This is a rough translation of User:Haham hanuka's userpage on Hebrew Wikipedia (he:משתמש:חכם חנוכה), where he has been banned, as done by me.

Here it is:

Haham hanukah is an internet troll that has taken upon him the goal of designing wikipedia in his way, during which he argues about it with all of the other wikipedians. Haham hanuka does not hesitate to hurt Wikipedia through fraud of search engines, and insertion of pornographic photos to the main page. All attempts to peacefully discuss a settlement with him failed, and therefore the other users have to treat him with a "strong hand".

This page contained, until September 30, 2004, a list of words whose purpose was to pull in random surfers from the internet. This list could've caused Wikipedia heavy damage, for search engines do not act with forgiveness towards attempts to cheat them. Because of this, he:משתמש:דוד שי was forced to clean out this page, and to lock it.

Coping/dealing with Haham hanuka

In order to save the time of the wikipedians, one should treat Haham hanuka, in any costume he may choose, in this fashion:

Haham hanuka - criminal case

The actions of Haham hanuka are in the category of criminal violation, with the punishment of imprisonment (I'm assuming this is their lingo for banning — Negative: the reference is to incarceration based on what is alleged to constitute violations of the Israeli criminal code El_C 04:16, 2 May 2005 (UTC)). Here the history of these actions will be documented:

How to identify Haham hanuka - a friendly user guide