This page is for accepting user signatures, substituted templates and other patterns that cause Lint errors for MalnadachBot to fix. Anyone is welcome to add submissions.

The bot has approval from task 12 to fix any Lint error sitewide without needing BRFAs for individual patterns.

Bogus image options

"very-evil" image that shows only on October 31: 861 pages, often with multiple errors per page. Remove the first "p" after "15".

Misnested tag

14,000+ results (regex needs refinement to avoid false positives when a closing font tag is followed by text before brackets; this search has fewer false positives; 4,000+ results; this batch of 1,400 pages is slightly different)

Note: I have performed a search/sort/count of a partial list of these "font starts inside the brackets and ends outside the brackets" signatures. Here's a breakdown as of 2023-02-25:

Extended content
  40 [[User talk: plato|<font color=red><small>@</small></font><font color=green>)---^--]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:11JORN|<font face="Bauhaus 93" color="black">*talk*]]</font>
  19 [[User talk:11JORN|<font face="Calibri" color="black">talk page!]]</font>
   5 [[User talk:11JORN|<font face="Calibri" color="black">talk]]</font>
   5 [[User talk:11JORN|<font face="Calibri" color="black">Talk]]</font>
   2 [[User talk:11JORN|<font face="Calibri" color="black">Time goes by so slowly]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:11JORN|<font face="Calibri"color="black">talk]]</font>
   2 [[User talk:11JORN|<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="black">leave a message]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:11JORN|<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="black">TALK TO ME!]]</font>
  12 [[User talk:11JORN|<font face="Modern" color="#1b0877">talk]]</font>
   3 [[User talk:Ace|<font color = black>'''(LVPoW)''']]</font>
   5 [[User talk:AGK|<font color="green">talk]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:AMFilmsInc|<font color="Green" > and, action!]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:Asphyxiate.always|<font color="navy"></font>Talk]]</font>
  20 [[User talk:AuburnPilot|<font color="#0000FF">Talk]]</font>
  20 [[User talk:Avocato|<font color="#fb139e">'''(talk)''']]</font>
   1 [[User talk:Barkjon|<font color="red">|talk]]</font>
  16 [[User talk:Cal Umbra|<font color="black">Umbra]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:Chantoke|<font color="gray" size="1px">talk]]</font>
  65 [[User talk:Chasewc91|<font color="blue">talk]]</font>
   3 [[User talk:Chaza93|<font color="gold" face="Trebuchet MS">1000]]</font>
   5 [[User talk:Cyberdog958|<font color="green">Talk]]</font>
   4 [[User talk:dillonmcallaway|<font color="red">talk]]</font>
   7 [[User talk:FullMetal Falcon|<font color="Gray">»]]</font>
   4 [[User talk:gronkmeister |<font face="impact"> Talk]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:Heddfones|<font color=#0033FF>- talk to me]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:Hello, I'm a Wikipedian!|<font color="brown">!]]</font>
   2 [[User talk:James086|<font color="darkgreen">Talk]]</font>
  89 [[User talk:JavierMC|<font style="color:darkblue;background:white;">'''MC''']]</font>
   8 [[User talk:Jsfouche|<font color="navy"></font>Talk]]</font>
   2 [[User talk:Krako|<font color="Navy">Talk]]</font>
   2 [[User talk:La Pianista|<font color="black">''Dolce, ma non troppo'']]</font>
  33 [[User talk:LiveRail|<font color="blue">< '''Talk''' >]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:LiveRail|<font color="blue"> '''< Talk >''' ]]</font>
   7 [[User talk:Lordoliver|<font color="green">I Heard It Through The<font color="black"> ''Olive''</font> Branch]]</font>
  24 [[User talk:Lordoliver|<font color="green">The <font color="black"> ''Olive''</font> Branch]]</font>
  82 [[User talk:Michaelas10|<font color="darkgreen">10]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:Michaelas10|<font color="darkgreen">Respect my authoritah]]</font>
  60 [[User talk:Nixeagle|<font color="red">eagle]]</font>
   2 [[User talk:Numerounovedant|<font face="Viner Hand ITC">talk]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:OlYeller21|<font style="color:#827839;">Talktome]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:PancakeMistake|<font color="orange">talk]]</font>
   1 [[User talk:Quemameya|<font color="RoyalBlue">¿Qüiërës häblär cönmigö?]]</font>
   7 [[User talk:Redskunk|<font color="red"><sup>TALK]]</font>
   2 [[User talk:Sirius 128|<font color="green">1</font><font color="red">2</font><font color="blue">8]]</font>
   3 [[User talk:Sky Attacker|<font color="orange"> Sky</font><font color="blue"> Attacker'']]</font>
  24 [[User talk:Truco|<font color="black">5<font color="blue">0<font color="black">3]]</font>
   1 [[User_Talk:Ajuk|<font color=#008800>Talk!!]]</font>
  42 [[User_talk:AKMask|<font color="#990011">ask]]</font>
 104 [[User_talk:Bpeps|<font size="1" >t</font><font size="3" color="green">@</font><font size="1">lk]]</font>
  18 [[User_talk:Ceranthor|<font color="#990000">eranthor]]</font>
   1 [[User_talk:Cinnaspice|<font color="red" face="Broadway" font style="7">'''Please talk to me''']]</font>
   2 [[User_talk:Cinnaspice|<font color="red" face="Broadway" style="font-weight:bold">'''Please talk to me''']]</font>
  66 [[User_Talk:DeltaQuad|<font color="blue"> (ʞlɐʇ) ]]</font>
   1 [[User_Talk:DeltaQuad|<font color="blue">(ʞlɐʇ) ]]</font>
   1 [[User_Talk:Emilyzilch|<font color=#BA55D3>Click to talk]]</font>
   1 [[User_Talk:Eupator|<font color=#974423>Talk!!]]</font>
   7 [[User_Talk:FlyingToaster|<font color=#252577>Toaster]]</font>
   1 [[User_Talk:FlyingToaster|<font color=#e41a1a>Toaster]]</font>
   1 [[User_Talk:Gautam3|<font color=#008800>Discuss]]</font>
   1 [[User_Talk:Gustavob|<font face="Lucida Console" color="green" size=1>msg]]</font>
   1 [[User_talk:jheditorials|<font style="color:#827839;">Talktome]]</font>
   1 [[User_Talk:L337p4wn|<font color=#CC1100>Talk to me!]]</font>
   4 [[User_talk:Luckyaim|<font color="white">'''— ''Talk to Lucky'' —''']]</font>
   7 [[User_talk:Mjg0503|<font face="Ariel">'''(talk)''']]</font>
   9 [[User_talk:OlYeller21|<font style="color:#827839;">Talktome]]</font>
   2 [[User_Talk:Theopolisme|<font color=#37DB79>polisme]]</font>
   1 [[User: Merovingian|<font color=""green""><big>R</big>yan!]]</font>
   3 [[User:A|<font color="#4B5320">Ay]]</font>
   6 [[User:A|<font color="#FFA000">A]]</font>
   1 [[User:A|<font color="cornflowerblue">a]]</font>
   1 [[User:Aditya Kabir/My contributions|<font face="Old English Text MT">C</font>ontributions]]</font>
   3 [[User:AKMask|<font color="#990011">M]]</font>
   1 [[User:Altman|<font style="color:#000"> <b>À</b>łẗ</font><font style="color:#ABAB9D">ṁåɳ]]</font>
   5 [[User:AmiDaniel/VandalProof#Moderators|<font color="red">Moderator]]</font>
   1 [[User:Antarctic-adventurer|<font color="#009966">Antarctic-adventurer's]]</font>
   1 [[User:Araisyohei|<font color=green>Syohei.A]]</font>
 112 [[User:Arman Cagle|<font color="191970">'''Arman Cagle''']]</font>
   5 [[User:ArnoLagrange|<font color="green">Arno</font> <font color="blue">Lagrange]]</font>
   1 [[User:Blow of Light/Guestbook|<font color="black">Happy Holidays from]]</font>
   2 [[User:Bobdoe|<font color=D10000>[[User:Bobdoe|Bob]]</font>
   4 [[User:Captain Almighty Nutz|<font color="191970">'''Captain Almighty Nutz''']]</font>
   1 [[User:Caroldermoid/Esperanza|<font color="green">ermoid]]</font>
   2 [[User:Cascadia|<font color="#567E3A">'''CASCADIA''']]</font>
   1 [[User:Chrisbrownwifey06|<font color="hotpink">Chrisbrownwifey06]]</font>
   2 [[User:Corkythehornetfan|<font color="#FFF">Corkythe]]</font>
   2 [[User:Cyberpower678|<font color=green face=Neuropol>cyberpower]]</font>
   6 [[User:Darwinfish|<font color="darkblue">'''darwin''']]</font>
  15 [[User:Diego Grez/Signature book|<font color="blue">SIGN!!!]]</font>
  17 [[User:Dougofborg|<font color=#00FF00><span style="background-color:black">Dougofborg]]</font>
   2 [[User:Doyley|<font style="color: #000; background-color: #c0c0c0; text-decoration: none;"> Doyley ]]</font>
   1 [[User:Elsaby Antunes|<font color=blue>Elsaby Antunes]]</font>
   2 [[User:EngineerFromVega|<font color="#151B8D">EngineerFromVega]]</font>
  16 [[User:EngineerFromVega|<font color="#990011">EngineerFromVega]]</font>
   2 [[User:EngineerFromVega|<font color="#990011">TheEngineer]]</font>
   1 [[User:Erebus555|<font color="black">Erebus555]]</font>
   5 [[User:Estemshorn/signatures|<font face="Arial" color="orange">sigs]]</font>
   1 [[User:Excirial|<font color="191:'''97970">'''Excirial''']]</font>
  38 [[User:Excirial|<font color="191970">'''Excirial''']]</font>
   2 [[User:Excirial|<font color="FF8C00">'''''Exc'''''</font><font color="191970">'''irial''']]</font>
   1 [[User:F_JUNK_DUMP|<font color="33FF33">F_JUNK]]</font>
  54 [[User:Farjad0322|<font face="Papyrus">Farjad</font><font color="Purple">'''0322''']]</font>
   1 [[User:Farjad0322|<font face="Times New Roman, serif" color="Blue">'''Farjad</font><font color="Purple">0322''']]</font>
   1 [[User:Flammingo|<font color="Navy">P</font><font color="DodgerBlue">a</font><font color="DeepSkyBlue">g</font><font color="RoyalBlue">e]]</font>
   1 [[User:Freydis|<font color="A29EBA">'''''Freydis''''']]</font>
   1 [[User:Garykirk|<font color="blue">Gary Kirk]]</font>
   2 [[User:Geofferic|<font color=#3333FF><font face="arial">Geofferic]]</font>
   1 [[User:Ggraff1987|<font color="red">'''Ggraff1987''']]</font>
   3 [[User:GimliDotNet|<font color="000001">'''GimliDotNet''']]</font>
   1 [[User:GreenGyarados|<font color=white>My Page!]]</font>
 131 [[User:Hotcrocodile|<font face="Rockwell" style="color:#8B0000">'''Hot</font><font face="Rockwell" style="color:#006400">Crocodile]]</font>
   1 [[User:hzenilc|<font color=#906>[[User:hzenilc| hzenilc<font color="red">[egalois]]]</font>]]
   2 [[User:IMatthew|<font color=#00CC00>'''iMatthew''']]</font>
   1 [[User:IMatthew|<font color=#0033CC>'''iMatthew''']]</font>
   1 [[User:IMatthew|<font color=#330099>'''iMatthew''']]</font>
   2 [[User:IMatthew|<font color=#660099>'''iMatthew''']]</font>
   1 [[User:IMatthew|<font color=#cc3333>'''iMatthew''']]</font>
   1 [[User:IMatthew|<font color=#FFB200>'''iMatthew''']]</font>
  19 [[User:Imtitanium#top|<font style="color:#556B2F;"> '''I'm Titanium''' ]]</font>
   2 [[User:Jacqui M Schedler|<font color="#663366">Jacqui]]</font>
  29 [[User:James086|<font face="comic sans ms" color="#006400">James086]]</font>
   3 [[User:Karol Szapsza|<font color="#0645ad">Karol Szapsza]]</font>
  70 [[User:Kils|<font color="A29EBA">'''''Uwe Kils''''']]</font>
  10 [[User:KMFDM Fan|<font style="background:#000000;color:#32CD32">'''KMFDM FAN''']]</font>
  25 [[User:KMFDM Fan|<font style="background:#000000;color:#FF0000">'''KMFDM FAN''']]</font>
  13 [[User:KMFDM Fan|<font style="background:#000000;color:#FFFF00">'''KMFDM FAN''']]</font>
   7 [[User:KMFDM Fan|<font style="background:#000000;color:#FFFFFF">'''KMFDM FAN''']]</font>
   7 [[User:KoshVorlon|<font style="color:orange;background:black;font-family:sans-serif;">'''►К Ф Ƽ Ħ◄ ''']]</font>
   5 [[User:Kszapsza|<font color="#ff6600">Kszapsza]]</font>
   1 [[User:La Pianista|<font color="darkblue">'''La</font> <font color="dodgerblue">Pianista''']]</font>
   1 [[User:LuizM|<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#00bfff">LuizM]]</font>
  30 [[User:Merovingian|<font color="green"><big>ℛ</big>yan!]]</font>
   2 [[User:Merovingian|<font color="green"><big>R</big>yan!]]</font>
  63 [[User:Miranda|<font face="georgia" color="#084C9E">M.]]</font>
   5 [[User:Miranda|<font face="georgia" color="#E75480">Miranda]]</font>
 267 [[User:MisterWiki/Signature book|<font color="blue">SIGN!!!]]</font>
   7 [[User:NightFalcon90909|<font color="yellow" face="agency fb"> '''NightFalcon90909''']]</font>
  33 [[User:NightFalcon90909|<font color="yellow" face="agency fb"> N i g h t F a l c o n 9 0 9 0 9]]</font>
 136 [[User:Ocatecir|<font color="#660099">Ocat</font><font color="#333333">ecir]]</font>
  33 [[User:Odysses|<font face="comic sans ms" color="#3351137">Odysses]]</font>
 145 [[User:Outriggr|<font color="#112299">Outriggr]]</font>
   1 [[User:Phantom85|<font color="#808080">'''Phantom85''']]</font>
   1 [[User:Pilotguy|<font color="blue">P</font>ilotguy]]</font>
   2 [[User:PRODUCER|<font color="black"><font style="letter-spacing: 0.2cm;">◅PRODUCER]]</font>
   1 [[User:Randfan/Esperanza|<font face=FlutedGermanica color="green" style="background:pink" size="3">!]]</font>
   1 [[User:Richardhak|<font color="cornflowerblue">Richardhak]]</font>
 149 [[User:Rider ranger47|<font COLOR="lime">Rider ranger47]]</font>
 166 [[User:Riley Huntley|<font color="#00B74A">Riley Huntley]]</font>
   1 [[User:Sarvagnya |<font color=red>'''ಸರ್ವಜ್ಞ ]]</font>
   3 [[User:Seadog.M.S|<font color="Darkblue">'''Seadog''']]</font>
   5 [[User:Seadog.M.S|<font color="Teal">'''Seadog''']]</font>
   2 [[User:Searchme|<font color="#C0C0C0">Joe]]</font>
 153 [[User:Silversmith|<font color="A29EBA">'''Silversmith''']]</font>
  11 [[User:Sup3rior|<font color="#FFA000">Sυρєrıor]]</font>
   5 [[User:Super Rad!|<font color="LightSeaGreen"><sup>Super</sup></font><font color="MediumBlue">'''Rad''']]</font>
  94 [[User:Terrancommander/Esperanza|<font color="green">e]]</font>
  23 [[User:The Arbiter|<font color="#228B22" face="Impact"><font size="3px">T</font>he <font size="3px">A</font>rbiter]]</font>
  80 [[User:The Sunshine Man|<font color="00DD00">'''The Sunshine ''']]</font>
   3 [[User:Tim1357|<font color="Blue" face="Arial" >Tim]]</font>
   4 [[User:Tpk5010|<font color=#F3683E>Tpk5010]]</font>
  23 [[User:Tymun|<font color="191970">'''--Tymun''']]</font>
   2 [[User:Username550|<font color="lightgreen">'''550''']]</font>
   2 [[User:Wtwilson3|<font color="black">'''  Bill W.  ''']]</font>
 175 [[User:Xp54321|<font color="0070FF">'''Xp54321''']]</font>
 211 [[User:Xp54321|<font color="191970">'''Xp54321''']]</font>

11,000+ results (regex needs refinement to avoid false positives when span tag is followed by text before brackets)

User Number of pages Search link Notes Example
User:Aaron north 166 [1]
[[User:Aaron north|<span style="color:red;">'''Aaron</span> <span style="color:blue;">north</span>''']]
[[User:Aaron north|<font color="red">'''Aaron</font> <font color="blue">north</font>''']]
User:The Psychless 68 [2]
'''<font face="Kristen ITC">[[User:The Psychless|<font color="ForestGreen">Psych</font><font color="DarkGreen">less </font>]]'''<sup>[[User talk:The_Psychless|<font color="DarkGreen">Type</font>]] [[Special:Contributions/The_Psychless|<font color="DarkGreen">words!</font>]]</sup></font>
87 [3]
User:Evilphoenix 303 [4]
User:Optimist on the run 389 [5] two errors per signature
User:Captain Assassin! 66 [6] 8 errors per signature
User:MrScorch6200 446 [7]
<span style="border:2.5px solid black;padding:1px;">[[User:MrScorch6200|<font style="color:Navy;background:cyan;">'''MrScorch6200''']] ([[User talk:MrScorch6200|talk]] &#124; [[Special:Contributions/MrScorch6200|ctrb]])</font></span>
User:Zachariel 152 [8]
User:Gphoto 99 [9] misnested font tags preventing bots from fixing the page
User:Bpeps 150 [10] font tag starts outside brackets and ends inside brackets; misnested font tags preventing bots from fixing the page
User:Walter Humala 48 [11] font tag starts outside brackets and ends inside brackets; misnested font tags preventing bots from fixing the page; at least three Linter errors per signature
User:Randfan 57 [12] font tag starts outside brackets and ends inside brackets; misnested font tags preventing bots from fixing the page; at least three Linter errors per signature
User:Alinnisawest 105 [13] four Linter errors per signature, including misnested font tags
User:LilDice 86 [14] misnested font tags and three other Linter errors per signature
User:Vantine84 193 [15] misnested & obsolete font tag
<small><b><span style="border:1px solid#000000;padding:1px 3px;font-family:Chicago,sans-serif;">[[User:Vantine84|<font color="#000000">Levi van Tine]] ([[User talk:Vantine84|t]][[Special:Contributions/Vantine84|c]])</font></span></b></small>
User:RaseaC 317 [16] misnested close span tag
<b>[[User:RaseaC|<span style="font-family:Eras Demi ITC; color:DarkBlue;cursor:help">raseaC]]</span><sup>[[User talk:RaseaC|talk to me]]</sup></b>
User:Lurker 261 [17] misnested close span tag
[[User:Lurker|<span style="background-color:lightblue;color:black">Lurker]]&nbsp;([[User talk:Lurker|said]]&nbsp;'''·''' [[Special:Contributions/Lurker|done]])</span>
User:Erikeltic 173 [18]
User:TaerkastUA 122 [19] misnested close span tag (closing "]]" is misplaced)
[[User:TaerkastUA|<span style="color:#D4AF37">'''The'''</span> <span style="color:#0000f1">'''Taerkasten'''</span>]] ([[User talk:TaerkastUA|<span style="color:red">'''talk]]'''</span>)
User:Yellow Dingo 243 [20] closing b tag is at the end of the signature instead of inside the first set of brackets
Ichthus newsletter January 2012 932 [21] with five errors per newsletter
== ''Ichthus'': January 2012 ==

<div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">
{| style="text-align:center; border:10px solid black; background-color:black; width:100%;"
|[[File:Ichthus dark yellow.png|center|55px]] 
|-  padding:15em;padding-top:5em;" 
|style="font-size: 350%; color:gold; "|<br>'''<big>I</big>CHTHUS''' <br><br>
|-  padding:15em;padding-top:5em;" 
|style="color:gold;"|'''January 2012'''
<div style="background-color:#FFF;"><div style="font-size: 120%;">
'''''In this issue...''''' <br>
*[[WP:WikiProject Christianity/Outreach/January 2012|From the Editor]]
*[[WP:WikiProject Christianity/Outreach/January 2012|What are You doing For Lent?]]
*[[WP:WikiProject Christianity/Outreach/January 2012|Fun and Exciting Contest Launched]]
*[[WP:WikiProject Christianity/Outreach/January 2012|Spotlight on WikiProject Catholicism]]
<center><small>''Ichthus'' is the newsletter of Christianity on Wikipedia • It is published by [[WP:X|WikiProject Christianity]]<br>For submissions contact the [[WT:WikiProject Christianity/Outreach|Newsroom]] • To unsubscribe add yourself to the list [[WP:X/O|here]]</small></center>
User:Pigman 522 [22] with four errors per signature:
[[User talk:Pigman|<sup><font color="red">man]]</font></sup>
User:Jamesofur 76 [23]
User:Harland1 299 [24] misnested closing span tag
[[User:Harland1|<span style="font-family:Zapfino, sans-serif; color:DarkRed">Harland1]] (<sup>[[User talk:Harland1|t]]</sup>/<sub>[[Special:Contributions/Harland1|c]]</sub>)</span>
User:Silversmith 220 [25] misnested font tag preventing bots from fixing the page
[[User:Silversmith|<font color="A29EBA">'''Silversmith''']]</font>
User:Wadester16 169 + 186 [26] + [27] misnested closing span or font tag in the first portion of the signature
'''<span style="font-size:small;">[[User:Wadester16|<span style="color:darkred">ωαdεstεr</span><span style="color:darkblue">16</span>]]'''</span>

'''<font size="2">[[User:Wadester16|<span style="color:darkred">ωαdεstεr</span><span style="color:darkblue">16</span>]]'''</font>

'''<font size="small">[[User:Wadester16|<span style="color:darkred">ωαdεstεr</span><span style="color:darkblue">16</span>]]'''</font>
User:MatthewHoobin 202 [28]
'''''[[User:MatthewHoobin|<span style="color:#0640e0; text-shadow:#66ff66 0.2em 0.2em 0.4em;">Matthew]]</span>'''''
User:Socrates2008 273 [29]
User:Mastrchf91 253 [30] misnested closing span tag
[[User:Mastrchf91|<span style="font-family:Lucida Calligraphy, sans-serif; color:DarkBlue">Mastrchf]] (<sup>[[User talk:Mastrchf91|t]]</sup>/<sub>[[Special:Contributions/Mastrchf91|c]]</sub>)</span>
User:Wesley Wolf 169 [31]
User:SRE.K.A.L.24 123 [32]
User:Merkinsmum 101 [33] two errors, one on user link and one on user talk link
User:WereSpielChequers 431 [34]
User:Schcambo 84 [35] misnested small tag at end of signature
[[User:Schcambo|<span style="color:#006400;">Schcambo</span>]]<sup><small>[[User_talk:Schcambo|<span style="color:#006400;">aon scéal?</span>]]</sup></small>
User:Merkinsmum 38 [36]
User:Ultimus 539 [37] misnested bolding ticks; also some signatures use font tags
[[User talk:Ultimus|<span style="color:red;">'''UlT</span><span style="color:green;">i</span><span style="color:blue;">MuS'''</span>]]
User:Martinphi 217 [38]
User:Eleland 109 [39]
User:Tiddly Tom 371 [40] multiple errors per signature
User:HighInBC 88 [41] misnested bold, small & sup tags; I replaced "<" with "{" and ">" with "}" in the embedded nowiki tags below.
<small>[[User talk:HighInBC|<b style="color:Green">HighInBC</b>]] <small><sup>Need help? '''{nowiki}((ping|HighInBC)){/nowiki}</small></sup>'''</small>
Article for deletion notices 69 [42] misnested bolding tags
'''Relisting due to insufficient votes.</span>'''
User:HostBot 4,400 [43] with small span closed by /small /span (instead of /span /small). A better search may be needed.
User:Danielfolsom 114 [44]
<small>[[User:Danielfolsom|<span style="color: #CCFF99; background: #003300">daniel]][[User_talk:Danielfolsom|<span style="color:#FFCCCC; background:#660000">folsom]][[Special:Contributions/Danielfolsom|<span style="color:#FFFFCC; background:#333300">&nbsp;©]]</span></span></span></small>
User:Lilac Soul 620 [45] including many AFDs, which are transcluded, so fixes count double. Misnested sup tag; swap the final span and sup tags:
<span id="Lilac Soul" class="plainlinks" style="color:#002bb8">[[User:Lilac Soul|Lilac Soul]] <sup>([[User talk:Lilac Soul|talk]] <small></small> [[Special:Contributions/Lilac Soul|contribs]] <small></small> [ Soul))&wiki=wikipedia&lang=en  <span style="color:#002bb8">count</span>])</span></sup>
User:Ingoolemo 312 [46]
User:RickK 858 [47]
[[User:RickK|Rick]]'''[[User talk:RickK|K''']]
User:KDS4444 112 [48]
[[User:KDS4444|<span style="font-family:Verdana;"> <span style="color:midnightblue">'''KDS'''</span><span style="color:steelblue">'''4444'''</span>]][[User talk:KDS4444|<span style="color:limegreen"><sup>''Talk''</sup></span></span>]]
User:Winged Blades of Godric 130 [49] two misnested span tags per signature.
User:Hewhoamareismyself 965 [50]
User:Ernst Stavro Blofeld 300 [51] Each signature contains four Linter errors.
Wikipedia:Esperanza 200 [52] with misnested span tag
[[Wikipedia:Esperanza|<span style="color:green;cursor:crosshair;">e]]</span>
User:Eyesnore 2,300 [53] with misnested span tag
User:Mr RD 200 [54] with misnested bold/span tags at the end of the signature.
User:Horatius 400 [55] with a misnested span tag at the end of the signature
User:Xp54321 290 [56] with misnested font tags; four Linter errors per signature.
User:Jergling 140 [57] with misnested sub tag at the end of the signature.
User:Sturmgewehr88 180 [58] misnested span tag at the end of the signature.
User:STATicVapor 512 [59] misnested u and bold tags at the end of the signature.
User:Outriggr 167 [60] misnested font tag at the end of the signature.
User:NonsensicalSystem 837 [61] misnested span tag needs to be moved inside brackets
Wikipedia Meetup LA message 395 [62] with seven Linter errors per message
<center>'''Sunday, February 24, 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
The Ace Hotel (DTLA)
929 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90015'''</center>

For more details or to sign up, see [[Wikipedia:Meetup/LA/Wikipedia Day LA 2019|Wikipedia Day LA]], or RSVP via [ Eventbrite.]

Everyone is welcome! We hope to see you there.  [[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 22:00, 18 February 2019 (UTC) 
'''<center><small>Join our Facebook group [ here], and follow us on [ Twitter ].<br>
To opt out of future mailings about LA meetups, please remove your name from [[Wikipedia:Meetup/LA/Invites|this list]].</small></center>'''
There are similar messages, often on the same talk page, and each with half a dozen Linter errors, like this message
<center>'''Friday, April 27, 2018, 9:00-5:00<br>
[[Bob Hope Patriotic Hall]], 1816 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90015. </center>

<center>We hope to see you there!  [[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 04:09, 25 April 2018 (UTC) </center>

'''<center><small>Join our Facebook group [ here], and follow us on [ Twitter ].<br>
To opt out of future mailings about LA meetups, please remove your name from [[Wikipedia:Meetup/LA/Invites|this list]].</small></center>'''

Misnested tag with different rendering in HTML5 and HTML4 (high priority)

Stripped tags

User Number of pages Search link Notes Example
User:OccultZone 973 [63] two errors per signature
[[User:OccultZone|'''<span style="color:DarkBlue;">Occult</span><span style="color:blue;">Zone''']] <small>([[User talk:OccultZone#Top|Talk]][[Special:Contributions/OccultZone|Contributions]][[Special:Log/OccultZone|Log]])</small></span>
User:Seraphim System 480 [64]
[[User:Seraphim System|<span style="font-family:Candara; color:#cc00cc; text-shadow:#b3b3cc 0.2em 0.2em 0.4em;">'''Seraphim System'''</span>]] <sup>([[User talk:Seraphim System|<span style="color:#009900">talk]])</span></sup>
User:Editorofthewiki 261 [65] stripped </span> at the end of the signature + obsolete font tags
~'''''[[User:Editorofthewiki|<font color="#F900">EDDY</font>]]'' <sup>([[User talk:Editorofthewiki|<font color="Green">talk</font>]]/[[Special:Contributions/Editorofthewiki|<font color="Green">contribs</font>]])</sup>'''</span>~
User:Editorofthewiki 264 [66] stripped </span> at the end of the signature; no obsolete font tags
~'''''[[User:Editorofthewiki|<span style="color: #F90000;">EDDY</span>]]'' <sup>([[User talk:Editorofthewiki|<span style="color: Green;">talk</span>]]/[[Special:Contributions/Editorofthewiki|<span style="color: Green;">contribs</span>]])</sup>'''</span>~
User:Versace1608 330 [67] stripped </font></big> tags before the talk page
'''[[User:Versace1608|<span style="color:red;">V</span><span style="color:blue;">e</span><span style="color:black;">r</span><span style="color:green;">s</span><span style="color:#FFBF00;">a</span><span style="color:black;">c</span><span style="color:red;">e</span><span style="color:#8B0000;">1</span><span style="color:#253529;">6</span><span style="color:#EA3C53;">0</span><span style="color:#4F7942;">8</span>]] '''</font></big>[[User_Talk:Versace1608|((Font color|white|#3C1414|'''(Talk)'''))]]
User:Gloss 140 [68] – stripped </span> at the end of the signature
'''[[User:Gloss|<span style="font-family:Arial;color:#000080">G</span>]][[User talk:Gloss|<span style="font-family:Arial;color:#007BA7">loss</span>]]'''</span>
User:Saedon 225 [69] one missing font end tag and one stripped font tag in each signature sample fix
User:SRX 362 [70] stripped font tags preventing bots from fixing font tags on the page
User:Diligent Terrier 472 [71] stripped </font> at end of signature
[[User:Diligent Terrier|Diligent]] [[User talk:Diligent Terrier|<span style="color:orange">'''Terrier'''</span>]] <small>[[User:Diligent Terrier/Autographs|(and friends)]]</small></font>
User:Randfan 57 [72] each signature has 12 errors. Here's one example signature; there may be other variants
</font>[[Special:Contributions/Randfan|<font color=black>:</font>]][[User:Randfan/accomplishments|<font color=black>)</font>]]</font> </font>&mdash;<font style="background:white">[[user:Randfan|<font color=darkblue face=Vivaldi size="1">Rand]][[user talk:Randfan|</font><font color=darkred face=Times New Roman size="1">fan</font>]]<font color:#fff;" style="background:lightpink" size="4">[[User:Randfan/links|!</font>]][[User:Randfan/Esperanza|<font face=FlutedGermanica color=green style="background:pink" size="4">!</font>]]</font></font></font>
User:Jacklee 369 [73]
tr tags 246 [74] 6 per page
div tag in "Welcome to Wikipedia" after ((lang|fa|...)) 8711 [75]
User:Cliff smith 412 [76]
User:KartikeyaS343 246 [77]
User:Jayjg 121 [78]
[[User:Jayjg|Jayjg ]] | [[User_talk:Jayjg|<small>(Talk)</small></sup>]]
User:Orfen 148 [79] Eight Linter errors per signature, plus a pipe character that should be replaced. Some variants also have a misnested <i>...</i> tag.
<font style="arial: ridge 2px #FF0000; background-color: #000000" color=#FF0000>'''&nbsp;[[User:Orfen|<font color=#ff0000><font face="arial"><b><i>Orfen</i></b></font></font>]]&nbsp;'''</font><sup><small>[[User_Talk:Orfen|<font color=#FF0000><font face="arial"><u>User Talk</u></font></font>]]</small></sup></small> | <sub>[[Special:Contributions/Orfen|<font color=#000000><font face="arial"><b>Contribs</b></font></font>]]</sub>

<font style="arial: ridge 2px #FF0000;">'''&nbsp;[[User:Orfen|<font color=#FF0000><font face="arial"><b><i>O<span style="color:#990000;">r</span><span style="color:#660000;">f</span><span style="color:#330000;">e</span><span style="color:#000000;">n</span></b></i></font></font>]]&nbsp;'''</font><sup><small>[[User_Talk:Orfen|<font color=#FF0000><font face="arial"><u>User Talk</u></font></font>]]</small></sup></small> | <sub>[[Special:Contributions/Orfen|<font color=#000000><font face="arial"><b>Contribs</b></font></font>]]</sub>
User:Jeffrey Mall 629 [80]
User:CptViraj 133 [81] with four errors per signature. Change to:
<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">[[User:CptViraj|<b style="color:teal">Cpt<span style="color:green">Viraj</span></b>]] [[User talk:CptViraj|<b style="color:black">(Talk)</b>]]</span>
User:Status 109 [82] with a /font tag closing a span tag. Three Linter errors per signature.
User:Athaenara 158 [83] stripped font tag in signature.
"Other areas of Wikipedia" image array 355 [84] with six stripped tr tags in each section
User:L'Aquatique 126 [85] with one stripped font tag and five other font tags in each signature

Obsolete tt & strike tags

User Number of pages Search link Notes Example
<tt>...</tt> wrapping <nowiki>...</nowiki> when <code>...</code> wrapping <nowiki>...</nowiki> should be used instead 11,600 [86] There may be false positives in there; a more refined search may be needed.
tt wrapping emoticons (replace with ((mono))) 113 [87] There are no doubt more varieties of emoticons than appear in this search; a broader search finds 700 pages, with some likely false positives.
tt tags wrapping user signatures: 4,800 [88]
Strike tags wrapping a single character (including strike tags embedded in signatures) 475 [89]
Extending this to strike tags wrapping multiple characters gives 16,000 [90] (times out) this could include many unknown scenarios.
tt tags used in code example in some sort of substed editing advice 220 [91] It looks like this:
For example, instead of ''18mm'', use ''18&nbsp;mm'', which when you are editing the page, should look like: <tt>18&amp;nbsp;mm</tt>.
A signature that looks like
129 [92]
[[User:Perhelion|<tt style=
26 [93] might be more user using tt in their signature like this
<tt style=
1,793 [94] some embedded in user signatures, some not
Empty tt tag pairs that can usually, but not always, be removed 3,500 [95] Beware of tags within nowiki tags, or tags surrounded by bold or italic markup.

Missing end tags

User:C678: 150 pages

Another variation:
User:C678: 375 pages, missing an end span tag AND an end sup tag (for their talk page link). Zinnober9 (talk) 10:55, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
A more inclusive search finds 1,031 pages (and this 938-page result overlaps with the previous one; also these 189 pages and these 165 pages and these 101 pages)

<p style="clear: both; padding-top: 2em"> 

850 pages. This is present with no closing tag, and was used as a way to prevent overflow of content from above to whatever is below. ((clear)) is the modern version. Replace with ((clear)). Some instances have a trailing /p tag that does nothing and should probably generate a Linter error but does not.

Feedback request service (FRS) message, 2,000+ pages with extra italics that need removing

User:Montanabw/Xmas: 104 pages and 95 pages, both missing an ending italic.

User:Yellow Dingo: 247 pages missing bold ending tag

User Cyberbot I: 575 pages (missing span and sup end tags)

[[User:Cyberbot I|<span style="color:green;font-family:Neuropol">cyberbot I]] [[User talk:Cyberbot I|<sup style="color:green;font-family:arnprior">Notify]]<sub style="margin-left:-6.0ex;color:green;font-family:arnprior">Online</sub> 17:59, 26 March 2014 (UTC)</small>

Bruce1eetalk 00:15, 31 January 2023 (UTC)

User:Cyberbot II: at least 6,000 pages

User:Sharktopus: 191 pages, two errors per signature

User Peace and Passion: (162 pages) missing close italics at the end; the user has corrected their current signature

''([[User talk:Peace and Passion|"I'm listening...."]])

Bruce1eetalk 10:38, 10 February 2023 (UTC)

User:Bahamut0013 (118 pages with missing bold tag after closing brackets)

User:IMatthew: 476 pages; missing span tag inside the final closing brackets

Also this variant; 315 pages, with two missing span tags

[[User:iMatthew|<span style="color:#900">iMa<span style="color:#090">tth<span style="color:#4682b4">ew</span>]]

User:Glenfarclas: 770 pages, with two missing end tags per signature.

WikiProject Roads newsletters: 257 pages; replace closing div tag with a closing big tag:

<big>'''[[Wikipedia:WikiProject U.S. Roads|<span style="color:white">The U.S. Roads WikiProject</span>]] Newsletter'''</div>

Guild of Copy Editors newsletters: 568 pages; missing /p tag, also an easy center tag replacement

Guild of Copy Editors newsletter: 840 pages, missing bold tag

Missing closing span tag in substed unblock request template: 1,456 pages

User:NYCRuss: 400 pages; one misplaced span tag in each signature.

User:NJA: 1581 pages, two errors per signature.

Mass mailing about copyvio: 395 pages. Each message contains six missing /p tags and two sets of tt tags.

User:Sabrebd: 1184 pages with misplaced /span tag.

WikiProject New Jersey newsletters: missing font end tags and at least one center tag, at least 96 pages, with these patterns:

<font color="black"> |[[Image:New Jersey state seal.svg|80px]] <big> '''The WikiProject New Jersey Newsletter''' </big> <br>
<font color="black"> <center> <big> '''The WikiProject New Jersey Reboot''' </big> <br>
<font color="black"> <small>You are receiving this newsletter as a member of [[WP:NJ|WikiProject New Jersey]]. To stop receiving these messages, remove your name [[Wikipedia:WikiProject New Jersey/Newsletter/Signup|here]].</small>

Wizard message box: 46 pages; remove five stray ' markup characters to fix two errors.

User:Neranei: 436 pages; one missing /span tag per signature

WikiProject Seattle messages: 449 pages, with multiple errors per message. I found all of these on the same User talk page:

<big><center>''In the Seattle area?</center>
*You are invited to the'' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle/Wiknic/2018|Seattle Wiknic 2018]]''' ''on'' '''Saturday, August 25, 2018, noon to 3pm''' ''at the'' [[Washington Park Arboretum]]'', in the meadow area to the south of the Graham Visitors Center, approximately at'' ((Coord|47.637435|-122.293986|display=inline))''. Click'' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle/Wiknic/2018|here]]''' ''for more details!''
*We will be reviving our [[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle#Monthly meetup (reviving) Tuesday September 11, 2018, 6pm to 8pm|'''''monthly meet up''''']] on '''''Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 6pm to 8pm''''' on the second floor of ''[[Café Allegro]]''.</big>
<big><center>''In the Seattle area? You are invited to the'' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle/Wiknic/2015|Seattle Wiknic 2015]]''' ''on'' '''Sunday, July 5, 2015, 11am to 2pm''' ''at the'' [[Washington Park Arboretum]]'', in the meadow area to the south of the Graham Visitors Center, approximately at'' ((Coord|47.637435|-122.293986|display=inline))''. Click'' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle/Wiknic/2015|here]]''' ''for more details!''</center></big>
<big><center>''In the Seattle area?  Edit Wikipedia or'' [[Wikipedia:Wikimedia sister projects|Wikimedia sister projects]]''? You are invited to help. Come to our first '' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle#July 27, 2015 Meetup to revitalize & prioritize WikiProject Seattle, 6pm to 9pm|Meetup to revitalize & prioritize WikiProject Seattle]]''' ''on July 27, 2015, 6pm to 9pm, at Café Allegro''</center></big>
{|style="border-radius: 8px; padding:5px; width:90%; font-size:100%; border: 1px solid #20BF9F;" align="center"
|<center><big>''In the Seattle area?<br/><br/>You are invited to celebrate Wikipedia's 15th anniversary at the'' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle#W15|Wikipedia 15 meetup]]''' ''in Seattle on'' '''Saturday, January 16, 2016, 12:15pm to 5pm''' ''at the [!/cmu University of Washington Communications building], Room 126.''</big><br/><br/>
|<big>''Potluck lunch''</big>
|<big>'' 1:00''</big>
|<big>''Lightning talks and presentations''</big>
<small>To unsubscribe from future messages from [[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle]], please remove your name from [[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle/Invitees|this list]]. -[[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 06:37, 12 January 2016 (UTC)</small></center>
|[[File:Wikipedia15 Animated Mark - English.gif |left |300px]]
<big><center>''In the Seattle area? You are invited to the'' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle/Wiknic/2016|Seattle Wiknic 2016]]''' ''on'' '''Saturday, July 16, 2016, noon to 3pm''' ''at the'' [[Washington Park Arboretum]]'', in the meadow area to the south of the Graham Visitors Center, approximately at'' ((Coord|47.637435|-122.293986|display=inline))''. Click'' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle/Wiknic/2016|here]]''' ''for more details!''</center></big>
<big><center>''In the Seattle area?</center></big>
<big><center>''In the Seattle area?</center>
*You are invited to the'' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle/Wiknic/2019|Seattle Wiknic 2019]]''' ''on'' '''Saturday, August 24, 2019, noon to 3pm''' ''at the'' [[Washington Park Arboretum]]'', in the meadow area to the south of the Graham Visitors Center, approximately at'' ((Coord|47.637435|-122.293986|display=inline))''. Click'' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle/Wiknic/2019|here]]''' ''for more details!''</big>
<big><center>''In the Seattle area?
We are resuming'' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle#Monthly meetups resume, Tuesday 17 May 2022, 5:45pm to 7:45pm|Seattle monthly meetups]]''' ''on'' '''Tuesday, May 17, 2022, 5:45pm to 7:45pm''' at the '''((tq|Distant Worlds Coffeehouse))'''. For the address and to RSVP, please click'' '''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle#Monthly meetups resume, Tuesday 17 May 2022, 5:45pm to 7:45pm|here]]'''.</center></big>
<big><center>''In the Seattle area?'' We are resuming '''''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle#Monthly meetups resume, Tuesday Tue Mar 21, 2023 5:45pm – 7:45pm (PDT)|Seattle monthly meetups]]''''' on '''''Tuesday, March 21, 2022, 5:45pm to 7:45pm''''' at the '''''((tq|Distant Worlds Coffeehouse))''''' as they have resumed their normal operating hours at their new location. For the address and to RSVP, please click '''''[[Wikipedia:Meetup/Seattle#Monthly meetups resume, Tuesday Tue Mar 21, 2023 5:45pm – 7:45pm (PDT)|here]]'''''.</center></big>

User:Nowyouseeme: 96 pages with two misplaced bold tags

User:Jenova20: 315 pages; misplaced closing span tag

User:Aranda56: 616 pages with stray italic markup and a pipe that should be replaced. Signature starts like this:

--[[User:Aranda56|JAranda]]'' | [[User talk:Aranda56

User:Equazcion: 101 pages, often with multiple signatures per page, and three errors per signature; misplaced /font tag at end of signature. Here's one variety:

'''<font face="Century Gothic" style="text-shadow:1px 1px 3px #999;">[[User:Equazcion|<span style="color:#008;">Equazcion</span>]] <small>[[User talk:Equazcion|<sup>(<span style="color:#007BA7">talk</span>)</sup>]]</small>''' 21:14, 16 May 2012 (UTC)</font>

User:Milk's Favorite Cookie: 120 pages; mismatched bold and italics

User:Vantine84: 193 pages; closing /font tag in the wrong place:

[[User:Vantine84|<font color="#000000">Levi van Tine]] ([[User talk:Vantine84|t]] – [[Special:Contributions/Vantine84|c]])</font>

User:AutomaticStrikeout: 192 pages and 194 pages; missing /span tag inside brackets.

Some of them also have misplaced bold markup:

[[User:AutomaticStrikeout|<span style="color:Blue">'''Automatic</span><span style="color:Orange">''Strikeout'''''</span>]]

User:MrADHD: 92 pages; misplaced span tags:

[[User:MrADHD|<span style="color:blue">MrADHD]] | [[User_talk:MrADHD|''T@1k?''</span>]]

User yousaf465: 394 pages; bolding not closed properly around user name; the talk page section has no output text

[[User:yousaf465|<span style="font-family:Lucida Handwriting Italic;color:#9B30FF">'''yousaf465'</span>]][[User talk:yousaf|<span style="font-family:Lucida Handwriting Italic;color:#63B8FF"></span>]]

User:Flat Out: 1,900 pages (about 40 more are in this search); each signature has missing bold markup and some contain a font tag:

[[User:Flat Out|'''<span style="color:blue;">Flat Out</span>]] [[User talk:Flat Out|<font color="red"><span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">'''''let's discuss it'''''</span></font>]]

There are other variations:

[[User:Flat Out|'''<span style="color:blue;">Flat Out</span>]] [[User talk:Flat Out|<span style="color:blue;"><span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">'''''let's discuss it'''''</span></span>]]

Another variation with a missing close italics and a redundant bolding markup:

[[User:Flat Out|<span style="color:blue;">Flat Out</span>]]'''&nbsp;'''''<span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;color:red">[[User talk:Flat Out|talk to me]]</span>

User:Carolmooredc: 56 pages with misnested tags reporting as a missing end tag, and 117 pages with a missing end tag:

<small>'''[[User:Carolmooredc|Carolmooredc]]  ([[User talk:Carolmooredc|Talkie-Talkie]])</small>'''
''[[User:Carolmooredc|CarolMooreDC]] - <small>[[User talk:Carolmooredc|talkie talkie]]</small><big>🗽</big>
''[[User:Carolmooredc|CarolMooreDC]] - <small>[[User talk:Carolmooredc|talk to me<big>🗽</big>]]</small> 

"Check for autoblocks" message: 1,400 pages with missing /span tag:

<small> '''Unblocking administrator''': Please check for <span class="plainlinks">[ active autoblocks] on this user after accepting the unblock request.</small>

User:the_ed17: 500 pages; each signature has multiple font tags, and many variants have misplaced or stripped bold or /font markup.

User:Heironymous Rowe: 1,040 pages

User:Ssven2: 190 pages. Stripped italic markup example:

[[User:Ssven2|<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;color:green">Ssven2</span>]] [[User talk:Ssven2|<sup><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;color:#E30022">Speak 2 me</span>''</sup>]]

User:Sirex98: 244 pages; two Linter errors per signature

User:Mastrchf: 254 pages; two errors per signature

List of United States senators in the nth Congress: 75 pages; all article-space pages with bolding markup at end of line that can be removed

|+U.S. Senate seniority'''

User:DCI2026: 124 pages; opening and closing span tags in the wrong place:

[[User:DCI2026|''<span style="color:#0f0">DCI</span>''<span style="color:#0000f1">]]''[[User talk:DCI2026|talk]]''</span>

User:MarcusBritish: 332 pages; stray or misnested bold markup, and multiple font tags per signature. Here's one example:

'''[[User:MarcusBritish|<font color="#003399">Ma<font color="#CC0000">®©</font>usBr<font color="#CC0000">iti</font>sh</font>''']]

User:Wayne Slam: 273 pages

Various errors including missing small tag 487 pages

<center><font face="Times New Roman" size=7><small style="color:black;white-space:nowrap;text-shadow:grey  0.1em 0.1em 0.15em;">W e l c o m e</font></font></center>

Here's a sample fix for this welcome template (from the top through moving the collapse bottom template; ignore the bold tag changes at the end)

User Just zis Guy, you know?: 126 pages; replace </font> with </span>

[[User:Just zis Guy, you know?|Just zis <span style="border: 1px; border-style:solid"> Guy,</font> you know?]]

User:Timbouctou: 377 pages:

([[User talk:Timbouctou|''<span style='font-family: Georgia, serif; color:#639;'><em>talk</em></span>]])

User:Asics: 97 pages; three errors per signature

User:JodyB: 512 pages; three Linter errors per signature

User Asukite: 402 pages: missing close bolding tag

{<sub>[[Special:Contributions/Asukite|C]]</sub> <span style="font-family:Bradley Hand ITC;">[[User:Asukite|'''<span style="color:Purple;font-size:medium"> <b>A S U</b> K I T E  </span>]]</span><sup>[[User talk:Asukite|T]]</sup>}

User:GSorby: 104 pages with two Linter errors per signature

Template:Puf bottom: 700 pages with missing italic markup before the closing div tag.

Question "What would you like to change about that?" missing closing italics: 800+ pages

Opening center tag that should be a closing center tag, from WikiProject Holidays message: 300 pages

User "Sandbox Organiser" pages; 56 pages, with 30+ Linter errors per page. This search is limited to User space; there may be similar clusters of errors in other namespaces.

I''ve and similar typos: Here's one search, resulting in 55 pages.

User:Abelmoschus Esculentus: 920 pages; each signature has three missing span tags.

((#ifeq:|true|==|))'''Welcome!''' <small>(''We can't say that loudly enough!'')</small>((#ifeq:|true|==|''')) 2963 pages

Welcome message: 243 pages with two missing bold tags and a missing Template:col-end in each welcome message.

User:Riana's welcome message: 3,100 pages with missing bold end markup

Obsolete center tags


Many pages with picture galleries are prefixed with a center tag.

This is a typical configuration, with zero or more gallery parameters (over 330 pages):

<center><gallery "param1" "param2" ...>
Files ...

Another configuration is (over 500 pages):

<gallery "param1" "param2" ...>
Files ...

Other configurations could include:

Note that the gallery parameter class="center" won't work if "perrow" is used (see Help:Gallery tag#Center).

I don't know how easy this would be to automate. Finding the closing center tag may be a little tricky. —Bruce1eetalk 13:53, 8 February 2022 (UTC)

I think this will need a supervised run. Will keep this for later. ಮಲ್ನಾಡಾಚ್ ಕೊಂಕ್ಣೊ (talk) 14:41, 8 February 2022 (UTC)

Halloween cheer message: 114 pages

WP Yorkshire newsletters: 811 pages. center tag with no closing tag, often with a font tag on the same line.

Featured picture promotion: 798 pages

WikiProject Saskatchewan newsletters (more!): center tags, stripped center tags, broken table formatting, and formatting in headers:

! <div style="margin: 0; background-color:#cedff2; font-family: sans-serif; font-size:100%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding-left:0.4em; padding-top: 0.2em; padding-bottom: 0.2em;">Looking forward toward more contributions from you! Happy Editing!!</div>
{| class="plainlinks"
| colspan="2" valign="middle" style="width: 60%; border: 3px #cef2e0 solid; background-color: #f5fffa; padding: 1em;" |
<div class="center" style="font-size:large;">'''Navigation:'''<br></div>
<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 100%; float: center; clear: right;">
[[Wikipedia:WikiProject Saskatchewan/Outreach|Archives]]  | 
[[Wikipedia:WikiProject_Saskatchewan/Newsletter/Newsletter_tip_line|Tip Line]]  | 
[[Wikipedia:WikiProject_Saskatchewan/Newsletter/Newsletter_editors|Editors]]  | 
[[Wikipedia:WikiProject_Saskatchewan/Newsletter/Subcribers|Subscribers]]  | 
! style="background-color: #f5fffa; border: 2px #336600 solid; text-align: center; " |[[File:Snow flake icon.png|42px]][[Wikipedia:WikiProject Saskatchewan|WikiProject Saskatchewan Volume 3, Issue 12 - December 2009]][[File:Snow flake icon.png|42px]]<br />[[Wikipedia:WikiProject Saskatchewan/Newsletter/November 2009|Previous Issue]] |  [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Saskatchewan/Newsletter/January 2010|Next Issue]] | In this issue:<BR>
Season's Greetings and a cup of tea  | Scavenger hunt   | Assessment analysis | Portal Saskatchewan  |  <span style="color:Red;">([[Wikipedia:WikiProject Saskatchewan/Newsletter/January 2010|<span style="color:red;">January 2010!</span>]] - Post your news years resolution)</span>'''
{| class="plainlinks"
| colspan="2" valign="middle" style="width: 60%; border: 3px #cef2e0 solid; background-color: #f5fffa; padding: 1em;" |
<div class="center" style="font-size:large;">'''Navigation:'''<br></div>
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[[Wikipedia:WikiProject Saskatchewan/Outreach|Archives]]  | 
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[[Wikipedia:WikiProject_Saskatchewan/Newsletter/Subcribers|Subscribers]]  | 

And much more in a similar vein....

Centered images: 5,800 pages with code like:

<center>[[File:Giuseppe Conte 2019 Official.jpg|80px]]</center>

and 1,500 pages using Image:, like this:


These tags can be replaced by |center inside the brackets, unless |center is already present, in which case the tags can be removed. There are probably other degenerate cases, like if |left or |right or |none are present, which should probably be skipped and left for humans to fix.

center tag wrapping the unnamed parameter of ((Archive box)): 81 pages; ((center|1=<nowiki/>...)) appears to be the only replacement that works reliably; this may need a supervised run to ensure that the contents of the unnamed parameter do not disappear from the rendered page

Empty center tags (remove except where wrapped in nowiki or other demonstration markup): 540 pages

Center tags wrapping (or partially wrapping with missing end tag) a table of images (15–20 errors per table): 100+ pages

Invalid font tags

This section is for font tags with invalid formatting that is unlikely to be found and replaced using normal regular expressions. This includes font tags using attributes other than "color", "face", or "size". Note that "font id=foo" works as an anchor like "span id=foo" and was apparently valid HTML, so those might need to be converted to span tags.

User:Eupator: 90 pages, invalid hex code in font color

font color with seven or more hex characters in the color string: 400 pages, but the search times out. There are probably more.

font color with non-hex characters in an apparent color specification (in the second through penultimate character): 289 pages, but the search times out. There are probably more.

Related: font color with non-hex characters in an apparent color specification (in the final character): 14 pages, probably more.

Invalid tag <font-family>: 41 pages; search times out

Invalid tag <font family=...> (instead of "face"): 2,700 pages or more

Invalid attribute in font tag (does not start with "c", "i", "s", or "f" for "color", "id", "style", or "face"; this search could be better), or newline after "font" within tag: 800+ pages

Closing font tags with "face=", which bot regexes might not be detecting: 94 pages

Closing font tags with "color=", which bot regexes might not be detecting: 500+ pages

Invalid <font=3>: 697 pages

Invalid <font color=font color=: 64 pages

Useless <font face=""> (delete tags): 317 pages

Useless <font color=""> (delete tags): 128 pages