


As an Australian, I was greatly pleased to find that pavlova made it onto the list of Lamest Edit Wars!.

And Julia Gillard is the vehicle by which religion in infoboxes makes it to the list? I'm tempted to add that to my history list, even though it about people not countries.

20:26 (AEST), 10:26 (GMT)



13:50 (AEST), 03:50 (GMT)

Sure, I could type the time by hand. Is there an easier way? Just happens I was reading about Parser Functions yesterday.

Code Ref Example Pros Cons
~~~~~ 03:50, 4 August 2019 (UTC) Easy to remember and type.

Don't need to add subst:.

UTC, prefer local.

Verbose format, prefer ISO style.

((subst:CURRENTTIMESTAMP)) mw:Help:Magic_words#Date_and_time 20190804035051 No-punctuation, maybe useful for unique anchors. Don't usually need seconds.
((subst:CURRENTTIME)) ibid. 03:50 UTC, prefer local (or both) for some situations.
((subst:#time: Y-m-d))
((subst:#time: F Y|+10 hours))
((subst:#time: l j|+10 hours))
((subst:#time: H:i|+10 hours)) (AEST), ((subst:#time: H:i)) (GMT)
mw:Help:Extension:ParserFunctions##time 2019-08-04

August 2019
Sunday 4
13:50  (AEST) 03:50  (GMT)

Flexible. Doesn't rely on templates. Long if hand-typing. Have to remember format codes.


Template:Time 05:03, 17 August 2024 AEST [refresh]

05:03 AEST
05:03 AEST [refresh]
05:03 AEST [refresh]
05:03, 17 August 2024 AEST [refresh]

Easy time zone entry. Automatic DST. But if I'm subst'ing I could always hand-type the +10 or +11. Some parameter combinations don't seem to work with subst:.

Verbose if adding hide-refresh by hand.



01:27, 4 August 2019 (UTC)

"Dear diary,..."

This is not a blog nor a general-purpose journal. It's just a list of wiki-related notes in reverse chronological order.

Why? I often find myself wanting to note things down. Maybe it's a newspaper article that could be used to expand an existing content page. Maybe it's tips and tricks to remind me how to do stuff (useful templates, syntax hints). Maybe it's related to discussion about policies, guidelines, platform dev and all the meta stuff. Or maybe it's something on-wiki that I liked or made me go "WTF?".

And where do I put it? Everywhere! If I'm on my iPhone or iPad, I might paste it into Apple Notes (synchs to cloud, available on web). Elsewhere maybe a note in a private Blogger board (not usually, that's more for non-wiki stuff, and it's a pain to edit on mobile). Or somewhere in Sandbox or my user-space (easy to get to, already wiki-formatted).

One of the barriers I've found to saving notes is the mental burden of organising them. What subpage or section should I use? So the thought is to sidestep that by just using date order initially. I can always copy content into more structured spaces later. A lot of key WP processes, noticeboards, and workflows are organised by date, so it's not without precedence.