The current structure of the Spanish Army as of September 2020 is as follows:

Chief of the Army General Staff

The Chief of the Army General Staff heads the Spanish Army.

Army Headquarters

The Army Headquarters is made up of six organizations, which report directly to the Chief of the Army General Staff.[1][2]

Operational Force

The Operational Force is made up of three organizations, which report directly to the Chief of the Army General Staff.[1][2]

High Readiness Land Headquarters

The High Readiness Land Headquarters is one of NATOs Rapid Deployable Corps and headed by a three-star general.

Land Force

The Land Force is a higher command based in Seville, which is responsible to establish, train and maintain the operational units of the Spanish Army based in continental Spain. The command is headed by a three-star general and has four subordinate units:[1][2]

Division "Castillejos"
Division "Castillejos" organization 2020 (click to enlarge)
Leopard 2E tank during the Trident Juncture 2015 in Spain

The Division "Castillejos" is tasked to organize, equip, prepare and generate operational organizations for joint and combined operations.[1][2] The division provides forces for NATO, United Nations and European Union missions.

Brigade "Aragón" I
Brigade "Rey Alfonso XIII" II of the Legion
Brigade "Galicia" VII
Brigade "Guzmán el Bueno" X
Brigade "Extremadura" XI
Brigade "Guadarrama" XII
Division "San Marcial"
Division "San Marcial" organization 2020 (click to enlarge)

The Division "San Marcial" is tasked to organize, equip, prepare and generate high readiness operational organizations for joint and combined operations.[1][2] The division provides forces for high intensity operations and Spanish national missions.

Brigade "Almogávares" VI of Paratroopers
Special Operations Command "Órdenes Militares"
Mountain Troops Command
Army Airmobile Forces
Attack Helicopter Battalion I Tiger HAD attack helicopter
Maneuver Support Command
Maneuver Support Command organization 2020 (click to enlarge)

The Maneuver Support Command is tasked to organize, equip, prepare and generate operational combat support and combat logistic support organizations for joint and combined operations.[1][2]

Field Artillery Command
Anti-aircraft Artillery Command
Engineer Command
Signal Command
Logistic Brigade

Canary Islands Command

Canary Islands Command organization 2020 (click to enlarge)

The Canary Islands Command is a higher command based in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which is tasked to establish and prepare operational units and tasked to carry out military operations in its assigned area. The command consists of all Spanish Army units outside continental Spain and is headed by a three-star general.[1][2]

Ceuta General Command

The command is headed by a two-star general.

Melilla General Command

The command is headed by a two-star general.

Balearic General Command

The command is headed by a two-star general.

Brigade "Canarias" XVI

Support Force

The Support Force is made up of five organizations, which report directly to the Chief of the Army General Staff.[1][2]

Personnel Command

The Personnel Command is responsible for the planning, management, administration and control of the army's personnel management, personnel assistance, and healthcare.[1]

Training and Doctrine Command

The Training and Doctrine Command is responsible for the planning, inspection, coordination and investigation of the army's knowledge management, which includes the doctrine, organization, materials, education and instruction systems, training, and evaluation.[1]

Logistic Support Command

The Logistic Support Command is responsible materiel and logistical support processes, which includes the supply, maintenance and transportation functions and corresponding support engineering.[1]

Army Main Inspectorate

The Army Main Inspectorate is responsible for the planning, management, administration and control of the army's infrastructures, environmental protection, and occupational hazards prevention.[1]

Economic Affairs Directorate

The Economic Affairs Directorate is responsible for the planning, management, administration and control of the financial resources made available to the Army, and also for contracting and accounting.[1]

Graphic overview of the Spanish Army

Spanish Army organization 2020 (click to enlarge).

Geographic distribution of operational forces

Noclador/sandbox/Spanish Army 2021 is located in Spain
Maneuver Support Cmd
Maneuver Support Cmd
Mountain Troops Cmd
Mountain Troops Cmd
Division "Castillejos"
Division "Castillejos"
"Arapiles" 62
"Arapiles" 62
"Galicia" 64
"Galicia" 64
"América" 66
"América" 66
Brigade "Rey Alfonso XIII" II
Brigade "Rey Alfonso XIII" II
"Juan de Austria" 3
"Juan de Austria" 3
"A. Farnesio" 4
"A. Farnesio" 4
"Reyes Católicos" II
"Reyes Católicos" II
Brigade "Galicia" VII
Brigade "Galicia" VII
"Farnesio" 12
"Farnesio" 12
"Príncipe" 3
"Príncipe" 3
"Isabel la Católica" 29
"Isabel la Católica" 29
Bde. "Guzmán el Bueno" X
Bde. "Guzmán el Bueno" X
"La Reina" 2 "Córdoba" 10
"La Reina" 2
"Córdoba" 10
Noclador/sandbox/Spanish Army 2021
"Garellano" 45
"Garellano" 45
Brigade "Extrema." XI
Brigade "Extrema." XI
"Saboya" 6 "Castilla" 16
"Saboya" 6
"Castilla" 16
Noclador/sandbox/Spanish Army 2021
"Tercio Viejo de Sicilia" 67
"Tercio Viejo de Sicilia" 67
"Barcelona" 63
"Barcelona" 63
Signal IV/22
Signal IV/22
Division "San Marcial"
"San Marcial"
"Zaragoza" 5
"Zaragoza" 5
SpecOps Cmd
SpecOps Cmd
Coastal Art. 4
Coastal Art. 4
Rocket Art. 63
Rocket Art. 63
Anti-air Art. 73
Anti-air Art. 73
Anti-air Art. II/74
Anti-air Art. II/74
Attack Heli. Bn I
Heli. Bn I
Maneuver Heli. Bn III
Heli. Bn III
Engineer Cmd
Engineer Cmd
Engineer 11
Engineer 11
Signal V/22
Signal V/22
Logistic Sup. Grouping 61
Logistic Sup. Grouping 61
Transport III/21
Transport III/21
Balearic Cmd
Balearic Cmd
"Palma" 47
"Palma" 47
Dos Hermanas
Dos Hermanas
Castrillo d. Val
Castrillo d. Val
S. Andrés d. R.
S. Andrés d. R.
Colmenar Viejo
Colmenar Viejo
Pozuelo d. A.
Pozuelo d. A.
Paracuellos J.
Paracuellos J.
Armor Mechanized Infantry Protected Infantry Motorized Infantry Mountain Hunters Paratroopers Spanish Legion
Cavalry Field Artillery Anti-aircraft Artillery Helicopters Engineers Signals Logistics Other units
Locations with multiple units; units listed in the table below
(Brigade headquarters battalions, field artillery groups, sapper battalions, and logistic groups are based alongside their brigade headquarters)
Community of Madrid Province of Valencia Province of Seville Other provinces Overseas

Anti-aircraft Art. Cmd.

Anti-aircraft Art. Rgt. 71

"Inmemorial del Rey" 1
Electronic Warfare Rgt. 31
Transport Grouping 1


High Readiness Land HQ
Intelligence Rgt. 1
Info-Ops Rgt. 1
NBC-defense Rgt. "Valencia" 1


Land Force
Log. Sup. Grouping 21
Signal Bn. III/22

Castrillo del Val:

Field Artillery Rgt. 11
Engineer Rgt. 1
Signal Rgt. 1


Ceuta General Command

Cavalry Rgt. "Montesa" 3
Tercio "Duque de Alba" 2
Regulares Grp. "Ceuta" 54
Mixed Artillery Rgt. 30
Engineer Rgt. 7
Colmenar Viejo:

Brigade "Guadarrama" XII

"Asturias" 31
"Alcázar de Toledo" 61

Army Airmobile Forces

Transport Heli. Bn. V

Log. Sup. Grouping 11


Signal Command
Military Police Bn. I
Emergency Heli. Bn. II

Dos Hermanas:

Electronic Warfare Rgt. 32
Anti-aircraft Art. Rgt. 74
Maneuver Heli. Bn. IV


Brigade "Aragón" I

"Pavia" 4
Field Art. Rgt. 20

Logistic Brigade

Log. Sup. Grouping 41

Cavalry Rgt. "España" 11
Engineer Rgt. 12


Melilla General Command

Cavalry Rgt. "Alcántara" 10
Tercio "Gran Capitán" 1
Regulares Grp. "Melilla" 52
Mixed Artillery Rgt. 32
Engineer Rgt. 8
Paracuellos de Jarama:

Brigade "Almogávares" VI

"Nápoles" 4

Cavalry Rgt. "Lusitania" 8
Signal Rgt. 21
Cavalry Grp. "Milán" XVI
Anti-aircraft Art. Grp. III/73

S. Andrés d. Rabanedo:

Field Artillery Command
Field Artillery Grp. II/11
Target Acquisition Grp. II/63
Aerial Recon Grp. IV/1

Pozuelo de Alarcón:

Signal Rgt. 22
Medical Grouping 1

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y "Orden DEF/708/2020, de 27 de julio" (PDF). Ministerio de Defensa. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m "Organizacion del Ejército de Tierra". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  3. ^ "Regimiento de Transmisiones nº22 - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  4. ^ "Regimiento de Caballería "España" Nº 11 - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  5. ^ "Cuartel General de la División "Castillejos"". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  6. ^ "Brigada "Aragón" I - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  7. ^ "Brigada "Rey Alfonso XIII" II de la Legión - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  8. ^ "Brigada "Galicia" VII - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  9. ^ "Brigada "Guzmán el Bueno" X - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  10. ^ "Brigada "Extremadura" XI - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  11. ^ "Brigada "Guadarrama" XII - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  12. ^ "Regimiento de Operaciones de Información Nº 1 - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  13. ^ "Brigada "Almogávares" VI de Paracaidistas - Organización y Misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  14. ^ "Mando de Operaciones Especiales - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  15. ^ "El Ejército ultima la activación del nuevo mando de Tropas de Montaña". Retrieved 12 March 2021.
  16. ^ "Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  17. ^ "Mando de Apoyo a la Maniobra". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 12 March 2021.
  18. ^ "Mando de Artillería de Campaña - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  19. ^ "Mando de Artillería Antiaérea - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  20. ^ "Mando de Ingenieros - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  21. ^ "Mando de Transmisiones - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  22. ^ "Brigada Logística - Historial". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 21 September 2020.
  23. ^ "Mando de Canarias - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 22 September 2020.
  24. ^ "Comandancia General de Ceuta - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 22 September 2020.
  25. ^ "Comandancia General de Melilla - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 22 September 2020.
  26. ^ "Comandancia General de Baleares - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 22 September 2020.
  27. ^ "Brigada "Canarias" XVI - Organización y misión". Ejército de Tierra. Retrieved 22 September 2020.
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