Sanford J. Morganstein (Inventor, Entrepreneur)

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Sanford J. Morganstein (Sandy Morganstein) born December 8, 1943 is an American inventor and entrepreneur. Morganstein is the president and founder of Populex Corporation, a maker of and innovator in election equipment. He was also the president and founder of Dytel Corporation, a firm he created to commercialize his contributions to the automated attendant.


Morganstein was born in the Bronx, New York and attended PS 77, James Kieren Junior High School 123 and James Monroe High School (New York).

Morganstein attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1961 to 1965 where he earned a B.S. degree in Physics. His thesis adviser was George W. Clark and his thesis was involved in research related to cosmic X-rays. He also attended the University of Chicago under a NASA Traineeship from 1965 to 1967 where he was a teaching assistant in physics. He earned his M.S. degree in astrophysics.

Professional Activities

Morganstein worked at Bell Telephone Laboratories, RCA Computer Systems, ITT Telecommunications in Des Plaines, Illinois and Paris, France and Rockwell International in Oak Brook, Illinois where he was Director of Engineering/Chief Engineer in the Telecommunications Division.

Morganstein founded Dytel Corporation in 1982 to commercialize his inventions in telecommunications including contributions to the automated attendant and other related technologies and products.

Morganstein is the named inventor on over thirty-five US Patents. He also provides expert services in litigation matters related to automated attendant, call processing and related fields.

Other Activities

Morganstein was appointed to the MIT Education Council in 2012 where he assists in recruiting and interviewing activities for potential MIT students. He also volunteers at school districts in the western suburbs of Chicago where he provides an introductory lecture on astrophysics geared to elementary school pupils.

Early in his career, Morganstein played jazz tenor saxophone mostly in the Catskill Mountains resort area. He played with Eliot Zigmund in the 1950s and was one of the founding members of the MIT Concert Jazz Band (now the MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble) when Herb Pomeroy was hired by MIT to lead and instruct this group.

In a stint in public service, Morganstein served as Chief, Technology and Business Competitiveness in the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs from 1992 to 1994. He worked with colleagues David Baker, former president of the Illinois Coalition and Karen Witter former executive director of the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources to enhance the economy of Illinois by focusing on science and technology.

Morganstein was the president of the Dundee Township Rotary Club and serves Rotary as an assistant governor.
