

Transcluding a subpage with headings worked fine for display and TOC. But mobile edit did not work as expected.

Tapping the pencil next to the section header resulted in a spinning wait-petal, but no editor. Long pressing and opening in a new tab resulted in a weird hybrid mobile—desktop screen with the parent page's code rather than the child's.

Is it because I'm using an old tablet, or is this use case just broken on mobile?

08 03:45 (AEST), 07 17:45 (UTC)

Have taken screenshots, need to edit and upload them.

Also to do: post about this to VPT? When I get a wikt:round tuit?

Addendum: yes, Desktop view with Timeless skin works fine (still on tablet). Need to test with Minerva in Desktop mode.
Aside1: how to indent with Visual Editor? There's no tab key on iOS touchscreen keyboard, and I can't see an option in the VE toolbar. Never mind, found it on the bullets drop-down. Aargh! Drop-down doesn't work on Safari iOS9 + Desktop mode + Timeless + VE. The italic item works fine. Italic via iPad native formatting also works!
Aside2: VE toolbar is a awarkwardly placed below the floating header in Timeless.

More aargh


08 04:22 (AEST)