A Brief History of Time (MArcane Time)


I think this is the simplest way to start my page, as it explains so much about me. It may even be the underlying motivation for my Wiki tendancies!
\Lex`i*PHAN'i*cism\ n. The use of pretentious words, language, or style.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

There is a subconscious negative connotation to the term that I object to. The lexiphanacist should wear his badge with honor!

Less Abstruse Info About Me

I was born the son of a poor Filipino merchant. I remember I would sit on the stoop of my tenament brownstone on the lower East Side. I was...I was crying! (obscure reference)
Seriously, though, I currently work for a children's publisher in Manhattan. I live just across the East River in Brooklyn. I was born in the mid-seventies, so do the math if my age really interests you that much. I didn't grow up in NYC, as implied above. I'm an air force brat, so I've been all over the durned place.
So in short...IBM, CBS, RCA, the CIA, the FBI, the NBA, A&P, NBC, ABC, R. Crumb, and CPO Sharky. Ya see? They're all the same. And what do I think? I think if life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Good night, and may God bless! (another obscure reference...though not that obscure a reference, actually...obviously a quote from the work in progress, Robot on the Run...)