'Ana Puig Bio' new article content

Ana Puig was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and moved to the United States with her family at age 14. She is a graduate of Baylor University where she earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Marketing and International Business in 1994. As a Senior Marketing Analyst, she worked for AMR Corporation before becoming a stay-at-home mom to her children. Not only has he travelled extensively but has also lived in England for three years as an expatriate wife. Ana has a passion for politics, writing, and languages.

Since 2009, Ana has become highly involved with several grassroots organizations. As a leader in the Tea Party Movement and Co-Chair of the Kitchen Table Patriots (KTP), she works on a daily basis coordinating with these groups across the country.

KTP is a non-profit, non-partisan political action organization. Through her innovative accomplishments, Ana has brought KTP to the forefront in the media. She has spoken many times at political events including FreedomWorks 9/12 and Eagle Forum Conferences throughout the country about her own experiences and their correlation to what is happening in the United States today. Through her activism, she has taken bus loads of activists to both Harrisburg and Washington, D.C., has been a panelist in various Healthcare townhalls and has infiltrated progressive townhalls as well.

In January 2010, KTP organized a congressional candidates’ forum where Ana lobbied for an open primary in Bucks County. She also ran and won as Precinct Committee Woman in May of 2010. During the mid-term election of 2010, Ana partnered with American Majority Action (AMA) and ran a successful “get out the vote” from Liberty Headquarters in Doylestown, PA.

Ana is a frequent guest on the Neil Cavuto show and has authored numerous op-ed pieces. She has been quoted on FoxNews.com, in the press, and in blogs and was featured in the Hit piece, the “Rise of The New Right” by Chris Mathews, on MSNBC. As one of the prime supporters of School Choice, Ana’s determination is to push for School Choice reform in PA in conjunction with Governor Tom Corbett. Ana resides in the greater Philadelphia area with her husband and four children.

