
I am an avid living human being, and in my core practice spirituality, philosophy and mathematics. I am of Venezuelan origin (b. 1992 in Caracas), and emigrated permanently to Minnesota when I was 13 years old, in search of a better education and opportunity to excel and eventually become of service. I spent a year abroad in France in 2010-2011, and passed the French baccalaureate (série Scientifique, S) as an exchange student at the age of 19 with mention assez bien (cum laude), learning French along the way (I passed the French-language specific baccalauréat de français with mention très bien, where I received 17 à l'oral, and 15 à l'écrit). I afterward studied psychology and (independently) mathematics at the University of Minnesota, Twin-Cities from fall 2011-2017, though I never graduated, due to my pursuit of knowledge and spirituality in fields that were more complex than what I was studying (still essential, and I do wish to finish the degree!).

I write extensively on metaphysics and consciousness, since November (14, to be exact) 2011, as well as number theory, and geometry (which I started around 2012-2013, when I discovered the Flower of Life and the Platonic Solids, soon after which I started studying Hindu, Buddhist, and Islamic esoteric principles, as well as Theosophy and Kabbala, and more generally, chemical and metaphysical alchemy). Prior to writing, I spent around 5 years (2007 through 2011) slowly developing a philosophy of morality, and what slowly eventually became a philosophy of consciousness; then called "The Concept", carefully formulated alongside a former dear kin friend of mine.

I plan to publish important work sometime before November 2025, possibly this year (4047:4704).

I also made previous edits to various number pages prior to making a user account here.

Thank you for reading articles from Wikipedia, and making edits if you have.

Article contributions

This editor is a Tutnum and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 30, 31, 32, 37, 44, 55, 57, 58, 64, 72, 73, 90, 92, 100, 135, 151, 193, 418, 1023, 10000, 100000

Golden ratio, Equilateral triangle, Square

Escapades (Gaspard Augé album) (created)

Philosopher's stone and List of occult symbols


0, ½, 6, 25, 27, 29, 33, 34, 36, 40, 42, 45, 61, 63, 75, 76, 84, 100, 104, 109, 126, 132, 138, 144, 171, 177, 181, 187, 363, 555, 666, 744, 777, 888, 1000, 1728, 1729, 2016

Sporadic group, Sedenion, Robert Griess

Euclidean tilings by convex regular polygons, Coxeter-Dynkin diagram

Compound of four tetrahedra

△ : ◻


~ a type: in no particular order of alignment, but interchangeable, and applicable where and when possible - all can be generated inside ~

always have good smells around connect with delicacies, charms of life, and gifts
let go, let go of all the doubts, all the doubts. All the fear, all the anger, all the lust, and all the trauma Example breathe
smile swim often, if possible breathe, slowly, very slowly, as slowly as we want so that we can be aware of every sound and every sensation
drink water, plenty of water, and sweat profusely at least once during the day experience more love, you cannot stop loving once the train goes, and it becomes true love, just the right color, just the right taste, and the right touch Example
love be amazed at reality, always. Everything is as it should, everything and everyone moves as everyone's body can, no other thoughts could have taken the place of the thoughts at the moment, because these are built with cognitive momentum of all that one is and was, optimized, good or "bad" Example
Example smile, and laugh swallow, swallow often, less often than we breathe, but still often enough
sing, sing, sing! remind ourselves dance, dance, dance!e
Example hug people, hug things, in celebration of existence Example
Example be, just be. It's the answer because it is the simplest thing that we can do: be with ourselves and the entire universe, in peace, knowing that everything is moving as it should. We as finite entities cannot control reality onto a separate will, and the only thing we can really do is relax ourselves, and help others relax into a collective state of relaxation. Peace is the highest ideal, that is a state of pure communal bonding think novel notions, slowly and intermittently, with a continuous flow of thought that is novel

~ type b: general ~


Aside from a title, the underlying message is what is most important, so that the message and title coincide, and transports us to the opening of the book, before its experience, yet knew already intuitively, and onto the end of the book, where this is reaffirmed. This space where silence is explained, is the purpose of the work.

“Mathematics is the handwriting on the human consciousness of the very Spirit of Life [e.a.] itself.”
Claude Bragdon

There is a great benefit to the decimal numbering system: with the representation of 0:9, there is a representation of 0, which is the number most closely associated with nothing and absence, 1, that which represents a whole form, 2, which represents mirror self-expression, that is the first and only even prime, 3, the first odd prime, that represents the first true expression of form after 1, 4, which is the first even composite, that represents four directions, as well as mutual directional informational path between two elements, and 9 the first odd composite, that represents, amongst many things (as with the other aforementioned numbers), the triple triples of unity between two entities and a uniting third entity (space itself, in archetype; the three elements being the local self, the local others, and the uniting third, with the central triplet representing the local self as it unites through itself the local other). So, the decimal system is the only system that uses the first even prime and composite, and the first odd prime and composite, up to (and therefore a root base).

This, preceding the 12 fundamental informational expressions and relationships any two entities can hold: + {gratitude and generosity (full "agreement"); compassion and forgiveness (healing agreement)}, +/- {sorrow as a union of sadness (loss, with a clear intention still present) and contrition (guilt, for a return to clear intention), and disparagement as a union of shame (for an action in clear will-intent) and dejection (where the clarity and good is nearly fully depleted, a depression from rejection)}, - {fear (cower, generate a spaced boundary); anger (still cower, here in the form of "eliminating" the force not in agreement, through contact, a further abject negation), disgust (abject rejection of opposing unifying or divisive forces); lust (cycle of anxiety and frustrated condemnation "partially succeeding" in separating a "threat"; generating wanton, in the form of exclusive "ownership" of a domain, i.e. non co-extension)}. These twelve forms are further unified into three states: derangement (bereft of the true balance of emotions and expressing it, a near uncontrolled craze that is self-and-all destroying toward its never-reaching limit), suffering (as a junction of real pains that are the intermediates of rational (loving) and irrational (fearing) behaviors), and peace (the state of having this balance in harmonious motion), for a total of fifteen (15) elements. These three unifying states are themselves united into a single state of equanimity (16, a value representing the ninth composite number), such that these two polar opposing states and middle state are united into a healing and sustaining flow of expression (all-feeling, all-knowing, and all-fulfilling). This yields sixteen elements (1-16). A state of rest of this equanimity is full sleep (0, the only number aside from 9 to yield a digit sum that is the same as the original number added to it, as with any final numeral-number in a given base, here in decimal), which is the root emotional and mental element. All these, (0:16), from a root 16 or 17 (the seventh and largest prime number less than ten; and where 7 is the fourth prime, and 9 the fourth composite) pure elements, which is in decimal notation, also a total 15 and 1 (pentadecagonal centered), yielding 1:5::1, together the great union of six elements, with one principal element: represented by the force of awakened balance as equanimous awareness (made from 12:3 elements, such that four peaceful and four pained, with four abject elements, are united into three greater elements that all feed into the element of peace - itself self-feeding), United into One greater balancing Awakened equanimous (dreaming) state, all Into a Restful Equanimity, 0 coincident at its center with 1, through its circumscribing circle.

9 is also the first limit in the list of natural numbers 0 where there are an equal number of primes (including the unit as a zeroth prime) 1,2,3,5,7 and non-primes 0,4,6,8,9; a one-to-one correspondence that is only repeated again (up to) at 11 and 13, with 12 is in the middle. Note that 9,10,11,12,13 generate the tenth triangular number 55.

9 or 10 Elements

nothing ( ): void (0); singularity (1), and pure infinite space (∞) as unified ether (of pure "finite objects") comprised of air, water, earth, and fire, or a light element and its heavy counterpart, and the elements that transmute them from one onto the other. Otherwise stated, these four elements are a gas, a liquid, a solid, and heat (in archetype, simply as dimensional space-fabric vibration, as kinetic energy); the latter the closest in form to ether itself (as it is just energy), and water a uniting middle element between all five, that most closely resembles the tranquil expression of pure space, as it is transparent in nature. These work with "ether" which is bosonic (Higgs), or the transmutation from/onto a pure substance that is with weight (Z, W+/-) and almost without weight (g, p), much lighter than neutrinos; singularity represents gravity (that generates pressures, and attractions into a singular point) and dark energy as pure space (which prefers an expanded form) - i.e., pure space and singularity are counterparts. The Void, inside a singularity, and that which encapsulates all forms of energy in a universe, unites the forces of attraction and expansion, as an expression of empty space that is without a value, since it is in balance. Nothing is the resulting expression, since it is all in balance, and therefore is its equivalent in-expression (in fulfillment of all "forms", the expression of all forms, and embodiment of all forms as a collective; the final logical and intuitive element that completes all definitions conceivable, in a set, and as the set itself). A quanta of nothing is an element itself, and the Unity of all that is, whose greater structure is Nothing, is the zeroth or tenth greatest element, since it does not change.

~ type c: notions ~

A reversal is more complex than a simple unified crunch, since matter should pass through itself at a central singularity, and n-planes, repeat this pattern a near infinite amount of times possibly, until a greater mass is accumulated, that would, indeed, become a grand universal rotating singularity; this, when considering a greater dimensional empty space encapsulating the universe, where this field would then be a generator for a singularity as well, outward and inward (time-wise). This would likely occur if the very edge of our universe is the first to pull back inwardly, like a rubber band, which would mean that this fabric and Plank sheath (third-fourth-dimensional limit), each a source-feeding limit, would then start moving back, maybe even reverse some or all spins. This should be visible in the observable universe eventually, like a horizon of blue-shift light and alongside a great spherical or otherwise limit of energy and mass moving inward (from the internal perspective still moving outward); this if our universe is still in a "Stage 1" expression, where the fabric of space-time is still unraveling itself in wave-like motion (would be at a near in-discernible limit as it reaches closer to the upper-dimensional bounds); then "Stage 2" is the very prolonged bounce "back-and-forth," and "Stage 3" is the also very prolonged universal rotating singularity, which would become intricate in Multiversial astronomical scales, where maybe higher -spaces slowly come together and merge these latter-stage .

