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California Golden Bear. UC Berkeley! YAYAYYAYA

This person is the President of United States FOB Club. And he is very proud of that.

XBOX360/24/7... Gears of War, FEAR, Call of Duty 3. Join him on xbox live. He lives in Sacramento, CA, USA

this person sucks at DDR and would appreciate it if you stalk him. he is fascinated by shiny objects....he can speak better chinese than english and has mad math skillz

He put all this information up because he wants you to stalk him. However, he knows that nobody will actually read this page because what kind of a person would actually search for "neodarksaver"? Therefore, he is quite confident that nobody will stalk him so he is posting ....uh.... so don't hesitate to stalk him, he would appreciate it. This person would like you to know that he is the fobbest of them all.... this person also really sucks at DDR. I'm getting really confused...can anybody access this "edit" page? He is very fortunate he does not have draw a self portrait of pixels. -el fin