LARC, an acronym for Lutherans, Anglicans (Episcopalians), Roman Catholics[1]

LARCUM, an acronym for Lutheran/Anglican/Roman Catholic/United Methodist[2]

The Roman Catholic reforms of Vatican II opened up dialogue between Catholics, Lutherans and Episcopalians in the 1960s. One of the earliest and most successful groups responding to the ecumenical movement started meeting in Hampton, VA in 1974.[3] Representatives from Lutheran, Anglican and Roman Catholic (LARC) churches in Virginia began talks in 1974 that uncovered many similarities amid their differences and led to “A Call into Covenant." The preamble stated, "Unity is a Gospel imperative for the churches, not simply an option"[4]

The Hampton group evolved into the LARC planning committee in 1984, which formulated a LARC covenant between the three faiths in 1990. The covenant states that churches from all three denominations will pray for each other during Sunday services, promote pulpit exchanges and encourage other interfaith activities.[5]

An annual conference begun, in 1984 with the formation of the Virginia LARC Planning Committee, has been of great value for ecumenical formation, understanding and cooperation across Virginia. With the addition of the United Methodist tradition in 2006 that formed LARCUM, members of congregations, pastors and bishops from eight judicatories[6] in Virginia and Washington D.C. now come together as seekers and partners for prayer, worship, learning and dialogue to further our Lord’s charge to his followers that “all may be one.”[7]

The eight Virginia judicatories are:

   * Catholic Diocese of Arlington
   * Catholic Diocese of Richmond
   * Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
   * Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia
   * Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia
   * Metro DC Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
   * Virginia Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
   * Virginia Conference United Methodist Church

Together, they have written a 20-point Covenant[8] that details many types of cooperation among these four Christian denominations.

Unity is important to the churches and their followers because Jesus Christ prayed "that all may be one" the night before he died.[9] (John 17:21-23)[10]



LARCUM of Virginia

LARCUM of Central Pennsylvania

LARCUM of South Carolina

LARCUM of other judicatories