Current Tasks (requests for help)

Why is it that no one can tell me how I'm misunderstanding policy, but they always tell me that I don't understand it?

If someone wants to help explain one or more of these things to me, I'd love to have a nice little discussion with them.


I've heavily defended a couple articles up at AFD, and usually, people think differently than I do about the "trivial" portion of the Primary notability criterion. Admittedly, the policy is intentionally little ambiguous, but I think everyone else misunderstands the policy. If a news article article is about X and Y together, Is "Y" trivial? I say no. I'd say that Y is one of the primary subjects of the article. What about an article about how X affected Y. I'd say that in that case, it is clear that X and Y are subjects of the article. sure, An article about X that mentions Y in it, even for a few paragraphs is a grey area. The canonical example of trivial, is a one sentence mentioning in an entire book. Only on that scale can someone say something is clearly trivial. A single sentence in a news article? probably trivial. A paragraph? Definite grey area, deletionists will say "trivial", inclusionists will say "non-trivial". That's where I stand on the matter. Apparently, an article has to be about only Y to be considered a non-trivial mentioning by many.

James Earl Salisbury

James Earl Salisbury is my father (Archived at User:mckaysalisbury/James Earl Salisbury).

I think that he's mistaken in his decision on a couple of levels:

  1. He executed his vote, rather than consensus
  2. His vote wasn't something I think is in line with policy, but I kinda see where he's coming from

So am I crazy? Am I missing some crucial piece of Wikipedia policy?

collecting sources about him, not just mentioning him


History has shown that I'm not understanding what consensus means. I've read the article, and I think I understand it, but according to others, I don't understand it. I've asked for help specifically to administrators about this, but I don't ever get a response.


Some have hinted that Creation of an article means that AFD votes shouldn't count, so does that mean I shouldn't ever be allowed to delete or redirect my own article (e.g. Canyonlands Desert)? Or am I only biased when it's in favor of keep?

What do I do with my life?

I'm a computer scientist. Mainly that means I'm a programmer, software engineer, and software architect. I currently work in databases and computer security. I've worked a lot with Relational Databases. I'm rather familiar with the theory, and I've built 5 DBMSs, but most of the time I end up implementing database systems, or building systems on top of them. I really enjoy math and physics programming. Also, I'm doing some real computer science research in my spare time, and I've written a few indie video games, some by myself, some with teams.

I love playing video games (and board games). I don't spend as much time doing this as I like. I might like to work in video games in the future.

My hobbies include: Literature and movies, mainly Science Fiction. (Post)Cyberpunk and Time Travel are probably my favorite sub genres. I enjoy reading about the latest discoveries in math (like Rational Trigonometry) and science (sorry Pluto, you're not a planet). From a non-geek perspective, I like social dance, and rock climbing.

My activity in Wikipedia comes and goes.

my webpage can be found at

My Watchlist

I've watched about a bajillion pages. Many of them have so infrequent changes, that I forget I have them in my watchlist. I have several topics that I try to keep the articles pure, mostly in the database industry. I don't watch my watchlist as much as I have in the past:

Some other computer science topics:

I watch a few math related topics:

Some science topics:

Some Science-Fiction topics:

And, finally, from nowhere, a couple of people topics:

Yeah, there are other pages in my watchlist, but these are the important ones.

Update: 04:08, 20 October 2007 (UTC) My watchlist isn't helpful anymore because I have too much on it. ("539 pages watched not counting talk pages.") My wikitime is far less than what it used to be, so I'm going on a watchlist purge. I'm removing topics I don't care about as much. If you'd like me to help out with something, let me know on my talk page, and I'll be glad to help out. McKay 04:08, 20 October 2007 (UTC)

Articles I started

Articles I Spoke

My wife has had insomnia. We discovered that one of the best things I can do to help her sleep is to read Wikipedia articles aloud. Why not help other people fall asleep by reading it for all on the Internet to listen to.

Todo list

Cool Links

Heroes of the day

Cool Diffs


I'm having trouble getting closure on this closure I'm writing in closure which performs the closure to calculate the transitive closure of a set.

Other Wikis

I hereby certify that I am user:mckaysalisbury on Wiktionary, Meta, Spanish Wikipedia, Memory Alpha, and WoWwiki (certification diff).

Block History

I feel my block log is very clean, but yet, there are entries. I feel a bit of a need to explain myself in these cases. Yes, I've got the final edit on this page, but feel free to take a look at the page histories (the ones I provide or others)
