Benefits of Studying Abroad

Study Abroad Defined

Study abroad is the act of a student pursuing educational opportunities in a foreign country. Typically classes taken while studying abroad award credits transferable to higher education institutions in the home country. However, students may pursue these opportunities at any age and may not require college credit. Students studying abroad may live in a dormitory or apartment with other students or with a "host family", a group of people who live in that country and agree to provide student lodging.

Length of study can range from one week, usually during a domestic break, to an academic year.

Why should students study abroad?

As U.S. corporations are positioning themselves for international competition, the demand for cross-culturally competent employees is on the rise. However, reports show that U.S. students lack cross-cultural skills, prompting these employers to recruit international students. (www.northwestern)

For U.S. students studying abroad could be job security in the near future. Now more than ever, the world we live in is interconnected. With globalization full steam ahead it is now important to become “global citizens,” meaning being skilled at interacting in and between multiple cultures and being capable of analyzing issues on a global level. (www.frontiersjournal)

Studying abroad will give students new perspectives, and provide then with invaluable experience. Many students are motivated by fun and travel, they want to “see the world.” However now the focus is to add some international spice to the resume in a competitive and global job market. (www.csmonitor)

“International education prepares our citizens to live, work, and compete in the global economy, and promotes tolerance and the reduction of conflict. [….][I]t is important for American students to learn other languages, experience foreign cultures, and develop a broad understanding of global issues.” -Colin Powell, U.S. Secretary of State, Department of State

What are the benefits of studying abroad?

As a unique and life changing experience, students who study abroad will grow personally, educationally, and professionally. The majority of students report that studying abroad has: Ø Increased self-confidence Ø Increased maturity, intellectually and personally Ø Provided a better understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses Ø Sparked a desire to learn more about their own culture (www.diversityabroad.)

Students who study abroad will enhance their formal education with opportunities to study a variety of subjects in more depth and from different cultural perspectives. Also the daily interaction students have with foreign culture outside of the classroom enhances their learning. And many study abroad programs will give U.S. students the opportunity to achieve proficiency in a foreign language.

Not only can students have the experience of a lifetime, but they are getting academic credit as well. It is a win-win situation.

Lastly studying abroad will greatly benefit a student’s professional career. As stated above many companies are going global, and the job market is extremely competitive. A study abroad experience on your resume will help distinguish you from your peers. Employers will value the qualities you develop abroad, such as: Ø Willingness and readiness to adapt new environments Ø Ability to look at a situation from different perspectives Ø Understanding of diverse cultures Ø Self-confidence and an ability to take risks (www.transitionsabroad)

In a study done by the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES), alumni from all IES study abroad programs from 1950 to 1999 were surveyed on their experiences abroad. The data showed that studying abroad is usually a defining moment in a young persons life, and will impact their life for years after the experience. (


What are the opportunities to study abroad?

If a student is interested in studying abroad they should start researching as early as possible. There are many program options available. Students can go abroad for as little as a month or a long as a year or more. There are so many school options available students can go almost anywhere. Most colleges and universities recommend students go abroad during their junior years, so the research process should really begin during their freshman year so a good decision can be made.

The best resource is a student’s home university; they should talk to their counselor, advisor, ect, as soon as they think they want to go abroad. With proper planning and preparation, the study abroad experience can truly be life changing. Many students that have had the chance to study abroad consistently say their international experience was one of the best parts of their college careers.