Which article are you evaluating?


Intercultural communication(Provide a link to the article here.)

Why you have chosen this article to evaluate?


(Briefly explain why you chose it, why it matters, and what your preliminary impression of it was.)

I am a communication student, and also an international student. Studying abroad can expose me to a variety of cultures, so I want to better understand how people from different cultures communicate across cultures.

Evaluate the article


(Compose a detailed evaluation of the article here, considering each of the key aspects listed above. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what a useful Wikipedia article evaluation looks like.)

1. This article talks about various aspects of intercultural communication, each of which is related to intercultural communication. In some areas such as the "True Intercultural Communication" section can be explained in more detail and give relevant examples

2. This article covers all aspects of intercultural communication, not just focusing on one angle, it is neutral.

3. Each reference link in the article is valid and can be browsed to the relevant content. Relevant publication information is available for each cited source, citing articles by multiple different authors.