The ordered field *R of nonstandard real numbers properly includes the real field R. Like all ordered fields that properly include R, this field is non-Archimedean. It means that some members x ≠ 0 of *R are infinitesimal, i.e.,

The only infinitesimal in R is 0. Some other members of *R, the reciprocals y of the nonzero infinitesimals, are infinite, i.e.,

The underlying set of the field *R is the image of R under a mapping A  *A from subsets A of R to subsets of *R. In every case

with equality if and only if A is finite. Sets of the form *A for some are called standard subsets of *R. The standard sets belong to a much larger class of subsets of *R called internal sets. Similarly each function

extends to a function

these are called standard functions, and belong to the much larger class of internal functions. Sets and functions that are not internal are external.

The importance of these concepts stems from their role in the following proposition and is illustrated by the examples that follow it.

The transfer principle

For example, one such proposition is
Such a proposition is true in R if and only if it is true in *R when the quantifier
and similarly for .
must be
including not only members of R between 0 and 1 inclusive, but also members of *R between 0 and 1 that differ from those by infinitesimals. To see this, observe that the sentence
is true in R, and apply the transfer principle.
are "infinite integers".)
Such a proposition is true in R if and only if it is true in *R after the changes specified above and the replacement of the quantifiers with
Here are three examples:
of all infinite integers is external.
and similarly with in place of .
For example: If n is an infinite integer, then the complement of the image of any internal one-to-one function ƒ from the infinite set {1, ..., n} into {1, ..., nn + 1, n + 2, n + 3} has exactly three members. Because of the infiniteness of the domain, the complements of the images of one-to-one functions from the former set to the latter come in many sizes, but most of these functions are external.
This last example motivates an important definition: A *-finite (pronounced star-finite) subset of *R is one that can be placed in internal one-to-one correspondence with {1, ..., n} for some n ∈ *N.