archery and other thingd of that nature. I listen to music, like beethoven and various extreme metal and punk bands. I am one of the few british communists in existence. I take the words of Stalin as gospel, i would like to find an attractive young male/female partner (i care not which race they are, i am polysexual). If i had to sum up my existence in 3 words i would say, rejection, pain and suffering. I have yet to mate with anyone, if you are using wikipedia and live near me then get in contact, so we may arrange a mating session. Some of my comtemporaries include, Will, James Woo, Ali E. Myself and young Mr English are endeavouring to create a amateur film about WW2. Alistair is the comic artist and is responsibe for some captivating illustrations of Adolf. I have yet to produce anything of note relating to the film. I am a reknowned musician for the band Elecrap Indeamo. We have created a collection of songs so far, i lend my vocal ablities to the cause. Some believe in life after death, im not sure where i stand on this subject,although i imagine there is no life after death.