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Note: These are just jokes. Please DON'T use them on any mainline articles—you are free to either put one on your userpage or get banned! Be warned that there may be spelling or grammar mistakes, in which case, feel free (but not obliged) to fix them. Also, It should be known that anything critical of Wikipedia or derisive of any place or group of people on the tags is merely joking.
Last update: 05:17, 3 October 2012 (UTC)


Most shirts are designed to be worn. For other uses, please see Shirts (disambiguation).


Wikipedia  This user's hands are stubs. You can help Wikipedia by lending him/her a hand!


This article is under construction. As a result, there may be falling debris in this articleIt is strongly recommended that you wear a construction helmet before entering this article. Wikipedia is not responsible for any accidents that occur as a result of reading dangerous articles.

This article is in Simlich and a present can only be understood by Sims. A translator may be required to understand this article.

This Article Requires a broom.Please sweep up this article if you can.

This Article requires cleanup because it violates Wikipedia's No Fun Policy.Please sweep up and/or throw away all fun-related things, such as this game controller.

This Article Requires a tiny hand broom.this means that the article is in good condition, but still doesn't met Wikipedia's standards for perfection. Please, if possible, sweep up this article if you can.

This article has become so poor in quality that it now requires a vacuum cleaner.Please suck up this article if you can.

This Article requires has now come to such a poor condition that it requires a bulldozer. Every once in a while an article falls to the quality that some text serves no purpose other than to make the article worse. Such content should be completely rewritten out of the article right away. In other words, please bulldoze this article. It may take a lot of time, but Be bold, do it!

This article requires a nuke.*

*Warning: May become radioactive in aftermath!

Every once in a great while, an article becomes so poor in quality that it no longer is recognizable as an article, just as this template is no longer recognizable as a Style Template. When an article drops to this level, it is recommend that the article is nuked. Just like the New Mexico desert, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Enewetak, Marshall Islands, this article would actually be in better shape if it didn't exist. However, if it didn't exist, then Jimbo would be mad. So instead, we recommend that the article be nuked, or completely rewritten. (down to the last punctuation mark!) If possible, please nuke this article. It may take a long time, and it may be almost as bad as the old version, and you may cry and end up destroying your computer, and the article will probably be radioactive afterwards*, but please Be bold, do it, you will get a yummy cookie, and Jimbo will be so like "Yay!" SO DO IT!

Quiet on the set!This movie-related article is very quiet.Please make it louder!

3…2…1…Ignition……LIFTOFF!This Space-travel related article was written by someone who likes space shuttles way too much. Wikipedia discourages the use of overly promotional tone. Please fix this.

On wikipedia, users are asked to be BOLD, but not Italic Please remove all nonessential italic text, and remember to bold all important words!

taking notes is a total waste of time. Good thing you have wikipedia!

Okay, even if your clipboard looks this nice, taking notes is still a waste of time. Good thing you still have wikipedia! Wait, if the image of the clipboard is one on wikipedia, then there is nothing to argue. I win!

Umm... Who still uses analog film? Well, Wikipedia I guess...

HA HA! You've got a noobish camera! Wait 'till you see my camera!

This camera pwns your noobish camera. If it bothers you so much, than go buy a better one.

Charts can often be confusing, especially if they're all crushed together like this. Can someone please fix this? Yesh!

What moron would throw away a perfectly good clipboard? This is an example of some of the stupid things Wikipedia has done.

OMG! What's holding those scales up!? Meh, who cares?


The USDA finds no significant difference between wikis grown with the use of MediaWiki and those grown without the use of MediaWiki. However, this wiki has.

This article is big and will likely print out will more than one page. If your are concerned about the amazon, greed, power, forests, trees, budget problems, or are just a cheap-ass and you wish to conserve paper, you should not print this page.

Hey! Whats that question mark doing in the book? It's really annoying when your trying to read.

Extra! Extra! Read all about It!!!!there is an extra newspaper for you.

The Following article was written by the mayor of a fictional city.As a result, the article my be somewhat unrealistic.


This article may have no real purpose other than to make you laugh at how insane it is.Well, you have been warned.

This article may be awesome!Dont worry, enjoy it!

Ouch! That looks really painful!Especially if you're in a wheelchair!

This article is evil in nature.If you have low charisma, or are afraid of demons, please do not view this article.

Wikipedia is for nerds like you!I guess you belong here, then.

This article contains a chart which is so shiny and glossy that it might distract you from the article itself!If this is a problem, please do not view the chart.

SKYNET systems is now active.OH NO! SKYNET has taken over wikipedia!

Your computer has been taken over by the French!Monty Python should have been warning enough!

Your computer has been taken over by the Germans!Rammstein has nothing to do with this one!

This article or section contains information about purely speculative future buildings or structures.A psychic may be required in order to ensure the integrity of the article.

This article or section contains information about older video games that you may not have ever played.You will have to time travel in order that you are given the chance to play them.

I don't know what kind of person would put butter in a grocery cart!If you find out, please tell me on the article talk page.

Dude. You shouldn't have all those windows open while viewing Wikipedia. It'll crash the computer!Ha ha. I can read your mind! (and your computer.)

New software, huh? Cool! We wikipedians would love it if you contributed using it!

This Article was written by a paranoid user and may suggest that the world will be destroyed by a giant evil clock!However, there is no evidence to support this.

No! The clock is planning its attack now!However, there still isn't any evidence to support this.

This is the clock that will become giant and evil! Now is our chance to stop it, now, in the past!Just don't listen to these tags anymore. They are inspired by nothing but fiction.

No! The clock is going to destroy expensive film!But there isn't evidence to support these theories.

The clock is attacking a country flag!But there isn't evidence to support these theories.

Oh No! The giant evil clock has taken over the TV!However, there still remains no evidence to support these theories.

Wow! The Giant Evil Clock can play soccer with a massive soccer ball! Please understand that, we are trying to catch the dork who writes these tags.

The clock can play video games to?! Amazing! We are still trying to catch the dork who writes these. No luck so far though. Sorry.

Yay! It's the Giant Good Clock! He will save us from the evil one! (LOL. The Man hasn't "fixed" these tags yet!)

Yay! The evil clock is gone! However, it may come back, so be very careful!

No! Someone has stolen the Mona Lisa! I hope it gets found. I wonder why there is a large question mark inside the frame.

I already knew that the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything was 42. I just didn't expect to find it on this piece of paper.

Ow! A priceless gem! I wonder how many of these things this site has...

Hey! That image wasn't there before! Well, Okay...

Okay, now it's just getting annoying. I mean, how many websites put coffee cups on your paper?

Even more annoying. What does this globe have to do with anything?

And what's this weird rappy thingy? You know what? I don't even want to know!

Oh, Oh, Yea, That's real nice! How old do they think I am? 4?!

Now they are putting Pacman characters on my paper?! How annoying can this site get?

Sometimes the most important piece of the puzzle is the subtle one. (in this case, the letter 'W'.)Be sure to assume nothing at all times. (especially if you are a detective.)

This article is In 2-D. However, you don't need special glasses to see in 3-D in real life. So get of your lazy bum and go outside!

This template contains an image of a creepy smiling yak. If you are frightened by such content, do not view this tag. Oh no! To late!

Don't cross out the yak just because he's creepy! Who ever did this is a meany-poo!

Hey, when did the yak get all colorful? Well, I guess we will never really know...

Don't touch that dog! It's insane!!! No, false alarm. It's only open source.

Cool! A box!!! I wonder what's inside...

Why are you painting your screen?! How are you going to see my posts?!

Sweet! One of my favorite fruits! But what's it doing here?

Fortune Cookie say: Stop going to chinese restaurant to avoid wife and get a life!

Serious (lol) Kind of Serious/Copyright

Warning: Be on the look out for this mean copyright symbol! It has deleted copyrighted content and vandalized numerous articles. It has even attacked SVG files! If you see this symbol, report it to wikipedia and stop the madness once and for all!

No! The evil copyright symbol strikes agian! This time attacking a book! But were too late!

No! Not the movies to!

Not another one!

Even CDs!

Now it's playing with scissors and glue!


These Pages hate each other so much that they want to crash into, and destroy each other! Please keep them separated from each other.

Uh Oh! This page has become so large that it wants to gobble up this page. You may want this to happen, but we don't! Please either make this page smaller or the other larger. Either way will work!

ONOZ! Another page has grown very big and wants to eat this page for breakfast. Please don't let this happen! Make this page bigger so it looks like more of a threat and less tasty.

OMG! Both this page and another page want to crash into a warning sign! While everyone hates warnings, we want to ensure this doesn't happen any way. If you want to help, view the talk page of this page.

This page has become so big that it now wants to split in two. If are concerned about this process, you might wish to view this page on asexual reproduction and not even know it!

This is a candidate to be copied to the Wikimedia Commons by tiny little weird stick-figure guys! Don't worry! That's a normal part of Wikipedia, too!